
This type of dietary food is the most widespread in group of diets. The essence of monodiets consists in the use throughout the entire period of a diet of one key product.

For very short terms all monodiets allow to get rid of 2-3 kg of excess weight.

Clear advantage of all monodiets is bystry weight reduction. Besides, as the main ingredient it is possible to choose a favourite product. And the main lack of a monodiet – the lost weight quickly will return if constantly not to adhere to moderate food.

Reviews of monodiets of nutritionists who strictly forbid to adhere to similar food more than 3 days as because of them the amount of the vitamins and minerals coming to an organism that is unhealthy decreases are extremely negative. By a professional advice, observance of a monodiet only within 1 day, i.e. as fasting day, however, regularly – once a month or even weekly will become the best decision. Then the diet will be the most efficient, at the same time will not harm an organism.

Buckwheat monodiet

Гречневая монодиетаBuckwheat – the product, very nourishing for an organism, promoting its clarification.

In the one or two weeks spent on such monodiet, responses confirm, it is possible to say goodbye to 4-10 kilograms.

The secret of carrying out a buckwheat monodiet consists in special preparation of porridge as usual cooking does not approach here. It is necessary to take grain, to fill in it with boiled water, and then to leave for the night that it infused. It is possible to use the buckwheat made thus in any quantity, but without spices and salt. It is possible to add uniform buckwheat food with kefir which fat content should not exceed 1%, and it it is impossible to drink more than 1 l daily.

Still mineral water is allowed to be drunk without any restrictions. However, there is a peculiar "gold" rule which prohibits the use of any food before going to bed (in 4-6 hours).

Kefiric monodiet

This diet has a set of options.

The first is the pure monodiet assuming the use of 1-1,5 l of kefir for 5-6 meals which have to occur in equal periods.

The second option allows to add to kefir (to the same quantity, as well as in the previous option) fruit and vegetables which amount should not exceed 1 kilogram.

Repetition of such diet is possible only in a month, and it is better even through two. Only in that case it is possible to avoid problems with health.

Rice monodiet

At developers of diets rice is one of the most beloved products. It is explained by its unique properties – rice is very nutritious and tasty, and also it has ability, incredibly useful to weight loss, to adsorb, and then and to bring harmful substances, slags and salts out of an organism. For this reason it is considered that rice diets not only help to lose weight, but also promote cleaning of an organism.

One of the most rigid options of a rice monodiet assumes the use for all day of the rice porridge cooked from the 1st glass of rice. It is possible to wash down it with apple juice, and at strong feeling of hunger it is allowed to eat 2-3 apples.

Easier option assumes addition to rice of a small amount of boiled fast meat, stewed vegetables or soy.

For carrying out monodiets it is recommended to use the crude rice which contains group B vitamins in quantity, necessary for an organism. Also when using any option of a rice diet it is recommended to accept potassium to avoid deficit of this vital element in an organism.

Monodiet for 10 days

The essence of this monodiet consists in the use of one product for all 10 days. Porridges most of all are suitable for a ten-day diet, for example, but it can also be juice, cottage cheese, fruit.

Before going on such long diet on one product, it is worth preparing for it the organism. Preparation has to be carried out as in physical, and morally as growing thin not only have to want to say goodbye to excess weight, but also to be firmly convinced that everything by all means will turn out. Positive mood is the key to success. Surely it is worth checking the health before a monodiet and to consult about expediency of such food with the doctor.

Some days before date which has to become the first day of a monodiet for 10 days it is necessary to reduce amount of the eaten food and not to overeat. It is necessary to try to enter smoothly a diet and not to "arrange" a stress for an organism as only in that case it is possible to achieve desirable result for minimum short terms.

Ten-day diets are also divided into types:

1. A diet on porridges. According to reviews of monodiets, this look is the most acceptable for most of girls as it is allowed to clear perfectly an organism and to get rid of several hated kilograms. A pleasant bonus at the choice of a diet on porridges is that types of grain can be alternated, but not to adhere to all 10 days of food on buckwheat/rice/porridge / пшенке. Besides, porridges can be eaten in any quantities, you will not feel saturation yet. But it is worth remembering that it is necessary to prepare grain without addition of salt, spices and various sauces.

2. A cabbage monodiet for 10 days. Капустная монодиета на 10 днейThis diet is also very popular as cabbage is a nourishing and useful vegetable. Choosing a species of cabbage, it is better to stop for idle time of white. It is possible to use it exclusively in the raw. It is possible to have green tea and still water in unlimited number. As this diet is unbalanced, during its use the use of vitamins is obligatory.

3. Carrot monodiet. The root crop which is a basis of this diet has a set of useful microelements which are extremely valuable to a human body. For growing thin cellulose and iodine are the most useful – they give feasible help in weight loss attempts. The menu of a carrot diet surprisingly simple as includes any amount of fresh carrot. It is possible to wash down orange vegetable with still water or green tea.

That the lost kilograms also quickly, as well as left, did not return back, it is worth paying attention to the correct exit from this diet.

It is worth remembering, as after a monodiet it is not necessary to relax, that is it is recommended to leave it gradually and smoothly. Restriction in food has to last so much time how many the diet lasted. The products prohibited during a diet should be entered into a diet very carefully and in small amounts.

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