Main > Drugs> Lipolitiki


The beautiful, harmonious, deprived of excessive fatty deposits figure not only a craze, but also a sign of excellent health. Being continuously in the accelerated vital rhythms, we not always manage to take care of the correct diet, we resort to services of fast food and we use semi-finished products in food. As a result obesity is recognized by WHO the world epidemic. A diabetes mellitus, strokes, heart attacks – here the incomplete list of often fatal diseases which are caused by excessive body weight.Алкафит - один из препаратов липолитиков

Certainly, weight reduction is a hard and long work. Only having won against itself and the habits, it is possible to receive from destiny a bonus in the form of beauty and health. At the same time opponents of this position had a counterargument in recent years. So, even more often it is possible to hear about wonderful drugs – lipolitika which without special work will save from excessive fatty deposits. Once you several times enter липолитик directly into a body part with excesses of fat by means of a special thinnest needle, they will right there be dissolved without trace.

Magic enzymes: lipolitik for weight loss

Natural soy enzyme phosphatidylsincaline (PPC is designated) much more familiar to all of us under the name lecithin, is that drug a lipolititok which is used in a technique of an injection lipolysis. In the course of life activity of the person of RRS it is produced by a liver and participates in lipidic exchange, performing function of splitting of fats. Besides, enzyme normalizes blood circulation at the expense of a conclusion from an organism of cholesterol and the remains of the cellular covers damaged during loadings.

Considering that липолитик phosphatidylsincaline is capable to dissolve only already destroyed lipoblasts, to an injection lipolysis it is applied in a complex with other substance – dezoksikholaty which actually and destroys an adipocyte (lipoblast).

Thus, RRS has an opportunity to turn the fats which became available into an emulsion which is in turn utilized by an organism in the course of phagocytosis.

Lipolitika drugs: use history

Still in the eighties the twentieth century липолитик lecithin in the form of injections began to be applied actively to treatment of patients with small cholesteric plaques a few centuries ago. In the esthetic industry with its help adjusted local fatty deposits in a navel, cheeks, a chin and on sides.

Today some experts consider that lipolitik help with fight against cellulitis, especially so far as concerns the started stages which are followed by hypodermic hillocks though complex use of lymphatic drainage and mesotherapeutic procedures for this purpose will be required.

Lipolitiki: responses and features of use

Use of lipolitik is frequent identify with a mesotherapy. Actually techniques are a little similar among themselves, but have fundamental differences. So at a mesotherapy ("meso" is translated as "between") active agent is entered between skin layers on depth of 6 mm. Actually active agent represents, so-called, the cocktail consisting of various enzymes, vitamins and amino acids. The similar technique is widely applied not only for the purpose of weight loss, but also in complex rejuvenation of skin.Инъекции липолитика для похудения

Lipolitiki for weight loss is entered into a hypodermic and fatty layer on depth of 12 mm. Considering that similar intervention more essential, it has to be carried out not in beauty shop, and in the licensed medical clinic. The surgeon, the cosmetologist or the dermatocosmetologist, that is the doctor – the specialist with the higher medical education and permission to carrying out an injection lipolysis has to enter lipolitik.

Before appointing a course of lipolitik, the doctor conducts detailed survey as these drugs have a number of contraindications to use. Non-compliance with the technology of introduction of lipolitik can lead to developing of abscess or even a necrosis (necrosis) of fabrics in an injection site.

According to numerous responses, lipolitik after the termination of a course of therapy which usually consists of 6-10 procedures are capable to reduce the volume of fatty tissue by 2-6 cm. It is obvious that for more radical reduction of parameters liposuction should resort to other techniques, for example.

Taking into account various individual factors, time interval which has to pass between sessions of an injection lipolysis within one course makes from two to three weeks. Thus, the course lasts about three months.

Introduction of lipolitik, according to some patients, is followed by a certain pain, and in places of injections there can be swellings and reddenings. The result of use becomes noticeable approximately one or one and a half months later.

In the professional environment at the moment there is no consensus about advantage and harm of lipolitik. For example, in France the injection lipolysis is prohibited because of high risk of development of complications.

Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.