Acute pyelonephritis is the infectious and inflammatory disease which is characterized by an acute current and defeat of renal fabric, and also pyelocaliceal system of kidneys. The disease arises as in itself, and is a consequence of already existing disease of kidneys.
As a rule, patients need hospitalization. The basic principles of treatment – a bed rest, plentiful drink, medicamentous methods, a specific mode of food. Pyelonephritis (the diet is appointed in the first day of treatment) is connected with intoxication therefore the use of a large amount of liquid, fresh vegetables, fruit and berries is recommended to patients. Further the standard diet joins milk and vegetable dishes. Energy value of a diet should not exceed 3200 kcal a day.
After the analysis of blood samples and urine the doctor passes the decision on use of this or that group of antibiotics. Acute pyelonephritis which treatment is complicated because of possible emergence of serious complications demands an integrated approach therefore antibiotics of various groups are applied (the greatest efficiency ftorkhinolonovy means possess) in combination with nitroksolinovy acid and nitrofuran drugs. Antibacterial therapy continues up to 6 weeks that acute pyelonephritis did not pass into a chronic form. This term needs to be maintained even against the background of the fact that the absolute recovery of the patient usually comes by 4 weeks.
If at the person secondary acute pyelonephritis develops, treatment is directed to elimination of a basic disease. At the same time it must be kept in mind that the secondary form often proceeds against the background of purulent processes, stones in kidneys and disturbances of normal outflow of urine that quite often demands an operative measure.
Also such complications as meet:
At early age the disease proceeds with some features caused by morphological immaturity of urinogenital system at the child and tendency to heavy course of inflammatory process.
Initial stages of a disease proceed violently. At children appear: a hyperthermia, toxicosis, эксикоз, excitement, decrease in body weight, vomiting, a liquid chair and concern to or after an urination. The disease quickly extends and affects not only kidneys, but also a liver, adrenal glands, the central nervous system, causing numerous complications, in particular, sepsis, nephrite, a kidney anthrax, a necrosis of renal nipples.
All existing techniques of treatment mean fight against infectious process and intoxication, and also increase in reactivity of an organism and recovery normal urodynamic. If acute pyelonephritis is diagnosed for the child, the children's nutritionist appoints a diet from the first day of treatment. It is necessary to limit or to completely exclude from a diet the pepper, onions, smoked products, coffee and other products making the irritating impact. Fruit, vegetables, berries (including water-melons), a large amount of liquid will be useful. Performing transfusion, rehydration and disintoxication therapy is recommended to children of early age. The same actions are appointed and if acute pyelonephritis at children proceeds with heavy complications or the disease threatens to progress to a chronic form.
On the frequency of emergence acute pyelonephritis at pregnant women advances all other diseases of an urinary system. This fact is explained by features of an organism of the pregnant woman and that influence which renders a fruit on activity of urinary tract.
By modern estimates, the acute form of a disease is observed at 6-10% of pregnant women. If in normal conditions the woman's organism more or less successfully resists infections, then at pregnancy protective mechanisms weaken. So, for example, there is a relaxation of muscles of internals of mother, decrease in a tone of a bladder, ureters and an urethra that allows an infection quickly and to get easily in an organism.
Treatment of acute pyelonephritis at pregnancy means prescription of antibiotics. At the same time it is necessary to consider the fact that the majority of the existing drugs are dangerous to a fruit. In the first trimester it is recommended to apply semi-synthetic penicillin (amoxicillin, ampicillin). In the second and third trimester it is possible to add macroleads (azithromycin and erythromycin) to them. It is impossible to use at all aminoglycosides, tetracyclines and cephalosporins as drugs of these groups cause fruit toxicosis.
The course treatment of acute pyelonephritis at pregnancy makes 7-10 days. In the absence of positive dynamics doctors consider need of installation of a catheter or stent until the end of pregnancy which will allow to take away urine and will exclude a possibility of emergence of complications.
Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.
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