Application instruction:
Ledin – an antibechic, has bronchodilatory effect.
Dosage form – tablets in a yellow cover (on 10 pieces in packaging).
Active ingredient – the sesquiterpenic alcohol received from escapes of a Labrador tea marsh in 1 tablet – 500 mg.
Ledin's use is shown for suppression of frequent dry cough at treatment of chronic and acute forms of diseases of easy or upper respiratory tracts.
Hypersensitivity to drug.
Pill is taken inside, irrespective of meal.
The recommended dosing: on 50-100 mg of 3-5 times a day, reception duration – from 3 to 10 days.
Use of tablets can cause side effect in the form of development of allergic reactions.
At emergence of the first signs of allergic reactions it is necessary to cancel drug.
At cough with a phlegm reasonablly simultaneous use of medicines with expectorant effect.
Clinically significant interaction of Ledin with other drugs is not established.
To store in the unavailable to children, protected from light place.
To tell even the shortest and simple words, we involve 72 muscles.
Diseases of joints often begin imperceptibly for the person. The first stages of destruction of the cartilaginous tissue providing soft and свободн...
Section: Articles about healthStability of a hormonal background is one of the most important conditions of preservation of health of the woman. At the same time endocrine system – the thin device extremely sensitive to any external influences. Changes of an image жиз can become the reason of hormonal failure...
Section: Articles about healthWater with a lemon - idle time in preparation drink which supporters of a healthy lifestyle already managed to appreciate. Used in a warm look and on an empty stomach, it is one of the most useful prophylactics allowing to prevent tens of diseases and just to raise an organism tone. Especially effectively to use warm water with lemon juice after a serious illness, during a season of the colds, and also to children, old men and pregnant women which do not have contraindications...
Section: Articles about healthThe next flu epidemic leads to the next panic, from year to year we give in on these manipulations: professionally alarming goal...
Section: Articles about healthOne of the useful properties presented to the person by the nature is ability to feel fear. This ability is designed to signal about approach of a dangerous situation and to help to avoid in advance it to keep life. However if the fear is persuasive and not about...
Section: Articles about healthFrosty air, fresh wind and easy snowball at most of Russians are associated with cheerfulness, health and cheerful entertainments on which our winter is so generous. But, unfortunately, cold season sometimes brings also troubles with health. It is not about seasonal colds and frostbites, and about those chronic illnesses which symptoms are shown preferential in the winter....
Section: Articles about healthThe sclera and mucous membrane of an eye are intensively supplied with blood vessels which problem - to sate nervous tissues of body to a pitata...
Section: Articles about healthThe concept "gluten" (differently, a gluten) combines group of the proteins which are a part of rye, barley and wheat. For most of people the use of the food stuffs containing a gluten not only is safe, but also it is very useful. Nevertheless, there is a number the myth...
Section: Articles about healthMushrooms - the surprising inhabitants of our planet having a set of wonderful qualities. Thanks to one of them, a mold mushroom of Penicillium notatum, the first natural antibiotic - penicillin was received nearly 80 years ago. The mankind is obliged to this opening by millions of saved lives....
Section: Articles about healthHerpes simplex of the first type (the infectious disease which is shown periodic bubble rashes on is called...
Section: Articles about healthThe unpleasant feelings connected with spring breakdown are familiar almost to each of us. Often happens that in March-April on the person weakness leans: he suffers from drowsiness, complains of bad mood, loss of interest in life and failures in affairs....
Section: Articles about healthThe climax, or menopause is the normal process of the termination of genital function of the woman which is followed by serious hormonal changes in an organism. Usually the menopause begins at the age of 50-55 years, but characteristics of this process are very individual. Factors of earlier approach of a climax are irregular sex life, numerous abortions, addictions, existence of endocrine, autoimmune and gynecologic diseases, frequent stresses and excessive hobby of diets...
Section: Articles about healthWhat will only not be thought up by persons interested to have a beautiful figure. Here the last innovation – for weight loss needs to be eaten greasy food. Give ра...
Section: SlideshowFood with the increased content of sugar is attractive to most of people - it is scientifically confirmed fact. Business here not in intemperance or dissoluteness: the sweet food is associated since childhood with feeling of rest and safety which is felt by the kid, to...
Section: Articles about healthNeurosis is called pathology of a nervous system at which deviations in functioning of the highest nervous processes are observed. Most often - owing to yet not strengthened mentality - children are subject to neurosises. The unhealthy, hostile atmosphere in collective, a family, the strong and sharp shock, and also a set of other factors which negatively influence the little person who did not learn to overcome stresses yet can become premises to emergence of such disturbances....
Section: Articles about healthBulimia and anorexia, are heavy deviations of a feeding behavior, become a cause of death of patients much more often than all others...
Section: Articles about healthCellulitis - very widespread cosmetic shortcoming which arises approximately at 80% of women sooner or later. Emergence it is connected with change of structure of a hypodermic fatty layer. At the same time on the surface of skin at first there are roughnesses (cambers...
Section: Articles about healthThe varicosity has familiarly many, statistically, this disease more than a half of all adult population. As a rule, the varicosis affects preferential superficial vessels, and is shown by characteristic cosmetic defects. The deep vein thrombosis as this illness at the initial stages can imperceptibly proceed is represented much more dangerous, and in the started cases threatens with serious danger – thrombosis. This state, when the blood clot formed...
Section: Articles about healthPhobia – the persuasive fear of a certain contents shown in a specific situation against the will of the person. Concepts of a phobia and fear...
Section: Articles about healthThe modern person not always manages to find housing in the environmentally friendly region and such work which would not do harm to health. With food stuffs at first sight the situation is much better: shops are overflowed with goods which are positioned пр...
Section: Articles about healthStatistically, can only one of ten of our compatriots brag of a decent condition of an oral cavity. Six teeth affected with caries are the share of the average Russian. For comparison, this indicator for Europeans is almost six times less....
Section: Articles about healthFrom the failure of work of immune system which is shown in the form of an allergy, statistically, more than 40% of the population of the globe suffer. In большинс...
Section: Articles about healthLong time antibiotics were considered as a panacea from all diseases and were appointed even at insignificant symptoms of an infection. Even now not everyone knows in what force of antibiotics how and when they should be accepted. Let's discredit 7 popular myths about such drugs...
Section: Articles about healthNot without reason doctors say that 90% of diseases begin or develop because of misoperation of intestines. Disturbance of its functions is connected with various factors among which the important place belongs to excessive "clutter" of an intestinal path. In an organism not only the remains of food, but also mass of harmful substances which we with food accepted accumulate. Accepted to accept, and about that to remove them, did not take care. And in it a problem....
Section: Articles about healthProofs of efficiency of Mildronate at treatment of coronary heart disease with stenocardia can be found in many publications to...
Section: Articles about healthHistory of mankind contains several tens of epidemics whose emergence was compared by eyewitnesses and historians to doomsday. The most terrible of them claimed the lives of millions of people, having made even the whole people to the person of the earth. What they − the diseases striking terror? Daringly...
Section: Articles about healthIt would seem, about it there can be no disagreements: water is necessary for a human body for normal life activity, and about how and when it should be drunk, all know. It turned out that the situation is not absolutely so: for many years there are very persistent delusions connected with this question. Let's consider the most widespread of them....
Section: Articles about health