Main > Food stuffs> Pollock


The pollock is a sea fish from family cod. She lives in cold waters of the suburban seas of the Pacific Ocean – Okhotsk, Beringovy and Japanese. The Atlantic subspecies of a pollock are found in the Barents Sea. The pollock is one of long-livers among fishes and lives up to 20 years. Adult individuals reach weight to 5 kg and meter length. But the main part of a catch are fishes weighing up to 1,5 kg and no more than 50 cm long.

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The pollock goes on sale in the dried, dried and frozen look, and also in the form of canned food. Also caviar of a pollock which on nutritious properties is equated to caviar of salmon and sturgeon breeds of fish is very tasty. The liver of a pollock on the qualities is equated to cod liver. From meat of a pollock produce sury, being the main ingredient of crabsticks.

The fresh pollock practically does not go on sale therefore it is better to buy the fillet of this fish covered with the ice glaze protecting meat from drying. Qualitative fillet has to have white color, without yellow or pink shade. It is necessary to defreeze it or in a cup with cold water, or on the lower shelf of the refrigerator. Repeatedly it is impossible to freeze a pollock.

Structure and caloric content of a pollock

In 100,0 g of fillet of a pollock 15,9% of protein, 0,9% of fat and 0% of carbohydrates contain. Caloric content of a pollock makes 72 kcal on each 100,0 g of a product.

The mineral and vitamin composition of fish surprises with the variety. Therefore the advantage of a pollock does not raise any doubts. Nutritionists and physicians recommend to include it as often as possible in the diet.

Useful properties of a pollock for health of the person are explained also by availability of vitamins in it (A, PP, B1, B2, B9), gland, sulfurs, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, and also polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Advantage of a pollock

The pollock has the expressed antioxidant properties. At its regular use in food the probability of development of diseases of a musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system decreases, the risk of developing of malignant tumors significantly decreases.

Absence in meat of a pollock of carbohydrates does this fish irreplaceable in dietary food of the people suffering from a diabetes mellitus.

Many children's doctors advise to include a pollock in baby food, since eight-months age. This results from the fact that this fish is rich with iodine and her regular use is excellent prevention of diseases of a thyroid gland. Also with the same purpose the pollock is recommended to pregnant women and nursing mothers, and also all people living in regions of a natural yododefitsit.

It is difficult to revaluate advantage of a pollock for smokers. The vitamin A which is contained in a large number in this fish reduces at them probability of development of lung cancer.

It is possible to carry to useful properties of a pollock and the fact that meat of this fish promotes decrease in level of cholesterol in blood serum, improves brain activity. These properties are explained by the fatty (polyunsaturated) acids which are contained in a pollock an omega-6 and an omega-3.

Low caloric content of a pollock allows to include it in a diet of the people having obesity.

On the nutritious properties the pollock practically does not concede in anything to expensive grades of fish, and costs at the same time several times cheaper. Nutritionists advise to use dishes from it at least two times a week.

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Caviar of a pollock

On the nutritious qualities caviar of a pollock a little in what concedes to black or red caviar. It contains just the same amount of vitamins E and C, necessary for activity of a nervous system, a hemopoiesis and good healing of wounds.

Caviar of a pollock contains almost twice less phosphorus, necessary for creation of a bone tissue, than in red caviar. But caviar of a pollock is less caloric thanks to what without fear also the people suffering from excess weight can eat it.

The sodium which is a part of caviar of a pollock helps to support arterial pressure at the certain level, promotes transfer of nervous impulses and reduction of muscles.

After the use of alcoholic beverages caviar of a pollock allows to recover B1 vitamin reserves since 100,0 g of this product contain 1,5 mg of thiamin (B1 vitamin).

The regular use of this caviar in food allows to improve thought processes and memory significantly. It is explained by effect of the niacin (PP vitamin) which is its part expanding capillaries of a brain and improving thereby cerebral circulation.

Harmful properties of a pollock

Can lead the uses of a pollock in food to development of allergic reactions. Therefore if you have an individual intolerance of fish or seafood, then the pollock has to be completely excluded from your diet. It is not necessary to use often it that who has diseases of kidneys, arterial hypertension or a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum. It is connected with the high content of sodium chloride (table salt) in a pollock that can provoke an exacerbation of a disease.

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