Corn represents an annual plant from family of cereals which is subdivided into 9 types: siliceous, sugar, bursting, odontoid, semi-odontoid, mealy, starchy and sugar, wax-like and filmy.
Corn is a high annual plant which has height to 6 m, the developed root system and forms buttress roots which do not allow a plant to fall on stalks.
Corn leaves large up to 1 meter long and up to 10 cm wide. Men's flowers of a plant are collected in whisks, and women's – in ears. On one plant 2-3 ears which length is from 5 to 40 cm. The form of corn grain is various, it can be extended, as at wheat, or cubic, as at other cereals. In each ear to 700 grains which sizes and a form are various at different grades of corn.
The cultivated plant corn was for the first time grown up in the territory of Mexico about 7 thousand years ago. The first grains of corn which were dated 2700 BC were found in the State of Oaxaca. At that time corncobs were several times less.
Modern scientists have several versions of an origin of this plant:
Scientists established that the advantage of corn is high, and she played an important role in development of North and South America as many American tribes are obliged by the blossoming to this cereal.
The advantage of corn is high as this plant is a source of the whole complex of useful elements. Starch, vitamins of the PP, B and C group, and also such useful substances as magnesium, phosphorus, copper, nickel and potassium are its part.
Corncobs contain about 3% of fat oil and to 0,5% of essential oil, and also ascorbic acid, stigmasterol, saponins, glikozidopodobny substances and pantothenic acid.
Caloric content of corn and its grains differs. In one glass of grains of corn about 69 kcal. and 2 g of cellulose, and in boiled grains – 88 kcal. and 2,3 g of a .kletchatka, and also vitamin E, ascorbic and folic acid.
Corn caloric content in one ear makes 123 kcal., and also 4 гр proteins, 2 g of fats and 21,5 g of carbohydrates.
Corn since the beginning of the existence in Latin America began to be used in the medical purposes. Useful properties of corn were proved by various scientific research.
Corn stigmas dry at a temperature of 40 degrees and use as medicine which contains ascorbic acid, essential oil, pitches, vitamin K, and also has antiinflammatory, diuretic and cholagogue properties.
The international medical researches revealed high recreational properties of corn and extract from it. In Russia and other European countries liquid extract of corn is applied to treatment of hepatitis, a cholangitis, cholecystitis, an urolithiasis and as styptic medicine.
Germs of corn contain more than 50% of fat oil from which the extract applied as dietary means and to prevention of atherosclerosis, a diabetes mellitus and treatment of excess weight is created.
Corn oil contains about 80% of fatty acids and 1 g of phosphates. These components are useful substances for regulation of metabolic processes in a human body, and also for cholesterol exchange normalization.
Corn oil is appointed to people with the atherosclerosis predisposed to thrombogeneses and having the weakened immunity.
Corn has high flavoring properties and great culinary opportunities. Ears of a plant are eaten, creating various dishes. Tinned corn is used for first courses, salads and pizza.
From cornmeal cook various porridges, puddings, fritters and other types of pastries. Thanks to high quality of cornmeal pastries become friable and tasty. Grains of corn can be used as a garnish or an independent dish with various drinks and yogurts.
This plant gained distribution at the beginning of the 17th century in Moldavian cuisine as food for poor segments of the population, and late all categories estimated advantage of corn. Now from it prepare a traditional Moldavian hominy, and also use in soups, garnishes, porridges and confectionery.
On the basis of corn in Argentina prepare a set of national dishes, including тамалес, локро and a humita. In the American culture corn received wide popularity as the main ingredient for preparation of popcorn and a korn-mastiff. In Mexico traditional national flat cake from corn with a stuffing is appreciated.
In China corn appeared in the 17th century, and began to do flour which goes on the Chinese pampushkas and cakes of it. Such confectionery were especially loved by the Chinese emperors. Now in China from corn cook salads, garnishes and pastries.
Scientific research established that the modified corn grade negatively influences a human body. Such plant is protected from wreckers, but incorporates dangerous poison which not only kills harmful insects, but also negatively influences on any living beings. Now the genetically modified grade of corn is prohibited in many countries of the world.
The use of popcorn and other types of fast food from corn can negatively influence people who are predisposed to obesity, an allergy and disbolism.
It is not necessary to use confectionery from this cereal at observance of the dietary menu and carrying out the general clarification of an organism.
According to WHO researches the daily half-hour conversation by the mobile phone increases probability of development of a tumor of a brain by 40%.
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