Main > Drugs> Globe-thistle


Мордовник - растение семейства АстровыхGlobe-thistle – the herbaceous plant belonging to Astrov' family.

Description of a globe-thistle

The plant in height reaches 1,5 m, has a rod thick low-branchy root. Leaves are deep-separate, next, slightly pautinisty or naked, from above dark green color. Radical and lower stem leaves petiolar, other sedentary.

Inflorescences are spherical, large, heads multiflowered, located on the ends of a stalk poodinochno.

The plant in Europe, North Africa, in Central Asia and in South Ural grows. Prefers stony slopes, steppes, roadsides of roads, sand and coastal pebble.

The globe-thistle ordinary is the strongest melliferous herb. With 1 hectare it is possible to collect about 1 ton of honey.

In the medical purposes globe-thistle seeds are used.

Chemical composition of a globe-thistle

Seeds of a globe-thistle contain alkaloids (generally – echinopsine – 2%). Also there are fat oils, triterpenoida, flavonoids, tannins, ascorbic acid, rubber, saponins, the highest aliphatic hydrocarbons.

Use of a globe-thistle in medicine

Plant treated an adynamy and paresis since ancient times. Dioskorid, the famous antique doctor, mentioned this plant in the works more than once.

Now the globe-thistle in pharmacology and scientific medicine found the application.

Druggists paid attention to this plant in 1900 when found the echinopsine similar in the action on strychnine in it. In those days echinopsine in applied medicine was not applied yet. And here, in the fifties the last century began to make medicines of echinopsine.

In official medicine nitrate, solution was applied to injections and to internal use of echinopsine. Echinopsine is capable to stimulate reflex irritability of a spinal cord owing to what the muscle tone and a physical activity raises. Also he aggravates reaction to painful activators. It was proved that echinopsine strengthens processes of excitability and conductivity in nerve terminations due to increase in potential of their action and increase in permeability of cellular membranes.

It was noticed that echinopsine lowers arterial pressure and expands vessels, increases the frequency and amplitude of a cordial rhythm.

In therapy use of a globe-thistle and echinopsine was quite wide. Treatment by drugs of echinopsine was carried out at muscular atrophies, multiple sclerosis, a myasthenia, at defeats of peripheral nerves. It was applied to elimination of effects of a radial illness and as fortifying and tonic.

In 81 last century drugs on the basis of echinopsine were eliminated more effective medicines applied in connection with emergence.Мордовник, сухой чайный напиток

The globe-thistle and in traditional medicine found application. Here it is used at exhaustion, for removal of a headache, for stopping of epileptic seizures. Seeds of a globe-thistle are used as diuretic. At an arterial hypertension and heart diseases they are accepted inside.

Inflorescences of a plant are a part of the collecting accepted at a gastroenteritis, malaria, pleurisy.

Some parts of a globe-thistle use for treatment of an echinococcosis of a liver and infectious hepatitis.

Outwardly the plant is appointed at skin diseases.

Contraindications and cautions

Globe-thistle – a plant poisonous, its toxicological properties up to the end are not studied yet. Therefore it is worth applying it under strict control of doctors.

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