Main > Diseases> An urine incontience at children

Urine incontience at children

It is authentically established that the urine incontience occurs at children much more often than it is discussed, owing to sensitivity of a problem. This pathology quite often has the medical nature and demands a responsible approach of parents. To help the child to overcome it, it is necessary to discard false awkwardness and to set up close cooperation with the attending physician.Отставание в развитии нервной системы - одна из причин недержания мочи у детей

The urine incontience reasons at children

System approach to a question demands understanding – primary or secondary enuresis takes place to be in this specific case. Depending on the nature of a situation this or that approach to its permission is defined.

Most often primary incontience of urine occurs at children. To establish its reason the family anamnesis can be required. Presumably primary enuresis arises at children whose parents in the childhood suffered from a similar problem.

In certain cases primary bed wetting at children can be caused by a certain lag in development of a nervous system. So at a full bladder the brain of the sleeping child has to signal a bladder about emptying prohibition. At a delay in development of TsNS the similar signal can be insufficient.

Much less often the secondary incontience of urine occurs at children, and the reasons which caused its emergence are, as a rule, the stress or a psychological injury.

Modern approach to treatment of an incontience of urine at children

The qualified therapy is based on high-quality diagnosis. For specification of the diagnosis, as a rule, it is required

  • detailed anamnesis,
  • analysis of urine,
  • somnologichesky research (monitoring of a dream).

If the child suffers from chronic locks, his bladder can be under constant pressure from intestines, causing an involuntary urination. Existence of urological infections or the increased glucose level in urine can also become the urine incontience reason at children. Quite often registered in somnologichesky laboratory of an apnoea – the short-term apnoea - is the reason of bed wetting at children.Стресс - причина вторичного недержания мочи у детей

Also average bed wetting can be caused in children by the strongest nervous shock. In similar cases the help of the qualified children's psychologist is necessary.

In an arsenal of modern medicine for treatment of an incontience of urine children have special sensors of humidity. They are designed to help with a solution of the problem of bed wetting at children. At the same time traditional methods – such how to wake the child three hours later after backfilling and to suggest to descend in a toilet – did not lose the efficiency.

If during the day the child receives enough liquid, then in the evening it is better to limit amount of drinks. Also it is worth consulting to the doctor about expediency of purpose of special medicines which reduce night production of urine. Categorically it is not recommended to abuse children for bed wetting. On the contrary, the child it is worth encouraging and supporting, instilling in him confidence in a victory over a problem.

The day incontience of urine at children is not pathology only aged up to 4 years at girls and up to 5 years at boys. In more adult period it can demonstrate existence of asymptomatic epilepsy. The situation demands consultation with nurseries epileptology which has to appoint a brain encephalogram.

The day incontience of urine at children can also develop at younger school age. In this period the vesical reflex is still insufficiently steady. If the teacher prohibits pupils visit of a toilet during lessons as required, then receptors of a bladder lose sensitivity that can also become the urine incontience reason at children. The matter should be discussed surely with the teacher in advance.

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