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Мозоли на ногах

As a result of the long wearing close and inconvenient footwear pressing influences or friction on the surface of skin usually there are extremely painful and esthetically unattractive phenomena – callosities, to get rid completely of which afterwards, often happens not so simply.

Is known not to all the fact that callosities actually serve for protection of excessively sensitive skin against damages. Ugly outgrowths from the coarsened and keratosic cells of skin protect a skin surface from further traumatizing in places of the increased friction and pressure. Excessive growth of corn fabric in turn begins to cause the most severe pains and becomes the real problem.

Reasons of callosities

Standing wearing footwear, inconvenient, close or improper by the size, is the most common cause of emergence of callosities. But it is not the only origin of callosities. According to some specialists of a callosity in this or that place can confirm also existence in an organism of serious diseases.

The callosities which were located at the edges of heels signal about possible problems in a condition of vascular system. Unexpectedly appeared callosity under a little finger on the left leg – about heart troubles. Emergence of callosities on toes in other places is characteristic of severe nervous exhaustion of an organism.

Rather unusual occurrence – the callosity which arose in a middle part of an internal surface of foot can tell about potential problems and diseases in a large intestine, and at the earliest stages when yet no obvious symptoms of a disease were shown.

Причины возникновения мозолей на ногах

Types of callosities

All callosities are subdivided into the following types:

- wet;

- dry;

- rod;

- natoptysh.

Callosities standing meet all above described types. In addition, on toes can be formed, so-called, bone callosities, most often - on little fingers. Bone callosities standing should be distinguished from natoptyshy, by the outward they remind small firm hillocks, often yellowish shade. Bone callosities by conservative methods, as a rule, will not respond to treatment. Removal of a callosity of a bone look is made only in medical institution in the surgical way.

Treatment of callosities

Need of timely treatment of callosities is caused by the fact that they, expanding, begin to cause very strong inconveniences and painful pain when walking (if it is about callosities on ступнях legs).

It is the best of all to entrust a helotomy (especially rod) to the experienced cosmetologist. In this case it is possible to be sure completely that the callosity is removed finally and the place of its localization is processed and disinfected as appropriate.

If that opportunity is not available, it is possible to try to remove a callosity independently in house conditions. Before direct removal of a callosity, it is necessary to steam out skin in warm solution of water with addition of soap, soda or salammoniac.

After steaming it is possible to apply on skin special means from callosities (as much as possible to soften the keratosic skin layer), then to start stripping by its pumice or a special cosmetic terochka for processing by a foot. After completion of the procedure of removal of a callosity it is necessary to disinfect the place at which the callosity, iodic solution was not to allow hit of an infection.

As folk remedies from callosities it is possible to recommend the following golden rules on leaving for stupnyam of legs:

- twice within a week it is obligatory to process a surface a foot pumice at once after acceptance of a hygienic shower or a bathtub;

- to periodically arrange warm trays for legs with addition of milk or grass broth, such procedures not only help to keep a skin surface gentle and soft as at the baby, but also effectively stimulate process of blood circulation in legs;

Средство от мозолей Foot Woorks- to choose and wear shoes for daily socks only from natural materials (skin, a canvas and so forth) on a low heel (no more than five centimeters);

- for prevention of emergence of callosities and pain in legs it is necessary to get a habit to use special inserts and instep supports for comfortable footwear socks.

It is necessary to treat treatment of wet callosities with extra care as the probability of hit of an infection in circulatory system together with lymphatic liquid which fills a corn bubble is high. It is impossible to take "useful" national advices at all and to pierce or puncture a corn bubble to squeeze out from there lymphatic liquid for the simplification a state. If the corn bubble was opened independently, all area of a callosity needs to be processed as soon as possible an antiseptic agent, best of all, iodine or solution of brilliant green. After processing the wound should be stuck with a bactericidal plaster accurately.

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