Characteristic of a diet | Final assessment |
Prodolzhitelnost:3, 10 days |
3,5 of 5 Diet at the heart of which one of the most useful vegetables, has a set of pluses. But the low caloric content and imbalance does it undesirable to long observance – the maximum term of 10 days. |
Recommended частота:раз in 3 months | |
Speed of loss of weight: | |
Safety: | |
Variety of products: |
The carrot diet allows not only to lose weight, but to clear intestines and to fill up reserves of useful substances in an organism.
Carrots, key product of a diet, are vitamin-rich (provitamin A, almost all vitamins of group B, vitamins C, K, E, PP), micro and macrocells (iron, iodine, phosphorus, cobalt, chrome, zinc, nickel, potassium, magnesium, copper, fluorine). Regular consumption of carrots well influences work of bodies of a GIT, cardiovascular system, kidneys and a liver, organs of sight, improves a condition of skin. The carrot diet promotes removal of slags and toxins from an organism, activates a metabolism and increases immunity.
As carrots contain a lot of iodine, it is recommended at the lowered function of a thyroid gland.
There are several options of the Carrot diet, but are most popular three-day and ten-day.
Main course of the Carrot diet – carrots salad which recipe differs in three-day and ten-day version of the menu a little.
Salad for the Carrot diet for 3 days is cooked as follows: two large carrots rub on an average grater. Add one previously crushed fruit, juice of a lemon, 1 h l. honey also fill with a teaspoon of olive oil. The received volume is divided into 4 identical portions which are eaten during the day. At desire the amount of carrots in salad can be increased.
Salad for ten-day option of the Carrot diet prepares even more simply: to add to polished carrots crushed a kiwi or apple, to fill with sour cream and to mix.
Rules of the Carrot diet:
The carrot diet is quite rigid, the day diet contains few calories. If after its end to pass to usual food at once, the dumped kilograms quickly will return. That to avoid it, it is recommended in the first day after the termination of a carrot diet to adhere to the menu of previous day, having added to it a little fast meat and 1-2 boiled or baked potatoes. After that within several days it is necessary to expand a diet gradually. For preservation of result it is worth refusing confectionery and fat dishes, and also to adhere to fractional food.
In 3 days of the Carrot diet it is possible to dump 2-3 kg, and during a 10-day diet – 5-7 kg.
The use of a large number of carrots promotes saturation of an organism useful substances. There is purgation, improvement of a condition of skin, increase in vitality and overall health. As carrots contain a lot of iodine, it is recommended at the lowered function of a thyroid gland.
Its low cost and simplicity belongs to advantages of the Carrot diet.
The carrot diet is unbalanced and contains too small number of calories therefore it is not recommended to adhere to it longer than 10 days.
The diet is contraindicated at chronic diseases, especially diseases of a liver, stomach, intestines, endocrine frustration.
On a 3-day Carrot diet are resolved:
Enter a diet of 10-day option of a diet:
All products which did not be a part resolved, including sugar are prohibited. It is desirable to refuse salt, but if it is heavy, then it is admissible to use it in a small amount.
Menu of a 3-day Carrot diet:
Breakfast |
Carrot salad, green tea. |
Lunch |
Carrot salad, 200 ml of carrot juice, piece of rye bread. |
Afternoon snack |
Carrot salad, green tea. |
Dinner |
Option 1: carrot salad, 150 g of yogurt or 1 tablespoon of sour cream, 200 ml of broth of a dogrose. Option 2: carrot salad, portion of stewed vegetables (beet, cabbage, eggplants, vegetable marrows). |
Menu of one day of 10-day option of a diet:
First breakfast |
150 ml of kefir. |
Second breakfast |
200 g of salad from carrots and kiwi, mineral water. |
Lunch |
200 g of salad from carrots and kiwi, green tea. |
Afternoon snack |
200 g of salad from carrots and apple, water. |
Dinner |
Carrot and fruit juice. |
Council 1: At will it is possible to add any greens (fennel, parsley, a celery, etc.) to carrot salad.
Council 2: The beta carotene which is contained in carrots is 80% better acquired with fats therefore it is not necessary to aim to toughen a diet, refusing seasoning of carrot salad with oil or sour cream.
Council 3: Carrots are useful both in crude, and in a boiled look therefore during the Carrot diet it is possible to cook salad and from boiled carrots, it will bring a variety the menu.
Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.
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