Main > Food stuffs> Chanterelles


Chanterelles – forest mushrooms of bright yellow color. The leg of these mushrooms practically grows together with a hat. The hat in the form reminds the turned-out umbrella or a funnel. The hat size most often does not exceed eight centimeters. Pulp at a mushroom elastic, dense, with a smell of dried fruit.

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In a year about two hundred thousand tons of chanterelles gather in the world. Chanterelles grow families. The main harvest of mushrooms is necessary for the end of August and the first half of September.

Allocate the following kinds of chanterelles ordinary, velvety, faceted and gray. Gray chanterelle is eurysynusic in tropics and in a moderate belt of the northern hemisphere. Faceted chanterelle – in the woods of North America. In Germany gray chanterelle is mistakenly considered poisonous.

Nutrition value and caloric content of chanterelles

Caloric content of chanterelles small (20 kcal). When boiling the caloric content of chanterelles decreases a little.

This species of mushrooms contain the mass of useful components and vitamins. Hundred grams of crude mushrooms contain 89,85 g of water, 1,49 g of proteins, 0,53 g of fats, 3,06 g of carbohydrates, 1,26 g of ashes and 3,8 g of food fibers (cellulose).

Besides, they contain 0,015 mg of B1 vitamin, 0,215 g of B2 vitamin, 4,085 g of RR vitamin, 1,075 g of pantothenic acid, 0,044 g of B6 vitamin, 2 mkg of folic acid, 5,3 mkg of vitamin D.

100 g of mushrooms contain 506 mg of potassium, 15 mg of calcium, 13 mg of magnesium, 9 mg of sodium, 57 mg of phosphorus, 3,47 mg of iron, 0,286 mg of manganese, 353 mkg of copper, 0,71 mg of zinc and 2,2 mkg of selenium.

The mushroom surpasses some types of vegetables and all known types of edible mushrooms in concentration of carotene.

Useful properties of chanterelles

Useful properties of chanterelles are known to much. Their disputes and pulp contain a large amount of natural polysaccharide of a hinomannoza. Hinomannoza is used in pure form for production of medicines. It kills arthropods and helminths of all known types. For this reason these mushrooms never happen worm-eaten.

Hinomannoza, destroying nervous receptors of parasites both enveloping and dissolving their eggs, saves intestines of the person and animals from helminthic invasions. This substance is absolutely safe for a human body.

However the structure of this natural polysaccharide is broken at high temperature, and also when processing mushrooms by table salt. Therefore it is the best of all to use chanterelles in a dried look or in the form of tincture.

Chanterelles infusion was applied long since in treatment of quinsy, abscesses, furuncles.

Chanterelles, being a carotene source for an organism, eyes and on sight in general influence a state mucous. The regular use of mushrooms helps to get rid of "night blindness", and also allows to bring radionuclides and salts of heavy metals out of an organism. Vitamin A as a part of mushrooms promotes strengthening of immunity and improvement of a condition of hair and skin.

Trametonolinovy acid as a part of mushrooms neutralizes a hepatitis virus, and ergosterol (vitaminopodobny substance) promotes clarification of a liver. The combination of these useful properties of chanterelles considerably improves work of a liver.

At many infectious and inflammatory diseases of chanterelle it is possible to use as a natural antibiotic. These mushrooms are capable to slow down growth of a tubercular stick.

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Ways of preparation of chanterelles

Prepare mushrooms in the different ways: fry, boil, dry, pickle or salt. Fried chanterelles are considered as the most tasty. After culinary processing sourish smack of pulp of mushrooms disappears. Chanterelles are acquired worse, than champignons or cepes.

Before preparation of a dish mushrooms should be otmochit previously in water and to boil. It is necessary to boil mushrooms not less than twenty minutes.

It is contraindicated to use chanterelles at individual intolerance of their components, and also at children's age (up to three years).

It is necessary to store mushrooms in the raw no more days. Storage temperature – no more than +10 °C.

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