Easy diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:3-7 days

3 of 5

Despite the name, "The easy diet" belongs to rigid as introduces restriction of caloric content to 1000 kcal a day. The diet is effective, however to keep weight after its end will be difficult.

Recommended частота:раз in half a year
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

Many diets for weight loss assume an exception of a diet of favourite products that is hard transferred and becomes frequent the failure reason. "The easy diet" does not demand refusal of the majority of usual products, suggesting to limit only their quantity. Its main principle – decrease in caloric content of a diet with preservation of an opportunity to make the menu, being guided by the taste.

All dishes are recommended to be eaten cold as in this case digestion of food demands bigger power consumption.

Rules of "An easy diet":

  • daily caloric content of a diet – 1000 kcal;
  • fractional food (food in the small portions not less than 4 times a day);
  • the volume of a portion – a handful;
  • no more than 25-30 g of fats of plant and animal origin a day;
  • heat treatment of food only in the dietary ways – boiling, suppression, roasting, processing the ferry;
  • the last meal not later than 19:00;
  • it is not less than 1,5 l of pure still water in days.

A month before the beginning of a diet it is desirable to begin preparation: 1-2 times a week to spend fasting days in the form of a monodiet (apple day, cucumber day, etc.).

Легкая диета: разрешенные продукты


"The easy diet" in a week allows to get rid of 3-4 kg of excess weight. A variety of a diet is its main advantage, there are no difficulties with drawing up the menu.

Fractional food is considered the most useful mode of meal and is recommended both by nutritionists, and gastroenterologists. "The easy diet" helps to make fractional food usual that favorably affects both on health, and a figure.

Shortcomings and contraindications

The daily caloric content equal to 1000 kcal is excessively low and represents a serious stress for an organism. After low-calorie diets to keep result happens very difficult.

The diet is contraindicated to the weakened and elderly people, people with chronic diseases, to future and feeding mothers, children, teenagers.

What products are resolved?

  • beef, veal, rabbit flesh, chicken meat, turkey;
  • fast fish;
  • seafood;
  • eggs;
  • milk and lactic products of low fat content;
  • vegetables, fruit and berries (except for prohibited);
  • rye bread and flat cakes from coarse flour, ship's biscuits;
  • yachnevy, buckwheat and grits;
  • pasta from firm grades of wheat;
  • dried fruits, honey;
  • olive oil;
  • spices;
  • green tea, fruit and vegetable svezheotzhaty juice (except juice from sweet fruit and berries).

What products are prohibited?

  • salt, sugar;
  • white loaf, pastries, confectionery;
  • milk and dairy products of high fat content;
  • fat meat, sausages, smoked products;
  • grapes, bananas, avocado;
  • potatoes;
  • grain (except for resolved);
  • alcoholic and sweet carbonated drinks.


The indicative menu of "An easy diet" for three days:

First day

First breakfast: 100 g of beef, 100 g of buckwheat cereal, tea.

Second breakfast: kiwi or apple, orange.

Lunch: 150 g of fish with vegetables.

Afternoon snack: 200 ml of yogurt.

Dinner: 150 g of cottage cheese.

Second day

First breakfast: 30 g of firm cheese, 100 g of porridge, tea with 1 tsp of honey, a bread piece.

Second breakfast: grapefruit or orange.

Lunch: soup of vegetable, 100 g of mussels or 50 g of chicken.

Afternoon snack: the carrots and cabbage fennel and parsley salad filled with olive oil.

Dinner: 100 g of cottage cheese or 200 ml of kefir.

Third day

First breakfast: quail egg, spinach, dried apricots, orange juice.

Second breakfast: plum and pear, mineral water.

Lunch: potatoes, vegetable marrow and carrots cream soup, cucumber, tomato and paprika salad.

Afternoon snack: small small loaf and 200 ml of kefir.

Dinner: stewed cabbage, the baked fish, green tea with 1 tsp of honey.

Useful tips

Council 1. All dishes are recommended to be eaten cold as in this case digestion of food demands bigger power consumption.

Council 2. The diet will be more effective if to accompany it with physical activity. It can be easy types of exercises (бодифлекс, Pilates, yoga) or walks in the fresh air the quickened pace.

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