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Snuff tobacco

Snuff tobacco – the tobacco leaf which is dried up and crushed to a powder consistence for a smokeless direction of use. Snuff tobacco is produced by a mastication of a tobacco leaf and a stalk in powder. Powder mix can be added with various fragrances: lavender, orange flower, peach, cinnamon, etc. As a rule, snuff tobacco is used in the traditional way – by inhalation of the small allocated portion of tobacco through a nose. Snuff tobacco mixes make the same impact on a human body, as well as traditional cigarettes.

Нюхательный табак - измельченный табачный лист, предназначенный для вдыхания через нос

From history of snuff tobacco

The first references of snuff tobacco meet in the American literature describing the Indians inhaling powder. The first documentary descriptions of the use of snuff tobacco belong to the 15th century: the monk Raymond Paine for the first time described the procedure of the use of a snaff. Snuff tobacco quickly found popularity around the world. Physicians of that time emphasized curative properties of tobacco snuff mix. It was necessary that with its help it was possible to cure an ulcer, and also many respiratory diseases.

The name of Jean Nicko is closely connected with history of development and promoting of snuff tobacco. The curious researcher and the scientist was engaged in cultivation of tobacco and made various experiments, studying its curative effect. So, it applied the crushed sheet of tobacco to treatment of skin diseases, inflammatory processes. He recommended to Ekaterina Medici who had migraines to inhale snuff tobacco as remedy. According to Jean Nicko's instructions, the queen had to put a powder pinch in a nose, and the sneezing arising at the same time and mucifying had to have the "facilitating" effect, thereby saving the queen from a headache. Snuff tobacco was to the taste to it. This fact promoted considerable distribution of tradition to smell tobacco for "simplification of the head". The fashion for snuff tobacco held on nearly two centuries. The opinion that snuff tobacco has a number of curative properties exists and today. Now scientists look for ways of use of nicotine in treatment of some diseases. So, the main developed direction is bringing in an organism of the smoker of nicotine alternative paths for treatment of nicotine addiction. Also influence of nicotine as sedative, excipient in treatment of psychological frustration and Alzheimer's diseases, Parkinson, a syndrome of deficit of attention and other is studied.

Snuff tobacco: effect on a human body

Recently snuff tobacco is positioned as means of fight against smoking. New terminology "smokeless tobacco", "not smoking tobacco" misleads the consumer. Tobacco remains tobacco, regardless of a form of its use: chewing, smoking, inhalation through a nose.

Tobacco is a source of nicotine which in turn belongs to strong psychoactive agents and is the most powerful neuro and Cardiotoxinum. The researches conducted worldwide established that snuff tobacco is so toxic, as well as smoking tobacco mixes, it creates the same nicotine addiction at the person, making heavy impact on an organism.

It is necessary that the use of snuff tobacco, the effect of which is many times stronger, than from inhalation of smoke during smoking of a cigarette, less harmfully, than a traditional "smoking" way of its use. Owing to the fact that snuff tobacco does not give in to heat treatment in the course of its use pitches which cause additional damage to an organism are not formed.

Actually, to regard impact of nicotine on an organism as less defective or dangerous in a root it is not correct. Nicotine, being soaked up in blood through mucous membranes of a nasopharynx and being carried with a blood flow on all organism, quickly gets into a brain. Snuff tobacco, effect of which use occurs within 1-2 minutes after inhalation of a dose, is dangerous not only by the impact on TsNS, but also damage of mucous membranes. The constant use of snuff tobacco, the effect of which, than from traditional smoking of tobacco mixes, leads longer to chronic inflammatory processes of mucous membranes of a nasopharynx. The effect after the used dose of snuff tobacco remains on an extent of 15-20 minutes.

Snuff tobacco: harm, formation of nicotine addiction

Snuff tobacco mistakenly is considered palliative means in fight against smoking. Really, the use of snuff tobacco reduces desire of the person to smoke a cigarette, but the mechanism remains the same. The organism receives the same dose of nicotine, only in a different way.

Snuff tobacco which harm from the use not smaller, than from traditional cigarettes, develops the same nicotine addiction which is characterized by the following signs in an organism:

  • Manifestation of insuperable desire to use the following dose of tobacco for achievement of the invigorating effect;
  • Change of psychological state of the person;
  • Development of an abstinence syndrome at the substance use termination.

The constant use of snuff tobacco increases risk of development of cancer diseases of an oral cavity and nasopharynx. Regular influence of nicotine aggravates the course of chronic diseases, reduces therapeutic effect of some medicines. The constant irritation of mucous membranes of a nasopharynx fine particles of tobacco dust promotes formation of polyps and their regeneration in malignant forms. Tobacco dust, settling on mucous, causes allergic reactions in an organism.

Particles of snuff tobacco get not only on mucous a nose and into airways, but also get into a gullet, a stomach, reaching intestines. In rare instances the use of snuff tobacco can cause enteritis, a duodenitis, gastritis.

Snuff tobacco from which harm is obvious, and to non-smoking people around is not less dangerous. So, the tobacco dust spreading in air leads to passive inhalation. Become result of such use of snuff tobacco mix:

  • Deterioration in respiratory functions;
  • Irritation of a mucous membrane of eyes;
  • Increase of a rhythm of heartbeat;
  • Increase in arterial pressure;
  • Congestion of a nose or rhinitises;
  • Irritability, headache, sleep disorder;
  • Appetite loss, nausea;
  • Irritation in a throat, cough.

In rare instances passive inhalation of tobacco dust non-smoking can lead to development of heart troubles, asthmas, emphysemas of lungs.

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