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Pulmonary heart

General information about a disease

Легочное сердце

The pulmonary heart is pathology which draws already more than 200 years to itself close attention of researchers. Interest of specialists in this disease is not accidental, it often results in early disability of people and serves as the reason of lethal outcomes. At the diagnosis the pulmonary heart, treatment and forecasts depend on that, how timely doctors could define an etiology. Process this very difficult and labor-consuming as at early stages of development the pulmonary heart keeps potential reversibility and practically does not prove in any way. On the other hand, the acute form of a disease quickly progresses to a chronic pulmonary heart, and treatment of the created disease represents difficult and often an unpromising task. For this reason thousands of specialists work on new techniques of diagnosis of a disease and development of modern drugs by means of which it would be possible to facilitate life of patients, not to allow an invalidism of able-bodied population.

So after all represents a pulmonary heart? This term is understood as all complex of the cordial disturbances connected with a hemodynamics and developing later the postponed diseases of the bronchopulmonary device. Let's notice at the same time that at early stages of development the disease does not constitute special danger. On the other hand, the chronic pulmonary heart leads to a circulatory unefficiency and morphological changes of a right ventricle. As result, people become disabled people and can die of a sudden cardiac standstill.

Pulmonary heart – symptoms and classification of a disease

On features of development specialists allocate acute, subacute and chronic forms of a disease. The acute pulmonary heart develops within several hours or days, subacute – in weeks or months, chronic – forms against the background of long-term pathological process. In a case with a chronic form, the disease passes through three stages:

  • The I stage – symptoms of a pulmonary heart come to light only at a tool research and are characterized by pulmonary hypertensia with insignificant pathologies of a right ventricle;
  • The II stage – a circulatory unefficiency is absent, the disease is shown in the form of signs of a hypertrophy of a right ventricle and stable hypertensia;
  • The III stage – all signs of stable insufficiency of a right ventricle, that is manifestation of a dekompensirovanny pulmonary heart appear.

Now we will talk about what symptoms are characteristic of each form of a disease. The acute pulmonary heart is shown:

  • pains behind a breast;
  • sharp, hurried breathing;
  • falling of arterial pressure (in certain cases it can lead to a collapse);
  • the accruing tachycardia;
  • increase in venous pressure;
  • increase in a liver;
  • swelling of cervical veins.

In turn, the chronic pulmonary heart is distinguished on hyperfunction symptoms, and then and a hypertrophy of a right ventricle. Are for this purpose used: ECG, X-ray inspections of a thorax and other tool methods. Upon transition to the third stage the chronic pulmonary heart has pronounced clinical symptoms: tachycardia, swelling of cervical veins, increase in the sizes of a liver and the pulsation of a right ventricle defined at a palpation.

Pulmonary heart – treatment of a disease

Диагностика лёгочного сердца

The main medical actions are directed to elimination of a basic disease and symptoms of respiratory insufficiency. To patients appoint bronchial spasmolytics, respiratory analeptics, expectorants. At a decompensation of a pulmonary heart treatment is conducted by means of glucocorticoids (Prednisolonum is most often applied).

Arterial pulmonary hypertension is removed an Euphyllinum, nifedipine, nitrates (Nitrosorbidum and nitroglycerine). At the same time doctors constantly control the content of oxygen in blood not to allow strengthening of an anoxemia. For delay of rates of development of pathology diuretics and glycosides are used. The last should be applied with the greatest care as the myocardium is very sensitive to their influence. At frequent reception of diuretics preference is given to kaliysberegayushchy drugs (Aldactonum, Triampur compositum).

Prevention of a pulmonary heart consists in timely detection of the basic disease which led to development of pathological processes. The list of diseases because of which the acute or chronic pulmonary heart appears is known long ago, and the doctors who are responsibly belonging to the work always consider risk of emergence of similar complications. In particular, patients with chronic bronchopulmonary diseases are subject to obligatory dispensary observation which purpose is the prevention of aggravations and therapy of respiratory insufficiency.

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