Honey agarics – lamellar mushrooms with a convex hat of brown color, at the edges of wavy and the thin long leg covered with flocculent scales. Mushrooms concern to Ryadovkov' family. Grow, as a rule, at small groups, preferential, on trunks of live trees and on stubs. Extend by means of creeping shnurovidny black tyazhy a mycelium which sometimes in length reach several meters. Substrate for dwelling of mushrooms usually is surprised a white fungus, causes gradual rotting of wood and its destruction. Destruction of dead trees and stubs is followed by the interesting phenomenon – a natural luminescence. At night trees publish light flickering light, frightening overdue tourists.
Begin to collect honey agarics since the end of August and before emergence of the first frosts. Preferential the mushroom burgeons on foozles, roots of coniferous and deciduous trees. Especially often it can be seen on birch and oak stubs. A distribution area – from Far North to subtropics, excluding unless, permafrost regions.
In the western regions the honey agaric is practically not appreciated and often it is not considered edible, but in areas of Eastern Europe and in Russia it is one of favourite mushrooms. The main advantage of honey agarics is that they appear every year in the same place at the same time. Therefore inveterate mushroom pickers always know places where it is possible to reap a rich crop of honey agarics in the fall.
Since ancient times honey agarics were very much appreciated in Russia the abundance. In favorable years collecting honey agarics made Bol 400 kg from one hectare. Today in some countries honey agarics part in the artificial way commercially. It is much more convenient, than to gather mushrooms under natural conditions and on tastes and properties honey agarics artificial in anything do not concede to natural.
On a cut pulp of a honey agaric has white color which does not grow dull eventually, a light aroma and specific astringent taste. Actually, this mushroom has no special qualities, and its popularity, first of all, is explained by its prevalence. Honey agarics widely apply in cookery. From them prepare the most various dishes: soups, pies, salads, do preservation for the winter, etc. They can be fried, pickled, salted, cooked, but there is one indispensable condition: mushrooms it is necessary to boil not less than half an hour in water then to merge mushroom broth. The only exception of this rule is made by drying of honey agarics when under the influence of sunshine all potentially dangerous substances finding in a mushroom break up.
The main advantage of honey agarics consists in the high content of B1 and C vitamin, and also copper and zinc – microelements without which a normal hemopoiesis is impossible. If to use daily 100 g of honey agarics, then the person will ensure the daily need for these elements. Therefore these mushrooms have to be without fail included in a diet of people who have problems with a hemopoiesis.
The mushroom contains about 90% of water. The proteins which are a part of honey agarics are very well acquired by an organism. It is necessary to know that in a dried mushroom protein content is twice more, than in beef. Also cellulose, mono - and disaccharides is a part of a mushroom. Besides, the advantage of honey agarics consists in the high content of phosphorus and calcium. There is at them both an iron, potassium, magnesium, sodium, and RR vitamins, E, B2.
Caloric content again low therefore they can be carried to dietary products. Caloric content of honey agarics makes 22 kcal on 100 g of a product.
It is possible to refer their laxative, bactericidal and anticarcinogenic properties to useful properties of honey agarics.
Recommend to use these mushrooms at colibacillus and golden staphylococcus. It is considered that they well influence work of a thyroid gland. Besides, their structure contains antineoplastic substances. Therefore it is recommended their uses in the preventive purposes against cancer.
The advantage of honey agarics consists in bactericidal influence at purulent infections and tuberculosis.
It is difficult to often beginning mushroom pickers to distinguish a false honey agaric from the present in spite of the fact that the difference is, seemingly, obvious: the false honey agaric as a part of which there are a lot of toxins has brick-red or gray-yellow color, and on a leg there are no scales and a ring. Besides, on taste it sharp also has an unpleasant smell.
It is recommended to collect honey agarics only to experienced mushroom pickers as the slightest mistake can cost very much for you and your family.
The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.
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