Main > Food stuffs> Pokeweed


The pokeweed or fitolakka American is the noxious plant reaching in height of three meters. At a fitolakka a vertical root, thick branchy stalks and leaves in the form of an ellipse.


The pokeweed from June to August blossoms, and in September dense brushes of brilliant berries which at first have dark red coloring ripen, and then become almost black.

Area of distribution and types of a pokeweed

In the nature contain about forty kinds of a plant a pokeweed. Its homeland is North America, but over time the fitolakka American extended everywhere and now meets also on other continents.

The pokeweed perfectly got accustomed in the territory of Transcaucasia and the North Caucasus, and also in Ukraine. Usually he lodges in the area of residential quarters or along roads, but does not love a heat and prefers the shaded sites.

Medicinal properties of a pokeweed

Thanks to curative properties the pokeweed is applied in traditional medicine at a hypertension, a headache, radiculitis and diseases of kidneys. The plant possesses laxative, diuretic, antiinflammatory, expectorant and antivermicular action. On the basis of a fitolakka American prepare homeopathic medicines. From other properties of a pokeweed It should be noted its beneficial influence on cardiac performance and vessels.

In the medical purposes broth of leaves of a plant is used not only for internal, but also for external use. For example, at furuncles, consolidations, hemorrhoidal cones or defeats of covers of skin. Rub with spirit tincture a back at radiculitis and joints at arthritis.

However it is necessary to remember that a pokeweed – a noxious plant and it is possible to use it only in the corresponding proportions and according to the recommendation of the doctor.

Dosage forms of a plant pokeweed

At production of medicines from a fitolakka all parts of a plant – leaves, stalks, roots and berries are used. From them handymen create broths, tinctures, syrups and ointments. The root and juice of a pokeweed have the strongest medical action, and here fruits are saturated least of all, but for this reason they are safest when they are used inside. Stalks, leaves and fruits of a fitolakka American prepare the first and after that start processing of a root part.

The plant root a pokeweed can be applied only if its color yellow-white. If a root red, then it is strictly forbidden to use it as it contains big concentration of poisons.

Fruits of a pokeweed dry in well aired room, roots – in an oven or the furnace. Ready ingredients for drugs are put in woven sacks and stored in the dry place.

Recipes from a pokeweed

  • Medicine for treatment of joints. According to this recipe the pokeweed (leaves) is filled in with warm water, closed a cover and left in the dark place for 2 weeks. Tincture needs to be used within a month for grinding of joints and a back, it is also possible to do compresses of it;
  • Tincture for treatment of otitis, laryngitis and quinsy. This recipe from a pokeweed prepares as follows: 10 g of roots of a plant fill in 100 ml of alcohol, 2 weeks allow medicine to infuse. Accept inside 15 drops every day (3-4 times a day). Also this means well strengthens immunity.

At a throat disease, rheumatism and radiculitis use plant juice. Thanks to curative properties of a pokeweed it is possible to cure disturbances in work of digestive tract. For this purpose it is necessary to eat 2-3 fruits in the morning and in the evening.

All recipes from a pokeweed are appointed strictly according to the recommendation of the doctor as the plant is poisonous and can do serious harm. At overdose there are spasms, vomiting, a diarrhea, paralysis, a headache, dizziness and even an apnoea and hearts.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.