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Pubic bone

Pubic bone. General information

The pubic bone is carried to one of three bones that form a haunch bone. Расположение лобковой кости у человекаIt is the pair bone consisting of a body and two branches: upper and lower, located at an angle to each other. The vertical education connecting two upper branches of a pubic bone carries the name a pubic symphysis or a pubic joint. The body of the pubic bone forms front department of an acetabular hollow, and its association with branches – a locking opening which is closed by a locking membrane.

The structure of a pubic bone differs at floors a little. So, the pubic bone at the women possessing the correct constitution has the form of the roller which thickness is approximately equal to hand thumb thickness. The pubic bone at women forms an eminence, a peculiar arch which hangs over a vulval entrance, without being at the same time an obstacle for commission of sexual intercourse.

Pubic bones at men, combining, form a subpubic corner.

The reasons of pains in a pubic bone

Developing of pains in a pubis is in most cases caused by pathological processes in the field of a pubis. Most often become origins of pains of a pubic bone:

  • existence of an injury of pubic bones (one of them or both);
  • the stretching of a pubic joint (symphysis) accompanying pregnancy – a symphysitis;
  • rupture of a pubic symphysis at the time of delivery – симфизиолиз;
  • abnormal development of pubic bones;
  • bladder cancer (thus pains in the field of a pubis and the bones forming it gain the "reflected" character);
  • infectious diseases of bones of a pubis (carry symphysis tuberculosis, pubis osteomyelitis to them).

Pubic bone at pregnancy

Quite often women during pregnancy complain that the pubic bone hurts.

As a rule, complaints of such character fall on the second half of pregnancy and are inherent to all women expecting the child.

The matter is that with approach of estimated date of childbirth the organism carries out preparation for the birth of the kid more and more intensively. All systems and bodies involved at the time of delivery are exposed to changes. Bones of a pubis do not become an exception. Under the influence of hormone of a relaksin ligaments and cartilages in the field of a joint of pubic bones are softened that facilitates further passing of the child on patrimonial ways. In certain cases, however, process of a softening of pubic bones proceeds with complications at which there is pain around pubis bones. If its intensity is small and does not cause serious concerns, then such morbidity can be referred to norm. The severe and expressed a pubic bone pain at pregnancy accompanied with emergence of hypostases and stretchings in the field of a pubic joint – an explicit symptom of a symphysitis. Besides, most often characteristic "duck" gait is inherent to the woman having this disease.

The reasons of a symphysitis or pathological stretching of a pubic joint, as a rule, are hereditary parameters and specific features of a female body. In certain cases the symphysitis arises against the background of shortage of calcium.

Excessive morbidity of a pubic bone at pregnancy – an occasion to address the traumatologist or the surgeon. In case of confirmation of the diagnosis "symphysitis" decrease in an exercise stress, carrying a special bandage, observance of a bed rest, and also administration of drugs, calciferous is recommended.Паховая грыжа у мужчины - одна из причин болей в лобковой кости

Other pains in the field of a pubis

The reason of pain in a pubic bone at men from the right or left side from a pubis most often is existence of inguinal hernia. If the pubic bone hurts on the center of a pubis, it, as a rule, is a symptom of chronic prostatitis.

Also pains around a pubic bone arise at osteomyelitis from which the symphysis inflammation results. Symptoms of this disease remind symphysitis symptoms at pregnancy: pain in the field of a pubis which intensity increases when pressing on a pubic bone, the rolling-over gait, pain from the inside of a hip. It is necessary to consider that osteomyelitis of a pubic bone can arise at defeats of an organism causative agents of tuberculosis.

Whether you know that:

Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.