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The best diets

There is a set of diets for every taste and the harmony which help with fight against excess weight, however not all diets are effective methods of weight loss. There are 10 best diets which are recognized as the most effective in fight against excess weight complexes around the world.Кремлевская диета - одна из 10 лучших диет мира

The best diets of the world: Kremlin diet

This diet belongs to monodiets as the principle of reduction of receipt in an organism of carbohydrates and increase in consumption of proteinaceous food is its cornerstone. This diet will not suit at all vegetarians as a key product which can be used in unlimited number is meat. The daily diet included eggs, mushrooms, oil and dairy products. Unfortunately, at the choice of one of the best diets of this look it is necessary to limit as much as possible consumption of carbohydrates, namely bread, fruit, starchy vegetables, grain, macaroni and confectionery. Points – depending on the content of fats and carbohydrates are appropriated to each of legal products. In day it is authorized to eat products no more than on 40 points.

Buckwheat and kefiric diet

The second best diet for weight loss is the buckwheat and kefiric diet. Buckwheat cereal contains vitamins, microelements and iron which promote clarification of an organism. For preparation of porridge the glass of not shredded buckwheat which is not cooked is used, and fill in with two glasses of boiled water or 0% of kefir without addition of spices and insist on an extent of night. The number of consumption of such buckwheat is not limited, it is also possible to drink separately to 1 l 0% of kefir for day for half an hour to or after meal. Keeping to this best diet, according to reviews, it is necessary to drink not less than 2 l idle time or not carbonated mineral water. The last meal has to occur in 4-6 hours prior to a dream, however for half an hour it is possible to drink a glass of 0% of kefir. Diet term – no more than one week.

The best diet: rice компотная

The third best diet of the world is the diet recommended at treatment of diseases of a liver and bilious ways, an idiopathic hypertensia, a renal failure or disturbances of blood circulation rice компотная. The day diet of this diet consists of rice porridge which is cooked on water without spices, and 6 glasses of compote from dried fruits or fresh fruit for five days. Ready rice is used in two steps in the morning and in the evening together with compote. Quantity of the products consumed in a day for this best diet: 50 g of rice, 100 g of sugar (for compote), 1,5-2 kg of dried fruits or fresh fruit and not less than 2 l of water.

Stephen Pratt's diet of "14 superproducts"

The diet consisting of 14 products is considered the fourth best diet of the world. These 14 products are:

  • Oranges;
  • Broccoli;
  • Bilberry;
  • Haricot;
  • Porridge;
  • Yellow pumpkin;
  • Soy;
  • Nuts;
  • Spinach;
  • Black and green tea;
  • Turkey;
  • Salmon;
  • Tomatoes;
  • Yogurt.

The author of this best diet is the plastic surgeon Stephen Pratt who claims that in addition to above-mentioned 14 products it is possible to use also others, however weekly reception of haricot has to be in number of four 350 g of portions, a salmon – 2-4 350 g of a portion, turkeys – 3-4 350 g of a portion and not less than 140 g of the nuts divided into 5 portions.

The best diet for weight loss: oat

The oat diet recommended at atherosclerosis with obesity and a diabetes mellitus is considered the fifth best diet of the world. The diet is kept three days for which 5 times a day the portion of 140 g of the porridge made on water, 1-2 glasses of green or black tea without sugar and broth from a dogrose is used.

Cabbage diet

The sixth best diet, according to reviews, is the diet in which as the main product the white cabbage interfering an adiposity in an organism is used. Cabbage can be used in unlimited number in the chopped view from 1 tbsp of crude sunflower oil, a boiled look or in the form of soup for which preparation the half a kilo of cabbage, 5 bulbs and carrots, 2 tomato and pepper, 4 stalks of a celery and 100 g of not polished rice is used. It is also possible to use a little boiled chicken breast cut or fish, 0% kefir, one boiled egg, green tea without sugar and vegetables (except potatoes and corn).

The best diet: liquid

The seventh best diet, according to reviews, is the diet based on reception of liquid food and water. At a day diet there shall be an oat or rice broth, the fruit or divorced water vegetable juice, the fat-free kefir or yogurt, milk, the filtered broths, vegetable cocktails with kefir and water. It is authorized to use broths once a day, liquids are accepted each hour, total amount of the liquid used in a day, including water, should not exceed 3,5 l, diet duration – 1 week.

Fish diet

The eighth best diet for weight loss is the fish diet of which day food allowance fish is the cornerstone. At observance of a diet low-fat grades of fish (a bream, a trout, a cod, a navaga), seafood (squids, mussels, shrimps, combs), fermented milk products, fresh fruit (except bananas, grapes and avocado) and vegetables (except corn and potatoes), eggs, seasonings and the minimum quantity of salt are eaten. About sweets and flour products it is necessary to forget and to use green tea without sugar, broth of a dogrose and simple water as much as possible. Diet duration – one week.Рыбная диета - одна из лучших диет для похудения

The best diet across Montinyak

The ninth best diet for weight loss is the power supply system developed by the French nutritionist Michel Montinyak. This diet enters 10 best diets not only because yields fine results and as by means of this system the relation to food psychologically changes and functions of a pancreas are recovered. Montinyak's diet is based on the following principles:

  • The minimum use of carbohydrates and the industrial processed products;
  • Complete elimination of alcoholic beverages, potatoes and corn;
  • The use of simple carbohydrates (beans, lentil, porridges of a rough grinding, fruit and vegetables) is authorized;
  • Exception of ready food as a part of which there are both fats, and carbohydrates (chocolate, a liver, sauces, pastries, fat dairy products and sausages);
  • The breakfast has to consist of fruit;
  • Reception of complexes of vitamins and minerals;
  • The use not less than 2 l of water a day;
  • Triple and more than a meal in day at the same time.

Cretan diet

The last diet entering 10 best diets of the world is the Cretan diet, similar to Michel Montinyak's system, which cornerstone the balanced food is. The products recommended for the use are vegetables, fruit, cereals, olive oil, beans, eggs, the slave, meat, sour-milk products, garlic, red wine and spicy herbs. It is possible to use meat two times a week, fish four times a week, and eggs two times a week in any kind. Diet duration 1-2 weeks, meal has to be regular at the same time not less than three times a day.

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The most high temperature of a body was recorded at Uilli Jones (USA) who came to hospital with a temperature of 46,5 °C.