Oligoastenoteratozoospermiya – a number of disturbances causing decrease in concentration of spermatozoa (oligozoospermia), decrease to less than 50% of full-fledged spermatozoa (teratozoospermia), decrease to less than 50% of the spermatozoa moving forward (astenozoospermiya).
Male infertility can be caused by various factors and is subdivided into the mixed, secretory, immunological, excretory, idiopathic forms. About one third of all reasons of infertility is caused in men by an idiopathic oligoastenoteratozoospermiya.
Emergence of an oligoastenoteratozoospermiya is caused by the internal disturbances in work of an organism provoking infertility. So, not the last role is played here by the anomalies in development of reproductive system including a hypoplasia or an aplasia of testicles and their appendages. It becomes frequent the oligoastenoteratozoospermiya reason a cryptorchism, disturbances in work of adrenal glands, a thyroid gland, a diabetes mellitus, diseases of a liver and kidneys, an edema of covers of testicles. If the varicosity is noted at the mixed cord, then it can provoke disturbances in normal work of reproductive system at men.
The large role in development of an oligoastenoteratozoospermiya is played by the postponed infectious diseases having the virus or bacterial nature (parotitis, tuberculosis, syphilis, typhus). Important value is played ecology in the place of residence and safe conditions of professional activity. For example, the negative impact on an organism is made by work in the conditions of electromagnetic fields with high intensity and frequency of ionizing radiation, work in high external temperature, etc. It is worked great mischief during the work of men with mercury, pesticides, lead, herbicides, alkalis, acids, arsenic, cadmium, zinc.
The unhealthy way of life which on men's health extremely negatively affects is one more common cause of an oligoastenoteratozoospermiya. So, destructive action on an organism accords drug taking, smoking, the excessive use of alcoholic drinks, antidepressants, tranquilizers.
It should be noted that the oligoastenoteratozoospermiya has no external clinical manifestations therefore diagnosis of a disease presents certain difficulties.
Diagnosis of an oligoastenoteratozoospermiya is carried out on the basis of these results of the analysis of a spermogram. Actually, the spermogram is the main source by which it is possible to determine aberrations. According to recommendations of World Health Organization, there are certain criteria of normal sperm which are applied in clinical practice worldwide.
Carrying out this analysis – the procedure very responsible, is also carried out only in specialized clinics with observance of all necessary conditions. The spermogram – the analysis very difficult, demands high professionalism of doctor-laboratory assistants. It is necessary to carry out it very carefully.
That the result was the most exact, it is recommended to hand over a spermogram several times as a large number of factors can exert impact on results of the analysis.
Today the world medicine made significant progress in treatment of an oligoastenoteratozoospermiya. Such success is in many respects connected with implementation in practice of an intracytoplasmic injection of a spermatozoon (IKSI). This advanced method allows men to get posterity even at such unfavourable diagnoses as a teratozoostpermiya, an oligozoospermia and an astenozoospermiya, and, as we know, the oligoastenoteratozoospermiya is a combination of all three indicators of disturbances.
The IKSI method means that one spermatozoon which is previously designated on morphological features will get into an ooplazma. Today the technique of IKSI is based on the EKO and PE programs and it is considered one of the most effective ways of fertilization therefore it is widely applied around the world.
Unlike EKO where successful fertilization depends on existence of a large number of spermatozoa, at way IKSI only one spermatozoon is entered. It proves that for successful fertilization the amount of sperm is unimportant. However at the choice of a spermatozoon pay attention to its mobility and normal morphology which is estimated by Kruger's criterion.
Parameters of successful treatment of an oligoastenoteratozoospermiya at men by means of the IKSI method is existence at it in a small egg or an ejaculate of mobile and healthy spermatozoa, and at women – qualitative oocytes.
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