"Wryneck" tells the name of a disease about the nature of pathology which consists in deformation of a neck and establishment of the wrong position of the head. In structure of inborn defects of a musculoskeletal system the wryneck at newborns takes the third place, conceding only to a clubfoot and dislocations of a hip.
Are the reasons of an inborn wryneck: existence of chronic diseases at the woman in labor and the specific provision of a fruit during incubation. The acquired wryneck of the newborn child arises after a birth trauma, diseases of a peripheral nervous system or burns.
The major provocative factor of pathology are childbirth during which often there is an injury of muscles of a shoulder girdle, cervical vertebrae and a neck. As a result at the child blood circulation of a brain is broken, there are spasms of muscles and severe muscular pains. To adapt to similar conditions, the head of the kid accepts specific situation with the subsequent curvature of cervical department of a backbone. If in time not to take care of adequate treatment, the spastic wryneck at newborns leads to redistribution of load of a bone tissue, change of cervical vertebrae, decrease in depreciation function of a backbone.
As the wryneck is connected with disturbance of normal blood circulation, at children asymmetry of the person and skull can develop. Besides, under the influence of adverse changes the child begins to suffer from neurocirculatory dystonia and a vertebro-bazillyarny disease. Also it worsens sight. In the started cases the wryneck at babies leads to hydrocephaly and early neurologic pathologies.
It is necessary to take all necessary measures for treatment of the kid because over time he will begin to sit down and go, and it will increase load of cervical vertebrae and will aggravate decrease in depreciation function of a backbone. In the absence of treatment the wryneck provokes change of a shape of a backbone and emergence of such diseases as a kyphosis or scoliosis.
As for optimum time the lecheiya, is considered the best age for medical and recovery procedures the period up to 6-7 months. It is connected with the fact that within the first months of life cervical vertebrae only just begin to form and therefore it is easy to influence them for achievement of a positive take. Let's notice also that it is desirable to get rid of a wryneck before maturing of a nervous system, development of the speech and sight, that is besides to 6-month age.
Dear parents, we tell all this in order that you understood – you should not wait for a miracle and to waste precious time. The newborn's wryneck will never pass by itself, and here muscles can lose easily the elasticity, and then their operational section becomes the only available method of treatment. You should not lead up before as an anesthesia, postoperative hems and cosmetic defects will not bring to your child any benefit.
Medical and recovery procedures begin right after statement of the exact diagnosis. As a rule, in the first days to the little patient appoint a physical therapy course – 20 sessions of an eletroforez with ronidazy or lidazy, and then two more courses every 1,5 month.
Along with physical therapy the corrective gymnastics is carried out. Its essence is in that the child as often as possible changed position of the head. For this purpose it is spread on a stomach, offered the kid of a rattle from the different parties and change the provision of a head in a bed. The main task - to activate the movements of cervical department that the wryneck did not fix a muscle. With the same purpose tonic massage of a sick half of the face is carried out, but you remember that it is impossible to allow stretching of sore muscles because of danger of emergence of cicatricial process.
If the started wryneck is diagnosed for the child, treatment often is based on surgical intervention. Operations are shown from 3-year age and, as a rule, take place without special complications.
In recent years in domestic clinics the newest modern techniques of treatment of a wryneck are even more often applied. Kinesiology belongs to their number, for example. It means softer, sparing procedures, than manual therapy and therefore gained rather big distribution. Except kinesiology, doctors use a girudoterapiya and reflexotherapy which are perfectly transferred even by the most small children.
Despite the achieved success in business of treatment of a wryneck, we want to note once again – only the timely address to the doctor will be the correct decision of parents, it is easier to prevent any unpleasant effects, than to treat.
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