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Butter mushrooms

Butter mushrooms – tubular mushrooms with a mucous hat, a flat or convex form. The thin skin of a hat of a butter mushroom happens different color, easily is removed. Pulp of a mushroom has a yellowish shade which at a cut a knife can change color on red or blue.

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Butter mushrooms grow in softwood forests. Especially often occur among pines and larches. In the nature there are about 40 types of butter mushrooms, but in the territory of Russia not everyone grows. Have the greatest distribution in our country:

  • Butter mushrooms are ordinary;
  • Butter mushrooms are granular;
  • Butter mushrooms are listvennichny;
  • False butter mushrooms.

Characteristic of ordinary butter mushrooms is the brown, convex, mucous hat, a leg of a cylindrical form and yellowish pulp. The mushroom prefers sandy soil and open solar areas of the pine wood.

In difference from ordinary butter mushrooms granular have a dry, flat hat of big diameter (to 12 centimeters). The leg has the classical cylindrical form, and pleasant fruit aroma is characteristic of pulp of a mushroom. The mushroom chooses places with the earth rich with lime.

The hat at listvennichny butter mushrooms of golden-brown color, and a thin skin, in difference from other types, from a listvennichny butter mushroom will be removed absolutely not simply. The leg of a butter mushroom has dark red color, and pulp at a cut a knife is painted in a pink shade. The mushroom most often meets in the listvennichny woods.

False butter mushrooms change color on a break and have red color of pulp. They meet quite seldom.

On tastes butter mushrooms are comparable with cepes. At the same time grow big groups, and they can be collected from May to October.

Preparation of butter mushrooms

Slippery jacks can be used in a boiled, fried, stewed and marinated look. These mushrooms perfectly proved as an independent dish, and also as a component and addition to other products.

Important feature of butter mushrooms is that before the use in any kind they need previously to be cleaned from a mucous thin skin and a white film under a hat.

There are simple recommendations for bystry and effective cleaning of butter mushrooms. The gathered mushrooms need to be laid out on the solar place for 30-40 minutes, to slightly dry and begin cleaning. After slime of a mushroom will a little dry up, the procedure of cleaning will go much quicker.

Advantage of butter mushrooms

Except outstanding tastes, butter mushrooms have also medicinal properties. Long ago it is noticed that dishes from butter mushrooms facilitate the course of gout, and also I help to kill a headache.

On the content of nutrients and microelements butter mushrooms differ in nothing from other edible mushrooms, conceding only to cepe. Protein content reaches 4%, carbohydrates – 1,5%, fats – 1%. Especially the squirrel in dried butter mushrooms is a lot of. It is known that broth from butter mushrooms several times surpasses a beef-infusion broth in the maintenance of proteinaceous components.

Caloric content of butter mushrooms depends on age of a mushroom and on its look. Calculating the caloric content of butter mushrooms and dishes with their use, it is necessary not to forget about a way of preparation and caloric content of other ingredients. For example, very often forget to consider the fact of addition of oil when roasting or sugar when pickling.

Pure caloric content of fresh butter mushrooms fluctuates in the range of 9-19,2 kcal on 100 grams of a product.

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Harm of butter mushrooms

You should not forget that butter mushrooms, as well as other mushrooms, can be harmful to a human body. Cellulose with the high content of chitin reduces comprehensibility of butter mushrooms, and also can worsen digestion of other products. Besides proteins of mushrooms are with great difficulty split that in addition loads digestive tract.

Butter mushrooms concern to group of the mushrooms capable to fix in themselves radioelements. It needs to be considered at the choice of the place of collecting, and also at preparation of dishes from butter mushrooms. At doubt in radiation safety of mushrooms you should not eat them.

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