Main > Food stuffs> Capelin


Capelin (versions of the name: уёк, the chaplain) – fish of family koryushkovy, living in the seas of the Atlantic, Ledovity and Quiet oceans. Length of a body of this small fish reaches 25 cm, and weight does not exceed 52 g. There live individuals of this look no more than 10 years.

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The capelin is distinguished by availability of very small scales and small teeth. Her back has a characteristic olive-greenish color, the belly and sides are painted in silvery color. On sides of males the strip of scales is located, each of which is covered with outgrowths like pile.

Upholstered only in sea water, the capelin prefers her upper layers. As a rule, fish meets in the high sea at a depth up to 300 m more often, is more rare – to 700 m. The coast approaches only during the spawning periods.

Typical areas of dwelling of a capelin are the Arctic, northern parts of Quiet and Atlantic oceans, the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea and some other.

Nutrition value and caloric content of a capelin

This small small fish contains a well of vitamins, mass of useful substances and minerals. A capelin – a fine source of vitamins of group B (content of B12 vitamin, for example, in it is many times higher, than in meat), and also A and D vitamins. Fish, as well as most of inhabitants of the seas, is rich with digestible proteins, she contains calcium, and also polyunsaturated an omega-3 fatty acids. The capelin is a source of a number of amino acids – a lysine, cysteine, threonine, methionine and mineral substances – phosphorus, iodine, bromine, sodium, fluorine, potassium and selenium. At the same time the amount of iodine in this little small fish is really high that allows to use her at deficit of this microelement.

Along with it the caloric content of a capelin hardly reaches 117 Kcal on 100 g that at moderate consumption will suit those who keep a figure.

Caloric content of a capelin changes seasonally. All the matter is that fat content of fish is higher in the winter, than in the summer.

Content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in a capelin – 13,1 g, 7,1 g and 0 g according to.

Advantage of a capelin

Addition of a capelin in a food allowance allows to get rid of vascular plaques, to reduce the content of cholesterol, and also will prevent disturbances in work of a thyroid gland. The capelin renders the greatest advantage to those who have heart diseases and vessels, hypertensive crisis, and also to the persons who had a heart attack.

Caviar of a capelin

Caviar of a capelin is useful hardly no more than the small fish. The consistence of this product very dense, caviar belongs to the category "white". Most often caviar of a capelin is preserved, adding in it ovalbumin, mayonnaise, vegetable oil and other additives. Specific taste of this product – the reason that in pure form caviar cannot almost be met on sale.

Caviar is vitamin-rich A, D, C and B, and also contains lecithin, potassium, iodine, copper, calcium and polyunsaturated acids an omega-3. The unique combination of the useful substances which are a part of caviar of a capelin allows them to be acquired by an organism for 95%.

Specialists recommend to use caviar to persons during the periods of the raised exercise stress, and also to people of advanced age.

Contraindications to the use of caviar are gastritis, a duodenum ulcer, raised by the ABP.

Secrets of preparation of a capelin

Capelin use both cold (as snack), and fried, and boiled. Hostesses everywhere love it for simplicity and speed of preparation: to clean a small fish there is no need, is it it is possible with the head and a tail.

When cooking the capelin should be lowered in the boiling water, having covered that aroma of fish remained and to prepare on slow fire.

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When frying the capelin is recommended to be pripustit at first – to boil for several minutes. Pulp of fish thanks to this procedure gains tenderness unusual for it. As a rule, the capelin is served with smetanny or white flour sauces. One of the most suitable – sauce on the basis of a fish broth.

Boiled or baked potatoes in a combination to fresh tomatoes, red or siliculose beans will become ideal option for a garnish for a small fish. Perfectly aroma of a capelin of basilicas, cilantro, fennel and parsley shade.

Whether you know that:

Even if heart of the person does not fight, then he all the same can live during a long period, as the Norwegian fisherman Jan Revsdal showed us. Its "motor" stopped for 4 hours after the fisherman got lost and fell asleep in snow.