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Prosecution mania

Prosecution mania – disturbance of mentality which in psychiatry also call "persecution complex". Psychiatrists refer this disturbance to the main signs of mental insanity.

The nonsense is a Манию преследования ещё называют «бредом преследования»disturbance of thinking when there are false thoughts and the ideas which are completely taking consciousness of the patient and not coming under external influence despite their full discrepancy to reality. False parcels is the cornerstone of the crazy ideas. Preferential the nonsense is a symptom of any mental disease (schizophrenia). But it happens that the nonsense is also independent disturbance.

Quite often in everyday life we call nonsense of the statement and a reasoning of surrounding people which do not correspond to our concepts. However you should not confuse similar statements to true nonsense or the mania of prosecution having the following characteristic signs:

  • this display of a disease;
  • is followed by inventing of the facts about reality;
  • false thoughts cannot be adjusted beliefs of other people;
  • there is a disturbance of adaptation in space, it becomes difficult to live and work in society.

Main reasons for a mania of prosecution

Psychiatrists study this disturbance of mentality for a long time, and its symptoms can be met in many medical textbooks and reference books. And here prosecution mania origins are still not found out. If not to take various unscientific theories into account, then the disease develops under the influence of certain internal and external factors. At patients with a mania of prosecution the special structure of the central nervous system contributing to developing of various mental disorders is noted.

Also important value psychological injuries, problems in a family render the wrong education on developing of a disease. It turns out that once on so fruitful soil any serious stressful frustration is imposed, and the human mentality does not maintain owing to what there is a disease. Nevertheless, any of the possible reasons of a course of a disease still is scientifically not proved and has no confirmation.

Prosecution mania symptoms

The main sign of this crazy frustration is the obsession of the person that it try to find, catch and do harm. Constantly it seems to the patient that some person or group of people pursues him with a definite negative purpose – to do him harm (to cripple, kill, rob). In the form the mania of prosecution can be various. For example, it is possible to speak about the high level of systematization of nonsense in that case when the patient can describe in detail when prosecution what harm to it is wanted to be done began and what means the persecutor for this purpose uses. It demonstrates that symptoms of a mania of prosecution are present at the patient already quite long time.

The nonsense cannot become systematized at once. It is preceded by a certain state which is called "crazy mood". At this stage for the patient everything surrounding gains a certain sense, he begins to feel constantly alarm, in everything to see threat. He constantly waits that something will happen to it. Gradually the concern gains constant character and develops into a prosecution mania.

Unfortunately, the prosecution mania amplifies and develops eventually. An increasing number of people falls under suspicion of the patient. For example, the patient can consider that the wife tries to poison him. Gradually the patient is assured that neighbors are also involved, and further he finds out that they are agents of confidential investigation, etc. At a mania of prosecution not only the essence of thinking, but also character changes. The patient can very much and is very detailed describe the ideas, but at the same time he will not be able to distinguish important from insignificant, and can describe equally long both appearance of the persecutors, and color of laces on the boots.

Symptoms Мания преследования – это нарушение психикиof a mania of prosecution are not exhausted only by one disturbances in thinking. Personal disturbances also join these signs. The patient's relatives quite often notice that he strongly changed, became aggressive and suspicious, practically does not answer questions, strange behaves.

Quite often "the supervaluable ideas" which are preferential based on some real facts or events join nonsense, however are absolutely incorrectly interpreted by the patient. The supervaluable ideas are a boundary phenomenon which is peculiar even to mentally healthy people (sometimes, going along the dark street, can seem to you that you are pursued by group of people though actually people just go on the same way), however quite often these ideas turn out to be consequence of such mental disturbances as a depression, etc.

Treatment of a mania of prosecution

The mania of prosecution will hard respond to treatment. Perhaps it occurs owing to imperfect therapy. Despite quite long studying of this phenomenon, adequate treatment of a mania of prosecution it is still not found. The opinion is eurysynusic that the nonsense is a consequence of disturbance of work of a brain. Still Ivan Petrovich Pavlov wrote that the anatomo-physiological reason of a mania of prosecution – the pathological center of excitement preventing to function fully to a brain. At the same time all life of the patient begins to submit to pernicious thoughts.

Today treatment of a mania of prosecution generally consists in pharmacological methods. The psychiatrist prescribes the patient medicines which constrain a course of a disease. At paranoiac states electroconvulsive therapy and an insulin therapy is, as a rule, inefficient.

It is necessary to consider that the mania of prosecution does not give in to influence from the outside, that is psychotherapeutic methods at treatment of nonsense are also inefficient. However a task of the psychiatrist is creation of comfortable conditions for the patient.

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