Application instruction:
Dandelion – the perennial plant blossoming in bright noticeable yellow colors. In the medical purposes use all parts of a dandelion, both its elevated part, and roots. Prepare leaves and flowers when the plant blossoms, and roots dig out in the early spring or in the fall.
In a dandelion medicinal phosphorus, vitamins B, And, With, E, potassium, nickel, copper, manganese, calcium, cobalt, boron, magnesium, molybdenum, selenium, phosphorus are found. Such medicinal properties of a dandelion are known: sedative, fortifying, sudorific, cholagogue, febrifugal, krovoochistitelny, bactericidal.
In the description of a dandelion medicinal it is told that for long storage it is better to dry flowers and leaves on air, hiding from the sun, and often overturning. And roots of a plant dry at 50-60 degrees in dryers. The dried-up parts of a plant should be stored in a paper or cardboard container: flowers and leaves – one or two years, and roots - about five years.
The plant helps to improve work of a GIT, recovers forces, improves a metabolism, clears of slags, stimulates activity of a pancreas, influences production of insulin.
Drugs on a dandelion medicinal clean blood, stimulate a leucopoiesis and process of a hemopoiesis in general therefore the plant is recommended to use at cancer diseases, inflammations of lymph nodes, poisonings.
At an anemia it is useful to drink juice from a dandelion medicinal – on 50-100g daily for three weeks. It is more preferable to prepare juice from young leaves.
Besides, juice from a dandelion is useful at breakdown, spring avitaminosis, deterioration in work of a GIT, small appetite.
Medicinal properties of a dandelion will better be shown if to mix it with juice of a radish black. Such means well helps at gripes hepatic, cholelithiasis, hepatitis, liver diseases.
If to mix juice from a dandelion with carrots juice, the effective means at changes promoting bystry accretion of bones will turn out. Such mixed juice can be given to children at rickets and to elderly people for strengthening of bones and the prevention of fractures of bones.
At supertension, atherosclerosis powder from a dandelion helps: it is accepted on 5 g daily, washed down with water.
Juice, broth from a dandelion medicinal helps at dropsy, gout, rheumatism, an urolithiasis, stings of snakes. At diseases of joints it is possible to accept these means inside, to foment.
Besides, juice from a dandelion strengthens a lactation, helps at the fever and cold proceeding with temperature increase.
To cure herpes on lips, it is necessary to grease at its first symptoms skin on lips with fresh juice. It is useful to accept in the same time juice or syrup from a dandelion inside.
Medicinal properties of a dandelion use also in cosmetology: juice remove freckles and a nevus pigmentosus. For this purpose freckles grease with juice three р / day, and resistant spots on skin – around five р / day. Wash away juice after dries clear water, whey or kefir.
Medicinal it is possible to grease with fresh juice from stalks of a dandelion 5 р / put viral warts.
For moistening of face skin, giving of bigger elasticity to it the tablespoon of juice of a plant is mixed from a tablespoon of porridge and a honey teaspoon. Means is applied on area of a decollete, a neck, a face, held 15-20min, washed away water.
Broth from a root of a dandelion helps at disturbance of work of a thyroid gland. Bathtubs with such broth are effective at rash on skin, eczema.
At radiation skin injuries, burns the oil extract from a dandelion medicinal helps. That to prepare it, crushed draw dandelion roots 2 weeks on sunflower or olive oil (1:4) in the warm place. Received oil affected areas of skin.
To prepare broth from a root of a dandelion medicinal it is necessary to take one tablespoon of raw materials, to fill in 250 ml of water and to boil one minute. Infuse after that broth one hour, filter. Drink broth on ½ glasses in the morning, in the evening in 30 min. prior to food.
For preparation of broth from leaves of a dandelion medicinal, take five tablespoons of raw materials, fill in 300 ml of boiled water and five more minutes boil, three hours insist, filter.
Juice from a dandelion medicinal is prepared so: collect young leaves, wash out, 30 minutes maintain in saline solution (three spoons of salt on one liter of boiled cold water). After leaves will mature, wash out them a large amount of cold water, drench with boiled water, crush by means of the blender or the meat grinder, and already from the received gruel wring out juice. Before use juice is usually dissolved with water 1:1. It is possible to store it no more than two days in cold. Drink juice on 0,25 glasses two р / day, in 20 minutes to meal.
For preparation of syrup from a dandelion medicinal at first wring out juice, and on one its part take two parts of sugar, mix them and insist in open capacity, stirring slowly with each hour, before full dissolution of sugar within two or three days. After that syrup can be poured in bank and to remove during cold. Drink such syrup on a teaspoon three р / day, it is effective at diseases of a stomach, liver.
In the description of a dandelion medicinal it is specified that it is contraindicated in the presence of stomach ulcer, a stomach juice hyperoxemia, at tendency to frequent diarrheas, hypersensitivity.
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