The turmeric not only does our food much more tasty, impacting it refined aroma and relish, but also has many other properties, useful to a human body. It represents the plant relating to family of ginger. For preparation of spice use rhizomes which dry up and fray in the smallest powder. Powder of a turmeric has saturated yellow color and pleasant aroma. It is used as dye and spice. According to reviews the turmeric a little in what concedes to a saffron and therefore quite often it is called "the Indian saffron".
Useful properties of a turmeric are explained by high content, biologically active agents which are its part: vitamins (C, K, group B), iodine, phosphorus, calcium, iron, essential oils, terpenes and natural dyes.
The turmeric has the expressed antioxidant effect, antiinflammatory and cholagogue action. It improves digestion, makes salutary impact on activity of a gall bladder and a liver, contributes to normalization of microflora of a large intestine.
Results of the conducted scientific research showed that the turmeric normalizes processes of blood circulation and a hemopoiesis. Its regular consumption is effective prevention of a course of a disease of Alzheimer. According to reviews the turmeric is effective at anemia.
Positive properties of a turmeric are shown also at a diabetes mellitus. Treatment by a turmeric of this disease allows to achieve decrease in a daily dose of insulin or sugar-lowering synthetic drugs. In this case usually doctors recommend to patients to accept mix of a turmeric and a mummy in equal ratios.
Treatment by a turmeric is justified also at a number of acute respiratory diseases (flu, bronchitis, pharyngitis). This spice suppresses synthesis of prostaglandins which are mediators of inflammatory process and by that promotes reduction of manifestation of clinical symptoms of a disease, accelerates recovery. The turmeric at flu or quinsy is recommended to be accepted inside together with warm milk or just to keep under language to its full rassasyvaniye. At cold it is useful to inhale smoke from the burned turmeric.
According to reviews the turmeric possesses the expressed detoksikatsionny action. Therefore it can be applied to treatment of various poisonings, and also to protection of a human body during the work with various chemical reagents.
Powerful antiinflammatory properties of a turmeric allow to use it for treatment of burns, eczema, dermatitis, a skin itch, acne rash, wounds, and also various diseases of joints. For external use prepare paste from powder of a turmeric and juice of an aloe. The received paste is applied on the place of defeat and is left before full drying then it is washed away by cool water. Skin on site of putting paste can turn yellow. For elimination of this yellowness it is recommended to wipe integuments with the cotton plug which is plentifully moistened with lemon juice or kefir.
It is not necessary to use this spice too often or in large numbers to pregnant women. Also it is necessary to use with care a turmeric at reception of various medicines as it can strengthen their action.
In 2009 scientists from Tufts University established direct interrelation between weight reduction and reception of a turmeric. Also by them it was established that regular use of a turmeric for weight loss allows not only to get rid of extra kilos, but also prevents further adjournment of subcutaneous fat, i.e. it promotes stabilization of weight. This property of a turmeric is caused by the substance entering it – curcumine.
For weight loss the turmeric is recommended to accept on 3,0 g a day in three steps. It can be added to fish, meat dishes, and also to sauces or to vegetables. Because of the fact that the turmeric has specific taste not all people can at once begin to accept it in such doses. In this case nutritionists advise to reduce an initial dosage, and then gradually, in process of accustoming to taste, to increase it to necessary. According to reviews the turmeric at regular use allows to lose weight in a month by 3-5 kg.
Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.
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