Night blindness, it is a hemeralopia, is a disturbance of the mechanism of adaptation of sight to conditions of the lowered lighting. The person suffering from a disease a night blindness badly sees in twilight or in complete darkness.
The disease can have inborn, symptomatic or essential character.
The most widespread kind of a disease - a night blindness of an essential look. The disease develops against the background of defective food and, first of all, in connection with a lack of vitamin A. Liver diseases, an anemia or severe exhaustion of an organism can cause a night blindness of this look. Also treatment by vitamin A drugs antagonists, for example, quinine can provoke a disease.
The night blindness of an inborn form is shown in the early childhood and provoked by genetic factors.
The symptomatic disease of a night blindness is caused by organic diseases of eyes: glaucoma, short-sightedness of high degree or pigmental pathologies of a retina of eyes.
Irrespective of an etiology of a night blindness to deterioration in sight the same reason – disturbances of a chromogenesis of rhodopsin in the dark brings in visual sticks of a retina.
At a night blindness and a lack of vitamin A of an organism at the patient the progressing decrease in sight in the dark and reduction of sensitivity of a retina to bright light is observed. At the same time at the patient decrease in color sensation develops. Quite often the correct perception of blue color suffers. Refer to symptoms of a night blindness also existence of spots in sight of the patient during his movement from the dark room to light.
"Night blindness" establishes the diagnosis the ophthalmologist on the basis of complaints of the patient, clinical symptoms of a disease, and also given to the elektroretinografiya allowing to establish anomalies of a retina.
The standard of treatment of a night blindness of an essential look is the dietotherapy. The lack of vitamins at a night blindness is compensated by the balanced high-calorific food as a part of which by all means is:
In treatment of a night blindness of an inborn form the dietotherapy is also applied. However forecast of treatment adverse. Food vitamin-rich at a night blindness of an inborn form only slightly influences quality of sight of the patient in the dark or twilight. It still observes considerable narrowing of fields of vision in the conditions of bad lighting.
The forecast of treatment of a night blindness of a symptomatic form depends on expressiveness of a basic disease. Surgical correction of short-sightedness or timely treatment of glaucoma allow to return, as a rule, to the patient qualitative sight and space orientation in the dark.
Stomatologists appeared relatively recently. In the 19th century to pull out painful teeth belonged to duties of the ordinary hairdresser.
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