Main > Diseases> Incontience calla

Incontience calla

The incontience a calla is loss of control over process of the defecation caused by various disturbances and injuries.Анатомические патологии - одна из причин недержания кала

Incontience reasons calla

The calla is the main reason for an incontience disturbance in functioning of a muscular press and impossibility of keeping of contents in a large intestine.

The switching device has to hold intestines contents which have the liquid, firm and gaseous form. Kal keeps in a rectum due to interaction of the receptor device and the proctal channel which is carried out by means of nerve terminations, a spinal cord and the muscular device.

The main reasons of an incontience a calla have various etiology and can be both the inborn, and acquired pathologies. It is possible to carry to such reasons:

  • anatomic pathologies, including malformations of the proctal device, defects of a rectum and existence of fistulas in an anus;
  • the organic injuries got after the delivery, injuries of a brain;
  • mental deviations, including neurosis, hysteria, psychosis, schizophrenia, etc.;
  • existence of a serious illness and complications after them (weak-mindedness, epilepsy, a maniacal syndrome, etc.);
  • traumatic damages of the locking device, including operational injury, home accidents and falling, ruptures of a rectum;
  • the acute infectious diseases causing diarrhea and a fecal blockage;
  • the neurologic disturbances which arose because of a diabetes mellitus, injuries of a basin, anus tumors, etc.

Types of an incontience calla

The incontience a calla at adults and children differs on an etiology and a type of a proctal inkontinentation. It is possible to allocate the following types of an incontience:

  • regular allocation of fecal masses without desires on defecation;
  • incontience of fecal masses at a desire on defecation;
  • partial incontience of fecal masses at exercise stresses, cough, sneezing, etc.;
  • age incontience a calla under the influence of degenerative processes in an organism.

The incontience a calla at children in infancy is a normality at which the child still has no ability to constrain defecation and gases. If the incontience a calla at children proceeds up to 3 years, then it is necessary to see the attending physician as disturbances and pathologies can be found.

The incontience a calla at adults is usually connected with existence of nervous and reflex pathology. At patients proctal insufficiency which is caused by disturbance of an outside sphincter and a pathological incontience of contents of the filled rectum can be shown.

At disturbances of an innervation an incontience the calla at adults occurs at the time of consciousness shutdown, that is during sleep, a faint and in stressful situations.

The receptor incontience a calla at old men is observed in the absence of the desires on defecation caused by defeats of distal department of a rectum and central nervous system. The incontience a calla at old men is usually observed after lacks of coordination of movements, mental deviations and degenerative processes.

To appoint the most correct treatment, it is necessary to define precisely incontience type a calla – inborn, postnatal, traumatic and functional.

Incontience the calla can be caused in women by damage of a proctal sphincter after the delivery. Puerperal disturbances are resulted by a rupture of a crotch and further suppuration which leads to development of dysfunction of the proctal device.

Diagnosis of a disease

For definition of the exact diagnosis and establishment of the correct type of an incontience a calla the attending physician appoints diagnostic testings, and also performs inspection on existence of anatomic, neurologic and traumatic disturbances of the proctal device.

The therapist and the proctologist appoint a research of sensitivity of an anus, a rektoromanoskopiya, ultrasonography and a magnetic and resonant research.

Treatment of an incontience calla

The calla is the first stage of treatment of an incontience establishment of regular defecation and normal work of digestive tract. For the patient appoint not only the correct diet, but also regulate a diet with correction of a diet, its components and quantities.Фуразолидон - один из препаратов для лечения недержания кала

After normalization of digestion appoint drugs which stop defecation, including furasolidone and имодиум.

The most effective treatment of an incontience the calla will be at purpose of special trainings and exercises for strengthening of proctal muscles. The program of exercises will allow to train a sphincter and to recover normal functioning of the proctal device.

At serious damages of proctal pass and a rectum appoint operational intervention. Colostomy represents the operation directed to surgical connection of a large intestine and an abdominal wall. Proctal pass is completely sewed, and the patient after operation can make defecation only in a special replaceable bag which is connected to an abdominal wall. Such operation is performed only in extreme hard cases.

Conservative treatment of an incontience the calla includes performing medicamentous therapy, electrostimulation and remedial gymnastics. Electrostimulation of a crotch and a press is directed to improvement of sokratitelny function of proctal muscles, recovery of locking ability of a rectum and strengthening of an anus. Medicines as a part of the main therapy will allow to improve nervous irritability in synapses and to normalize a condition of muscular tissue. Drugs are appointed depending on diagnostic indications and a condition of the patient, incontience type by a calla and stages of a course of a disease.

If necessary appoint the combined treatment of an incontience a calla at which carry out surgical removal of hemorrhoidal nodes and recovery of a rectum.

As additional therapy the course of hydrotherapeutic procedures and Biofidbek who is directed to a training of proctal muscles by means of the special device and the diagnostic monitor can be appointed.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.