Application instruction:
Липинт – drug with immunomodulatory effect.
Липинт is the lyophilicly dried up recombinant human interferon alpha 2b, having immunomodulatory, antiviral effect.
Липинт release in the form of powder of white color.
Липинт apply to treatment, prevention of acute respiratory diseases, include in complex treatment of an acute hepatitis In and hepatitis B chronic in an inactive, active form or the glomerulonephritis complicated by development; atopic diseases, bronchial asthma, allergic rinokonjyunktivit.
Good reviews of Lipinta who is applied to treatment of a chlamydial urogenital infection.
Липинт accept inside: dissolve powder with the boiled or distilled water (1-2ml) and stir up 1-5 minutes before formation of suspension.
At hepatitis B in an acute stage take solution for half an hour to food in such dosages: children of school age and adults can accept 1 million ME two р / days throughout 10 дн.; children 3-7l are given 500 thousand ME one р / days for 10 days. In certain cases by results of biochemical analysis of blood appoint more long therapy Lipinty which lasts to an absolute recovery.
For treatment of hepatitis B in a chronic form suspension is drunk also for half an hour to food. In Lipint's instruction such dosages are specified: to children after 7 l., the adult is shown to accept 1 million ME 2r/sut. throughout 10 дн. and after – 1 million ME one р / days for the night, every other day, for a month. To children 3-7l. give 500 thousand ME two р / days throughout 10 дн. and after that, for a month – 500 thousand ME one р / days for the night, every other day, for a month.
If the patient passes a specific immunotherapy, Lipint to him is shown to accept in the mornings, in half an hour after food. At an allergic rinokonjyunktivit adults accept 500 thousand ME of Lipint every day throughout 10 дн.; at bronchial atopic asthma – 500 thousand ME one р / days throughout 10 дн. and on 500 thousand ME every other day for 20 days. In Lipint's instruction it is specified that treatment lasts month.
For prevention of respiratory acute diseases, flu to adults, children after 15 l., about 500 thousand ME two р / week for a month are recommended to accept during seasonal epidemic flash. Children 3-15l can give to 250 thousand ME of Lipint two р / week for a month in the same time.
For treatment of flu, respiratory diseases to children after 15 l., the adult is shown to accept 500 thousand ME of Lipint two р / days on an extent 3kh days, to children 3-15l. give 250 thousand ME two р / days on an extent 3kh days.
For treatment of urogenital infections (when performing their complex treatment) drug the adult two appoint in a dosage 500 thousand ME of Lipint р / days throughout 10 дн.
Reviews of Lipinta indicate that side effects during treatment develop seldom. In certain cases interferon can cause reactions of intolerance.
There are no data on Lipint's overdose.
It is impossible to accept drug during pregnancy, at a serious allergic illness.
There are negative reviews of Lipinta who combined with alcohol, the drugs depressing influencing nervous central system, immunosuppressive drugs (including glucocorticosteroids).
Interferon can strengthen cardiotoxic, myelotoxic, neurotoxic effect of various drugs which are appointed along with it or appointed earlier, and also to influence pharmacokinetics of Phenytoinum, theophylline, warfarin, Cimetidinum, Dipiridamolum, diazepam, some tsistostatik, propranolol.
Name of drug
Reaferon Lipint of the capsule 500 of one thousand ME 10 of piece
635 rub.
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