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Papillomavirus of the person

Женщина зараженная папилломавирусом человека

The human papillomavirus infection is a group of viral diseases which distinguishing character is formation of papillomas on skin and mucous membranes of various bodies. Besides, the recurrent current and high contageousness is characteristic of a papillomavirus. As the papillomavirus of the person at men and women is easily transmitted sexually, the virus often is found in urogenital area.

The causative agent of a papillomavirus is the group of viruses of the Papavaviridae family. At the moment more than hundred kinds of a papillomavirus of the person at women and men are known, and about 70 of them are studied rather well. Scientists found out that separate types of a papillomavirus can strike certain types of an epithelium and cause characteristic changes of fabrics.

Sources of infection with a papillomavirus

Papillomavirus source is always the person. It is necessary to notice that healthy people can even act as carriers of activators. Usually the papillomavirus of the person at women and men does not prove in any way, but once the organism endures a strong stressful situation or other adverse external effect, it becomes more active and leads to numerous complications. Transmission of infection is carried out at direct skin contact and interaction of mucous membranes including during sexual intercourse. Pregnant women can transfer activators to a fruit, and then the child initially is born the patient.

Symptoms of a papillomavirus of the person

At a disease of a papillomavirus of the person at men and women generally the infection proves external signs.

Sharp-pointed condylomas – most often are located on a mucous surface of small vulvar lips, necks of uterus, vaginas, about an urethra. The papillomavirus of the person at men is shown on an internal surface of a prepuce and around a balanus. It is very difficult to notice condylomas with the naked eye therefore at any suspicions existence infections better to feel places of possible emergence of educations in search of atypical roughnesses. Many people do not pay attention to them, considering anatomic feature, but actually mucous external genitals always equal and no foreign hillocks on it should be.

Warts (papilloma) – affect integuments. Sometimes they are confused to benign tumors, but at the diagnosis a papillomavirus of the person symptoms can disappear and appear again as have the virus nature. At high-quality formations of it, certainly, does not occur.

Merge of condylomas – in the absence of treatment of a papillomavirus separate condylomas grow together and create uniform formation of color of a laminaria. Similar manifestations are characteristic of some other infections, in particular of HIV therefore only qualified specialists have to be engaged in diagnosis.

Flat condyloma on the surface of a neck of uterus – one of the most dangerous displays of a papillomavirus as confirms neglect of a disease and development of chronic process. The chronic papillomavirus of the person at women can lead to various complications and even to cause uterus cancer. The biopsy and histologic researches allowing to distinguish flat papilloma from other types of educations are shown to patients.

Several words about possible complications. Causative agents of a papillomavirus have own DNA. Therefore, at defeat of bodies there is a merge of DNA of a virus and an epithelium. Kernels in such changed cells change a form and color. Eventually division of the mutating cells accepts uncontrolled character that leads to genetic frustration and regeneration of normal fabrics in cancer.

Papillomavirus of the person – treatment of a disease

Препарат для лечения папилломавируса человека

The most different methods are applied to removal of condylomas and the changed epithelium:

  • chemical – cauterization solkodermy, trichloroacetic acid or Pheresolum;
  • physiosurgical – excision, a lazerterapiya, крио - and electroprocedures;
  • cytotoxic – application of podophyllotoxin or Podophyllinum.

At the diagnosis a papillomavirus of the person treatment to mean reception of the fortifying and stimulating drugs: vitamins C, E, B6, adaptogens, immunomodulators, interferon drugs. All above-mentioned means are used both for topical treatment, and for performing the general therapy. Owing to anatomic features, women can accept drugs in the form of vaginal candles.

Prevention of a pappilomavirus of the person

For a start it is necessary to minimize influence of risk factors. For this purpose it is worth refusing from:

  • early sexual activity;
  • chaotic change of partners;
  • irregular use of condoms;
  • the sexual relations with the person who had condylomas or which had sexual relations with the woman with uterus cancer;
  • excessive smoking and reception of alcoholic beverages.

Of course, it is regularly necessary to visit the gynecologist and in time to treat the developed infections of generative organs. Remember that the papillomavirus of the person at men and women leads to serious effects therefore it is better to be reinsured and prevent them, than to spend the best years of the life for treatment.

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