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Mastopathy – the most often found disease of a mammary gland.

The first symptoms of a mastopathy can appear already at teenage age though in this case the disease optional progresses, more often after establishment of hormonal balance the teenage mastopathy passes independently. The disease can be shown also at the age of an early menopause, 50-55 years. The woman's mastopathies at the age of 30-45 years are most subject.

At a mastopathy there is a change of structure of fabric of gland, fibrous fabric expands, and cysts develop, from there is a name of a disease accepted by World Health Organization – a fibrous cystic disease (Fibrocystic Breast Disease).

The mastopathy is so widespread that sometimes it is considered nearly norm, and a long time do not pay attention to mastopathy symptoms while they do not become so expressed that considerably worsen quality of life. Mastopathy at all not norm. This benign disease of tumoral character under unfavorable conditions regenerating in malignant.

In most cases a disease of a breast cancer it is preceded by a mastopathy.

Mastopathy reasons

The hormonal imbalance in an organism is a proximate cause of emergence of a mastopathy. Fibrous growths in a mammary gland appear under the influence of growth of estrogen and prolactin, the hormone providing a lactation in a puerperal period.

The reasons of a hormonal imbalance there can be a set. Production of hormones is influenced by a set of factors, from neurogenic (a stress, overfatigue, chronic fatigue) to infectious (inflammatory diseases of a female genital tract).

Addictions, in particular tobacco smoking, the risk of development of a mastopathy also raises.

In addition to these, the following belongs to risk factors:

  • Abortion, including artificial (abortion);
  • Endocrine diseases;
  • Late first pregnancy;
  • Refusal of breastfeeding or untimely interruption of breastfeeding;
  • Lack of childbirth;
  • Chronic diseases of digestive tract;
  • Long hormonal therapy.

Types of a mastopathy

Distinguish a mastopathy diffusion and nodal.

At a diffusion mastopathy of growth of connecting fabric mention all fabric of gland, at nodal connective tissue nodes are formed. Nodes can have various sizes and to be single or multiple. The nodal form of a mastopathy leads to development of a malignant tumor more often.

On character of elements of defeat distinguish such types of a mastopathy:

  • fibrous mastopathy;
  • cystous mastopathy;
  • fibrous and cystous mastopathy.

Most often speak about a fibrous and cystous mastopathy as growths of connecting fabric form both fibrous tyazh, and cysts – the cavities from fibrous fabric filled with liquid.

The isolated fibrous mastopathy and cystous mastopathy meet slightly less often. A mammology consider that instead of terms the fibrous mastopathy and a cystous mastopathy are more correct to use terms a diffusion mastopathy with dominance of a fibrous component, and a mastopathy with dominance of a cystous component as at any form there are both a fibrous growth, and cysts.

Mastopathy symptoms

The main symptom of a mastopathy with which women see a doctor is morbidity of chest glands. In the beginning pain depends on a menstrual cycle, and develops some days before periods, and then passes. At later stages of a disease pain becomes a constant, and can accept very intensive character.

Gland consolidation also belongs to characteristic symptoms of a mastopathy – it can be feeling of the general consolidation of fabric of gland at a diffusion form, or emergence of nodal educations at a nodal form of a mastopathy.

There can be allocations from nipples. At an allocation mastopathy transparent, greenish or similar to milk. Bloody allocations are an adverse sign, and can be the certificate of an ozlokachestvleniye therefore at their emergence the immediate address to the doctor is necessary.

Symptoms of a mastopathy are shown, as a rule, on both mammary glands though can have various degree of manifestation.Важное значение в лечении мастопатии имеет своевременная диагностика

Diagnosis of a mastopathy

At a mastopathy, as well as at a breast cancer, self-diagnostics is important.

Palpatorny inspection of a mammary gland at a mirror with the hand which is stuffed up for the head allows to probe nodal formations and the condensed tyazh of connecting fabric and a cyst. At the address to the mammologist conduct the next researches:

  • survey, is carried out for the fifth or eleventh day of a menstrual cycle;
  • mammography, is carried out from the tenth to the twelfth day of a menstrual cycle;
  • ultrasound examination of a mammary gland, is carried out for the fifth or eleventh day of a menstrual cycle;
  • biopsy of cysts and nodal educations;
  • cytologic research of allocations from a nipple.

Treatment of a mastopathy

Treatment of a mastopathy can be both conservative, and surgical, depending on a type of a disease, its stage and some individual factors.

As a rule, resort to surgical treatment of a mastopathy in case of a nodal and cystous mastopathy at unsuccessfulness of several courses of conservative therapy, and also at suspicion on a process ozlokachestvleniye. In this case perform the operation called by a sectoral resection of a mammary gland.

Conservative treatment of a mastopathy includes medicamentous and non-drug means. Drug treatment of a mastopathy is performed by generally hormonal drugs, and is directed to recovery of the lost hormonal balance. It is appointed strictly individually, after carrying out a series of runs to the content of hormones.

In addition to hormones, use the anesthetizing anti-inflammatory drugs, iodine drugs for normalization of activity of the thyroid gland exerting impact on sex hormones conduct a course of fortifying therapy.

Specialists claim that one of the highlights providing success or failure of treatment of a mastopathy irrespective of its forms is normalization of a way of life as major factor of development of a disease.

It is necessary to get rid whenever possible of stressful situations, to provide a full-fledged dream, an operating mode and rest, to pass to healthy nutrition, to pay attention to physical activity and walks in the fresh air, to try to have regular sex with the constant partner. Sometimes for treatment of a mastopathy in initial stages of these measures happens enough for an absolute recovery. In case of more serious stage of a disease, a measure for normalization of a way of life are the necessary background providing due influence of therapeutic and surgical means. After recovery it is necessary to continue to support a healthy lifestyle as prevention of a recurrence of a mastopathy.

At a mastopathy it is forbidden to subject a breast to influence of ultraviolet (both sunlight, and artificial suntan in a sunbed), thermal procedures (baths, saunas, etc.), massage, reception of hormonal contraceptives without appointment of the doctor are prohibited.

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