Application instruction:
Larch Siberian – a large coniferous tree from a sort Deciduous, families Pine. Height of a tree reaches 30-40 meters, a trunk diameter the 80-100th. the larch Siberian is widespread in the European part of Russia, the Urals, Siberia, Altai. Usually grows in softwood forests with the Siberian cedar and an ordinary pine, forms the listvennichny woods less often.
Medicinal raw materials of a larch Siberian possess the antiinflammatory, antimicrobic, analgetic, enveloping and laxative action.
Needles, bark, gallipot (pitch), escapes and kidneys have medicinal properties (they are collected in the spring).
The needles of a larch Siberian contain essential oils, ascorbic acid, adhesive substances. She can be collected throughout all summer, but a maximum of useful substances in her – at the end of June and at the end of August.
At bark of this tree there are tannins, flavonida, catechins, gum, organic acids. Pitch of a larch Siberian contains essential oils and rosin (which almost completely consists of abietic acid).
The needles are applied at arterial hypertension and at deficit of vitamin C in the form of broth or water infusion. For treatment of a scurvy (and its prevention) and periodontosis the fresh needles of a larch Siberian are chewed, it has pleasant sourish taste, is rich with vitamin C and eliminates an unpleasant smell from a mouth.
Draws of a larch Siberian in the form of broth are used for treatment of cough at chronic bronchitis (with department of a purulent phlegm), at an urolithiasis, a meteorism, at helminthic invasions, and also as a purgative. Bathtubs from infusion of fresh branches are applied at rheumatism, gout and neurologic diseases.
Pitch of a larch Siberian is long since used for treatment of diseases of an oral cavity (ulites, quinsies). It has the knitting, wound healing, antiinflammatory and disintoxication effect. It contains a set of fatty acids (palmitic, olein, linolenic).
Pitch of a larch Siberian can be chewed at gastritis, a duodenitis and other diseases of a digestive tract. Besides pitch is useful at tobacco smoking, in the period of epidemic of viral diseases.
Outwardly pitch of a larch Siberian is used as irritating and a revulsive at treatment of rheumatism, gout, mialgiya (an inflammation of muscles), neuralgia. Ointments on the basis of pitch possess antimicrobic action and are shown at inflammations of respiratory tracts, abscesses, felons, etc. At diseases of respiratory system inhalations on the basis of essential oils of this tree are used.
Infusions from bark of a larch Siberian are recommended at plentiful and painful periods, intestinal infections, diarrhea.
Compresses on the basis of turpentine from this tree are shown at radiculitises, a sciatica, dentagra.
Long since in Yakutia cooked fresh knots of a larch Siberian for 2-3 days, and then broth was used on 1 teaspoon by 3 times a day for disposal of headaches, pains in heart, at encephalitis, diseases of kidneys and a liver.
Besides since ancient times as medicine used the mushroom growing on a trunk of this tree – "a listvennichny sponge". It was used at a tuberculosis and diseases of lungs. Now from "a listvennichny sponge" special substance – agaricin is emitted. It well helps at wearisome sweating at patients with tuberculosis. Besides "the listvennichny sponge" is used as kroveostanavlivayushchy and a purgative.
Having fallen from a donkey, you more likely will kill yourself, than having fallen from a horse. Only do not try to disprove this statement.
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