Main > Food stuffs> Nectarine


The nectarine represents juicy and sweet fruit which is received by selection of a peach. These fruit are similar by outward and taste.


Biological features and distribution

The first mentioning of a nectarine is dated 1616 when in the territory of East Asia these fruit were for the first time grown up. Now nectarines are widespread in Italy, Greece, Cyprus and Tunisia.

On the biological features and structure this fruit is similar to a peach. The nectarine fruit soft also has a smooth thin skin, pleasant aroma and taste.

The origin of this fruit is connected with a mutation of pochkovy type when there was a self-pollination of peach trees and nectarines grew by them. Now on peach trees nectarines and vice versa often grow.

The nectarine is a winterhardy grade which is steady against diseases and influence of wreckers, and also well adapts to a frigid climate. Therefore this fruit can grow in Russia (in the Caucasus and in Stavropol Krai).

Nectarines of large-fruited type with yellow pulp which have high tastes are popular in Europe.

Useful properties

Thanks to contents as a part of a nectarine of vitamins and microelements fruit has a number of useful properties. It contains fructose, sucrose, organic acids, glucose, vitamins of the PP and C group, polyphenol, pectin, and also such useful substances as phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, sulfur, iron, calcium and silicon.

At the use of a nectarine functioning of digestive glands and digestion of food improves. Fruit contains antioxidants which are useful to cell regeneration, prevention of emergence of wrinkles and maintenance of a necessary water balance in fabrics. Also in a nectarine there is a pectin which stops influence of harmful microorganisms and prevents development of cancer tumors.

It is useful to use a nectarine at an anemia, a stomach hyperoxemia, locks, failures in functioning of cardiovascular system.

At the regular use of this fruit there is a prevention of a hypertension and atherosclerosis. Fruits of fruit are rich with cellulose, carbohydrates and vitamin A.

In some grades of a nectarine of a stone sweet also taste like nut, and on the chemical composition they are similar to almonds. In pharmacology for preparation of various ointments and medicines oil from nectarine stones is used.

The thin skin of this fruit is a part of absorbent carbon, and wood of a tree is often used for creation of souvenirs and hand-made articles.

Nectarines contain more potassium, ascorbic acid and provitamins, than in peaches, but is 10% less than sugar.

Nectarine caloric content

The nectarine is low-calorie fruit which is useful as the main or additional ingredient in the dietary menu.

Caloric content of a nectarine makes 48 kcal., and also it contains 11 g of carbohydrates, 0,2 g of fats and 0,9 g of proteins.

Consumption of a nectarine

The nectarine can be used as fresh, and to bake, use for preparation of jam and ice cream. These fruit are suitable for conservation, pickling and drying.

In many European countries this fruit is often applied to preparation of desserts, jams, confitures and compotes. In the countries of the Mediterranean nectarines preserve and use for preparation of salads, ragout, and also other vegetable and meat dishes.

From these fruit the good stuffing for pastries turns out, they impact special juiciness and pleasant relish to desserts and cocktails.

Варенье из нектарина

Contraindications of nectarines

Stones of some grades of nectarines contain cyanhydric acid which is toxic poison. Therefore they should be excluded from consumption.

Contraindications to the use of this fruit are the individual intolerance and predisposition to allergic reactions to proteins which contain in a nectarine thin skin.

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