Main > Diseases> Osteochondropathy


Short characteristic of a disease

Остеохондропатия позвоночникаOsteochondropathy – a disease of children and teenagers at which in bones degenerative and dystrophic process develops.

At an osteochondropathy calcaneal, femoral bones, apophyses of pozvonkovy bodies, tuberosity of a tibial bone most often are surprised.

Emergence reasons

For today the reasons of emergence of a disease are not studied up to the end, but allocate several decisive factors:

  • inborn or family predisposition;
  • hormonal factors – the disease develops at patients with pathology of function of closed glands;
  • disturbances of metabolism of irreplaceable substances. The osteochondropathy is often caused by disturbance of digestibility of calcium, vitamins;
  • traumatic factors. The osteochondropathy arises after excessive exercise stresses, including the strengthened reductions of muscles, frequent injuries. Initially these types of loadings lead to the progressing squeezing, and later to narrowing of small vessels of spongy bones, especially in sites of the largest pressure.

Osteochondropathy symptoms

The calcaneus osteochondropathy (Haglunda-Shints's disease) develops most often at girls 12-16l, is characterized by gradually accruing or acute pains in a calcaneus hillock arising after loading. At the place of an attachment of an Achilles tendon, over a calcaneal hillock the swelling is noted. Patients start walking, leaning on a sock, and sports activities, jumps become physically impossible.

The backbone osteochondropathy (Sheyermana-Mau's disease) develops most often at young men 11-18l. The first stage is characterized by the increased chest kyphosis (a rachiocampsis in its upper part), the second – a dorsodynia (especially at long walking, sitting), bystry fatigue and weakness of back muscles, increase in a chest kyphosis. At the third stage of an osteochondropathy of a backbone full merge of apophyses to vertebrae is observed. Over time osteochondrosis with the accruing pain syndrome develops.

The femur osteochondropathy (disease of Legga-Kalve-Pertesa) develops in most cases at boys 4-12l. In an onset of the illness there are no complaints, later there are pains in a hip joint giving to a knee. There are pains after loading and pass after rest therefore children not always complain of them. The movements of a hip joint are gradually limited, the atrophy of muscles develops, and the hip from the sick party grows thin.

The osteochondropathy of tuberosity of a tibial bone (Shlatter's disease) develops at boys 12-16l, especially at those who are engaged in the ballet, sports dances, sport. The patient complains of pains under a patella, a swelling. At a tension the four-head of a femoral muscle, at squat, rise on a ladder pain amplifies.

Diagnosis of a disease

For definition of an osteochondropathy of a calcaneus are based on clinical yielded and results of radiological inspection (fragmentation, consolidation of an apophysis, "roughness" on a calcaneus hillock is noted). Also differential diagnosis of an osteochondropathy with a calcaneal spur (at more adult patients), an achillobursitis is carried out.

Diagnosing of an osteochondropathy of a backbone happens on the basis of data of survey (the chest kyphosis is strengthened) and radiological inspection (in pictures it is visible that the shape of vertebras is changed – they get a wedge-shaped form).

Остеохондропатия бугристости большеберцовой кости устанавливается по клинической картине и уточняется после рентгенологического исследованияThe femur osteochondropathy is also determined by radiological pictures. Five stages of change of a head of a femur are allocated.

The osteochondropathy of tuberosity of a tibial bone is established on a clinical picture and is specified after X-ray inspection.

Treatment of an osteochondropathy

Therapy of an osteochondropathy of a calcaneus consists in purpose of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (if exasperate severe pains), physiotherapeutic procedures, in reduction of exercise stresses. For removal of load of a calcaneus use special insoles instep supports.

Osteochondropathy of a backbone swimmings, an underwater pulling, physiotherapy exercises treat by means of massage. In some cases at strong disturbance of a bearing appoint operation.

Treatment of an osteochondropathy of a femur can be operational and conservative. Various osteoplastic operations are appointed depending on a disease stage. Conservative treatment of an osteochondropathy consists in observance of a bed rest (the patient cannot sit), performing foot massage, physiotherapeutic procedures. Practice a skeletal pulling for both hips.

For treatment of an osteochondropathy of tuberosity of a tibial bone appoint physiotherapeutic procedures, heat. If severe pain, apply a plaster bandage. Sometimes resort to operation – delete a tuberosity fragment. Loads of a chetyrekhglavy femoral muscle are excluded.

Prevention of a disease

For prevention of an osteochondropathy of a calcaneus recommend to wear free shoes.

Prevention of an osteochondropathy of a backbone consists in occupations physiotherapy exercises for creation of a muscular corset. The strengthened exercise stresses need to be limited. Carrying a corset at this disease is inefficient.

As good prevention of an osteochondropathy of a femur serves massage, swimming.

For the warning of an osteochondropathy of a hillock of a tibial bone to athletes during the trainings recommend to sew in a form porolonovy pillows the 2-4th thickness.

Whether you know that:

There are very curious medical syndromes, for example, persuasive swallowing objects. In a stomach of one patient suffering from this mania 2500 foreign objects were revealed.