
Many consider a lime of hybridomas of a lemon. This opinion is wrong. Actually the lime is much more ancient representative of a sort of the Citrus, than a lemon.


Description of a lime

Lime – the evergreen belonging to a sort of the Citrus, family Rutic. This plant as a low tree of 1,5-5 m in height with dense krone looks. Branches of a tree are covered with short prickles. Fruits of a lime of an ovoid form, have yellow or green color, are externally similar to a lemon.

The homeland of this evergreen tree is the Malay Peninsula located in Southeast Asia. To the Mediterranean the lime appeared for 1000 B.C. In the seventies the 19th century trees of a lime began to grow up commercially on the Antilles.

The tree grows practically in all countries with tropical climate. It enjoys special popularity in regions where because of too high air humidity lemons whereas the lime well grows in such unfavorable climatic conditions do not grow. But at a temperature below zero trees perish. The largest exporters of a lime in the international market are Egypt, Cuba, India and Mexico.

Actually not the lime is a lemon hybrid as it is considered to be, and on the contrary – the lemon is a hybrid of a lime and one more citrus - an etroga. The plant differs from a lemon in thinner peel at which green color or yellowish-green is more often (therefore it is called still "a green lemon"). Pulp has acid taste, differs in juiciness and a green shade. Kinds of a lime exist a set, but generally divide them into two groups: sweet and acid.

Also as well as other citrus, lime it is widely used in cookery. Juice of a lime is more acid, than at a lemon, and aroma of a dried peel brighter and saturated. Eat it fresh, and also add to various dishes and drinks for giving of aroma and acid to them. The most popular soft drink on the basis of a plant is "лимеад". At production of Sprite drink producers use dried fruits of this plant. Besides, the lime is a necessary element of many alcoholic cocktails (margarite, a mojito, gin-tonic). Confectioners use a dried peel and pulp of a plant – in many countries lime pie and lime flat cakes are known. And in Mexico and Latin America from a plant cook special sauce for hot dishes from meat and fish.

Juice of a lime is used for production of oil and citric acid, widely it is applied also in cosmetology.

Structure of a lime

In 100 g of a product 88,26 g of water, 7,76 g of carbohydrates, 2,8 g of cellulose, 0,7 g of proteins, 0,3 g of ashes and 0,2 g of fats contain; vitamins: And, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, C, E, K, B4; macrocells: phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, sodium, calcium; microelements: copper, iron, zinc, selenium, manganese.

Caloric content of 100 g of a lime makes 30 kcal.

Useful properties of a lime

The main advantage of a lime consists in the high content of vitamin C and potassium that well influences blood vessels, lowers the level of "bad" cholesterol" in blood, slows down processes of aging of an organism and skin, prevents development of atherosclerosis. The lime has useful properties also at catarrhal and infectious diseases, avitaminosis, decrease in immunity, quinsy.

At the regular use the advantage of a lime consists in an obstacle to development of caries, it reduces bleeding of gums and strengthens them. In addition, the lime is fine antidepressant, and during the winter period it needs to be included in a diet for prevention of a seasonal depression and increase in a tone.

Вода с лаймом

In combination with salt juice of a lime has laxative effect therefore it is recommended for prevention of locks. One more advantage of a lime consists in clarification of an organism from toxins. At its addition in meat dishes it promotes their easier comprehensibility and improves work of digestive tract.

Essential oil of a lime is traditionally applied in an aromatherapy as an effective remedy for cold and cold, its aroma is capable to lighten the mood.


Despite numerous useful properties of a lime, it is contraindicated to the people having pancreatitis, gastritis and stomach ulcer. It is connected with high content in a plant of citric acid.

Whether you know that:

The American scientists made experiments on mice and came to a conclusion that water-melon juice prevents development of atherosclerosis of vessels. One group of mice drank usual water, and the second – water-melon juice. As a result vessels of the second group were free from cholesteric plaques.