Main > Diseases> Lymphadenitis


Lymphadenitis – the inflammation of lymph nodes which is often followed by purulent process. Streptococci and staphylococcus which get into lymph nodes at a lymphangitis are the most frequent reason of lymphadenitis. Mostly lymphadenitis in an axillary hollow and in a groin is localized. It is possible to meet lymphadenitis at children more often.Лимфаденит - гнойное воспаление лимфатических узлов

Lymphadenitis reasons

Disease-producing factor are pyogenic microorganisms which of the centers of a purulent inflammation (felons, phlegmons, etc.) get into lymph nodes. There is it by direct contact with microorganisms, and also through blood or a lymph.

Lymphadenitis can be purulent or not purulent, and on duration of a current distinguish lymphadenitis acute or chronic. Pyoinflammatory process can extend on one lymph node, or mention nearby. At purulent lymphadenitis formation of the extensive center of suppuration in soft tissues – an adenoflegmona is characteristic.

Lymphadenitis symptoms

Characteristic symptom of lymphadenitis at children and adults is severe pain which forces the patient to keep an extremity in a certain situation. At the patient body temperature increases and there is hypostasis. At a late stage of lymphadenitis fluctuation and a leukocytosis can develop.

Types of lymphadenitis

Lymphadenitis happens acute, chronic, specific and nonspecific.

Nonspecific staphylococcus, streptococci are the main reason of lymphadenitis, other pyogenic microbes and decomposition products of fabrics from primary centers of an infection are more rare. Primary centers are purulent wounds, an anthrax, furuncles, erysipelatous inflammations, thrombophlebitises, trophic ulcers, osteomyelites, etc. Microbes and toxins get into lymph nodes in the contact, hematogenous and lymphogenous ways. Also microbes can directly get into a lymph node at wound. In this case lymphadenitis is primary disease.

Hit of microbes in lymph nodes provokes inflammatory process from which hemorrhagic, serous, fibrinous purulent lymphadenitis can result. If not to carry out treatment of lymphadenitis, the disease can lead to irreversible processes – a necrosis, abscessing, ichorization of lymph nodes. At an initial stage of a disease there is exfoliating of an endothelium, expansion of sine and there is a congestive hyperemia.

At simple lymphadenites the inflammation, as a rule, does not go beyond the lymphatic capsule. If the disease has the destructive form, inflammatory process can extend to surrounding fabrics.

Nonspecific lymphadenitis can be acute or chronic.

Acute nonspecific lymphadenitis begins with a headache, a hyperadenosis, their morbidity. Also fervescence and a febricula belong to symptoms of lymphadenitis. If inflammatory process has not expressed character, then the general condition of patients suffers a little. Morbidity of lymph nodes, increase them in sizes, consolidation is noted. During the progressing of a disease and transition of inflammatory process to a destructive form all symptoms of lymphadenitis amplify. Pains become sharp, and skin over lymph nodes is hyperemic.

At development of an adenoflegmona the general condition of patients sharply worsens. Strongly body temperature, sometimes to critical marks increases, there is tachycardia, a fever, strong weakness, headaches.

Nonspecific acute lymphadenitis is fraught with development of such complications as thrombophlebitis, distribution of purulent process on kletchatochny spaces and the metastatic centers of an infection (lymphatic fistulas, a septicopyemia).

Chronic nonspecific lymphadenitis at children and adults can come from acute lymphadenitis or be a consequence of recurrent inflammatory diseases, such as an adenoid disease, microtraumas, inflammatory processes in teeth, etc. As a rule, chronic lymphadenitis extremely seldom passes into a purulent form.

Treat symptoms of lymphadenitis of chronic nonspecific: increase and consolidation of lymph nodes which a long time remain increased and low-painful. Sometimes there are such complications as hypostases, a lymphostasis, elephantiasis, frustration of a lymphokinesis.

Specific preferential tuberculosis, syphilis, an actinomycosis, plague and other diseases are the reasons of lymphadenitis. So, for example, it is most often possible to meet tubercular lymphadenitis at children in the period of primary tuberculosis.

At acute stages of specific lymphadenitis strong fervescence, increase in lymph nodes, organism intoxication symptoms, inflammatory and necrotic processes in lymph nodes is noted.

Diagnosis of lymphadenitis

For diagnosing of a disease the doctor looks at the general clinical symptomatology of the patient and anamnestic data.

For specification of the diagnosis the puncture biopsy of a lymph node is shown to the patient. In especially hard cases removal of a lymph node for the purpose of a histologic research is possible.Стрептомицин - препарат для лечения лимфаденита

Treatment of lymphadenitis

The method of treatment of lymphadenitis of acute nonspecific depends on weight of process. At initial stages apply preferential conservative treatment. For the struck body absolute rest, UVCh-treatment and adequate treatment of the center of an infection is shown (drainage of an abscess, timely opening of abscesses and phlegmons, opening purulent zatek). To the patient appoint treatment antibiotics. Purulent lymphadenites preferential treat in the surgical way: open adenoflegmona, abscesses, pus delete, and wounds drain.

Treatment of lymphadenitis of chronic nonspecific is directed to elimination of a basic disease which provoked lymphadenitis.

Specific lymphadenitis treat depending on the nature of damage of lymph nodes and expressiveness of tubercular changes in bodies. If process has active character, to the patient appoint drugs of the first row: streptomycin, Tubazidum in combination with Etioniamidum, PASK, Pyrazinamidum, Prothionamidum, Ethambutolum. Treatment of lymphadenitis specific long (up to one and a half years). At the expressed purulent process to the patient appoint an antibioticotherapia.

Prevention of lymphadenitis

First of all for prevention of lymphadenitis it is necessary to try to avoid injuries, to fight effectively against wound fevers and rationally and to treat timely pyoinflammatory diseases.

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