Onkotsitologiya or Papanikolau's smear is a way of microscopic examination of the cells taken from the surface of a neck of uterus and the cervical channel regarding identification of cancer changes.
The smear on an onkotsitologiya is shown for regular passing to all women, especially patients in risk group, allowing to reveal pathological sites on a neck of uterus, to specify the diagnosis and to correct tactics of further inspection and treatment. Annual diagnostic testing of a neck of uterus on an onkotsitologiya is recommended:
Onkotsitologiya of a neck of uterus represents a part of usual gynecologic survey, is carried out quickly, almost without serious consequences and does not demand acquisition of the expensive equipment and medicines. During a research the doctor receives biomaterial (a quantity of cells from the surface of a neck of uterus) by means of a special cervical brush with a soft bristle.
Directly after biomaterial capture by the specialist the smear print prepares: for this purpose the doctor concerns a cytobrush of all surface of a slide plate. The amount of glasses (drugs) can vary from one to three. Further the prepared smear on an onkotsitologiya is dried up on air, is located in a ditch (a narrow glass vessel) and is fixed by 96 percent alcohol for 5 minutes. The following stage of the test - a biomaterial research in laboratory doctors-cytologists.
Storage of glasses with the fixed smears is allowed at a temperature of 3-8 degrees Celsius within 10 days and only in tight packaging.
Onkotsitologiya of a neck of uterus does not guarantee exact result if examination was conducted against the background of inflammatory process in generative organs of the woman. The experienced doctor will recommend to hand over a smear on Papanikolau after performing antiinflammatory treatment. Also carrying out an onkotsitologiya is not recommended during menstrual bleedings.
In 48 hours prior to a research patients need to refrain from sex life, use of vaginal tampons, creams, suppositories, syringings, drugs. Before the test for an onkotsitologiya it is more reasonable to carry out personal hygiene by means of a vertical shower, having refused for 1-2 days a bathtub. The smear on an onkotsitologiya undertakes before gynecologic survey or a kolposkopiya, or 48 hours later after these procedures.
Papanikolau's smear can have a positive or negative take. Normal (at negative takes of an onkotsitologiya) cells of the taken biomaterial have the normal size and the form. The positive smear is found in case of identification of cells with anomalies.
The positive smear on an onkotsitologiya not always means that the woman is suffering from cancer. In Papanikolau's test existence of such infections as chlamydias, gonokokk, trichomonads, and also candidiasis and a papillomavirus of the person which can be the reason of emergence of sharp-pointed condylomas in the field of women's internal and external genitals is the frequent reasons of deviations. The Kondilomoobrazuyushchy virus can cause high-quality changes of a neck of uterus. The papillomavirus of the person of high oncogenous risk can become the reason of development of cancer which is characterized by the most changed abnormal cells found by results of an onkotsitologiya.
Cytologic classification of a smear by Papanikolau:
Treatment planning depends on extent of the cellular changes revealed by the doctor-cytologist. If anomalies of cells are connected with inflammatory process, the corresponding treatment is appointed, and the smear on an onkotsitologiya repeats in several months. Deviations of low and high degree are always the indication for carrying out a kolposkopiya - more exact inspection of a neck of uterus, a vagina and a vulva by means of the device similar to a microscope. In case of detection of the expressed cellular changes the specialist can take sample on a biopsy, and further medical recommendations will depend on results of the histologic conclusion.
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