Application instruction:
Meadowsweet – the grass which is widely applied in traditional medicine.
Meadowsweet (spirea) – a perennial plant from family of a rose family with white small colors in large inflorescences.
The Meadowsweet on swamps, river coast, meadows grows, blossoms from May to August.
In medicine use flowers, roots, plant leaves. Such properties of the Meadowsweet are known: antiinflammatory, the anesthetic calming, diuretic, anticonvulsant, knitting, wound healing, febrifugal.
Leaves contain tannins, flavonoids, vitamin C, carotene, anthocyans. Collect and dry up leaves during blossoming of a plant.
Flowers of the Meadowsweet contain flavonoids of routines, авикулярин, meletin, a glycoside спиреин.
The dried-up crushed vegetable raw materials.
The meadowsweet is applied at: psoriasis, cardiac hypostases, intestinal and gastric polyps, herpes, infertility, hepatitis, diseases of a stomach, kidneys, bladder, intestinal atony, quinsy, respiratory diseases, flu, asthma bronchial, oncological diseases, pneumonia, bronchitis.
Natural properties of the Meadowsweet allow to use a grass at neurologic diseases, arthritises, arthroses, rheumatism, neuritis of a facial nerve, an inflammation of a sciatic nerve, epilepsy, neuritis of a trifacial, neuralgia intercostal.
Use of the Meadowsweet is effective at ulcers trophic, for removal of heat and inflammations.
Because of the knitting Meadowsweet property it is contraindicated at locks chronic.
With caution hypotensives should take a grass (lowers pressure), to people with bad coagulability of blood, trombotsitopatiy (can provoke bleedings).
It is impossible to accept teas, Meadowsweet infusions at the revealed hypersensitivity to it, during pregnancy, at gastric ulcers, gastritises, to children to 12 l.
At a hypertension, a diabetes mellitus prepare the Meadowsweet grass infusion – fill in one tablespoon of leaves with two glasses of boiled water, insist 15 min. on the water bath, filter, accept on an empty stomach three р / day for a month.
For prevention of respiratory acute diseases prepare infusion from flowers of the Meadowsweet – fill up with them a half-liter can a half, fill in with cold boiled water, close and draw 12 h.
Three accept Meadowsweet infusion р / day on 1-2ml during epidemic. For treatment of a SARS, cold, quinsy, flu accept on one teaspoon of the same infusion 3-4r/den.
For treatment of the infertility connected with commissures and an inflammation of uterine tubes prepare collecting from flowers of the Meadowsweet, a clover, linden, narrow-leaved willow-herb. From collecting make tea and drink on 3-4st. in day (one tablespoon on a glass of boiled water).
The grass the Meadowsweet is applied at gastric, intestinal polyps, hepatitis. Two spoons of dining rooms of a grass fill in with boiled water liter, two hours insist, accept on 0,5st. 6-7r/put between meals.
For treatment of gastric diseases, tachycardia, removal of cardiac hypostases, diseases of kidneys, a bladder two spoons of tea flowers fill in 0,5l. boiled water, about an hour is drawn. Infusion is drunk on 0,5st. rub р / day.
Roots of the Meadowsweet apply in complex treatment of oncological diseases, diseases of joints: 4 spoons of the table crushed roots fill in with water liter, boil hour on the water bath, later filter and drink 50 ml 4 р / day. Store broth in the refrigerator, and it is possible to apply it also to washing of wounds, treatment of dysentery, disorders of a GIT.
Tincture on a grass of the Meadowsweet is prepared for processing of burns, ulcers trophic, wounds purulent: 200gr herbs fill in with liter of alcohol 20%, insist 10dn. From the same tincture it is good to foment at arthritis, rheumatism, neuralgia, arthrosis, neuritis of facial, trigeminal nerves (and at the same time to have tea from flowers).
Use of the Meadowsweet can lead to allergic reactions.
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