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Urine incontience at women

Urine incontience at women call such state at which there is an involuntary effluence of urine. The incontience of urine is divided into an overflow incontience, an anatomic incontience, a functional incontience and a total incontience.Недостаточность тазового дня - одна из причин недержания мочи у женщин

At 20% of women involuntary release of urine is observed aged from 20 up to 55 years, at 15% of women – up to 35 years, at 28% - after 55 years.

Symptoms and the reasons of an incontience of urine at women

Allocate two main reasons of an incontience of urine. The incontience of urine can appear with a pressure upon a bladder at the time of laughter, sneezing, cough and other actions. The urine incontience caused by tension is not shown in a dream and at change of position of a body.

The uncontrollable desire to an urination arising at involuntary reduction of muscles of a bladder can be the cause of an incontience of urine at women.

The incontience of urine can be connected with insufficiency of a pelvic bottom. After an injury of a pelvic bottom the uterus, a bladder and walls of a vagina fall, changing the natural arrangement. The incontience of urine can be provoked by the hereditary factors, various anatomic disturbances (acquired and inborn), operative measures, a hard work, urinogenital infections, reception of some medicines, excess weight.

This disease can gradually develop at stones in a bladder, at a prolapse of pelvic bodies, a diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's disease or Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, bladder cancer, a stroke, injury of a spinal cord, and also after the postponed hysterectomy (removal of a uterus) and the chronic cough connected with smoking or the long course of bronchitis.

The incontience of urine can develop when smoking, at the insufficient use of liquid and abuse of caffeine.

Urine incontience symptoms

At an urine incontience at women imperative desires on an urination are changeable. Symptoms of desires can change depending on a specific situation and a way of life. However at all symptoms uncontrollable desire to urinate always remains. Strengthening of an urination happens at night. At the speeded-up urination the condition of the patient worsens as the bladder does not keep the large volume of urine any more.

The desire to an urination at an incontience of urine can arise even at almost empty bladder. A small amount of urine follows a stream, a strong flow or drops. Release of urine happens at run, walking, in the bed, at sounds flowing from the water crane. The neurogenic incontience is shown at excessive prolixity of the crowded bladder. When the bladder is filled entirely, pressure of liquid overcomes sphincter resistance, and urine filters from a bubble. At such type of disturbance of the woman are usually not capable to urinate a strong equal stream.

Diagnostic methods and treatments of an incontience of urine at women

For specification of the diagnosis of an incontience of urine at women the doctor specifies details of development of a disease and performs medical examination. Existence of an infection in a bladder helps to define crops on sterility, the general analysis of urine and a kultorologichesky research of urine. For carrying out the stressful test for a bladder the doctor enters liquid into a bubble and asks to cough. And in Bonnie's test the raising (tension) of a neck of a bladder occurs by means of the tool or a finger entered into a vagina. The test of laying helps to define how often and how strongly there is an urine dribble during the day.

In addition at an urine incontience the doctor can appoint a tsistometriya a tsistometrografiya, an urofloumetriya – a series of the tests allowing to determine pressure in a bladder at various fullness. At a tsistometriya determine pressure of leak and the maximum force of compression of an urethra. The method of ultrasonic diagnosis and a X-ray analysis helps to define residual amount of liquid in a bubble after an urination. They help to define position of an urethra and bladder at a tension, cough and an urination.

To certain patients appoint a tsistoskopiya – a method of studying of internal structure of a bladder and urethra by means of the thin endoscope. The tsistouretrogramma helps to reveal physical defects of an urinary system. In this method apply iodinated contrast to receiving a x-ray film of internal walls of an urethra and a bladder.

To treatment of an incontience of urine women have many approaches. The best methods of therapy are based on fight against the urine incontience reason. And depending on a cause of infringement apply physical therapy, physical exercises, hormonal therapy, medicamentous therapy, psychotherapy or surgical therapy. The health can improve when replacing one medicine for an urine incontience at women on another, at elimination of the morbid condition which is the cornerstone of disturbance.Упражнения Кегеля - один из методов лечения недержания мочи у женщин

Kegel's exercises will help to cope with any type of an incontience of urine at women. These exercises help to strengthen muscles of an abdominal cavity and a basin. When performing exercises of the patient three times a day three seconds owe strain pelvic muscles. Efficiency of use a pessary, special intra vaginal rubber devices in many respects depends on a type of an incontience and specific features of an anatomic structure of an organism.

To strengthen pelvic muscles quite perhaps by means of extracorporal magnetic stimulation. During this procedure magnetic field influences nerve terminations of an organism.

Urine incontience at a physical tension, but without weakening of muscles of a pelvic bottom, atrophies of a vagina treat various drugs (for example, anticongestive and an antiedematous Zyudafed). Believe that some drugs for an urine incontience at women are capable to provide lifelong medical effect.

If the incontience of urine is caused by omission or a prolapse of the uterus, then not to do without surgical intervention. Operation at an urine incontience at women allows to eliminate also fistulas which can serve as the incontience reason.

Operations at an urine incontience at women are performed either chrezvaginalny, or transabdominal access under the general anesthesia. In extremely hard cases an incontience treat by increase in a bladder or removal of urine.

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