Main > Drugs> No-Sol


Спрей назальный Но-СольNo-Sol – the medicine moisturizing a mucous membrane of a nose and reducing its puffiness, liquefying dense slime, softening dry crusts in a nose and promoting their easy removal.

Form of release and structure

  • Drops nasal 0,65% (on 10 ml in bottles, in packaging 1 bottle);
  • Spray of nasal 0,65% (on 15 ml in polyethylene bottles, in packaging 1 bottle complete with a nozzle doser and a protective cap).

Spray and drops represent transparent colourless liquid with a slight specific smell.

No-Sol active ingredient: sodium chloride, in 1 ml of drops and 1 ml of spray – 6,5 mg.

Auxiliary components: monosubstituted two-water phosphate of sodium, disubstituted 12-water phosphate of sodium, benzyl alcohol, a benzalkoniya chloride, water for injections.

Indications to use

  • Complex therapy of acute and chronic inflammatory processes of a nasal cavity, adnexal bosoms and nasopharynx of various etiology (including atrophic, allergic and infectious rhinitises, sinusitis, nasopharyngites);
  • Prevention during the autumn and winter and epidemic periods of infectious pathology of a nasal cavity, nasopharynx and adnexal bosoms (antritis, a frontal sinusitis, sinusitis);
  • Prevention of average otitis;
  • Improvement of absorption of other medicines entered into a nasal cavity (for example, local vasoconstrictive drugs);
  • Daily hygiene of a nasal cavity for maintenance of protective function mucous in the conditions of the increased dryness and/or air pollution (conditioning, central heating, tobacco smoke, etc.);
  • Treatment-and-prophylactic use in the postoperative period (after removal of adenoides, carrying out the septoplasty and other otorhinolaryngological surgical interventions).


Hypersensitivity to No-Sol – the main contraindication to its use.

In the form of spray drug is not appointed to children up to 2 years.

Route of administration and dosage

No-Sol it is intended for nasal use. Treatment on average lasts 3 weeks. If necessary the course of treatment is repeated in 1 month.

Drops are nasal

  • Adults: on 2 drops in each nasal course;
  • Children are more senior than 1 year: on 1-2 drops;
  • Children till 1 year: on 1 drop.

Frequency rate of an instillation of No-Sol at its use as remedy – 3-4 times a day, as prophylactic – 1-4 times a day.

It is necessary to dig in drug in the nasal courses which are previously cleared of slime. The head during instillation is recommended to be thrown back back and to incline to the right at an instillation in the left nostril and to the left at an instillation in the right nostril.

To children washing of a nasal cavity is carried out in a prone position. After the procedure it is necessary to put the child and to clear a nasal cavity of the rarefied slime.

Spray nasal

  • Adults: on 2 doses in each nasal course;
  • Children are more senior than 2 years: on 1-2 doses.

Frequency rate of use of No-Sol as remedy – 3-4 times a day, as prophylactic – 1-4 times a day.

During injection of spray it is necessary to take a superficial breath through a nose then to lie down 2 minutes, having thrown back the head back.

Side effects

No-Sol it is generally transferred well, development of allergic reactions in the form of local irritation of a mucous membrane of a nose is in rare instances possible.

Special instructions

Before use the bottle with medicine needs to be taken in a palm to warm to room temperature.

Negative impact on the speed of reactions and ability to concentration does not pay attention of No-Sol.

During treatment by drug regular control of electrolytic composition of blood is necessary for patients with a severe form of cardiopulmonary insufficiency.

According to indications drug can be used during pregnancy and a lactation.

Before the first use of a bottle with nasal drops its cap should be screwed up densely (for piercing of a bottle a thorn).

Medicinal interaction

No-Sol it is well compatible to other medicines. Clinically significant cases of negative interaction were not registered.

Terms and storage conditions

To store at a temperature up to 25 ºС in the place, unavailable to children.

Period of validity after opening of a bottle – 28 days.

Whether you know that:

Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.