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What is a parainfluenza and why it arises?

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The parainfluenza is an infectious disease which affects mucous upper respiratory tracts, is followed by moderate intoxication of an organism and can lead to emergence of epidemics. A contagium is the parainfluenza virus, and an infection source – the sick person.

The people infected with a parainfluenza constitute danger to people around during all incubation interval and in an acute phase of a course of a disease. The virus is transmitted in the airborne way therefore the parainfluenza at children begins to develop as at direct contact with the sick person, and at inhalation of air which contains activators. The parainfluenza strikes preferential children under 7 years and leads to disease outbreaks which cover the most part of children's collective.

Mechanism of development of an infection

With droplets of saliva or parts of dust the virus of a parainfluenza gets on mucous upper respiratory tracts. There it is besieged on an epithelium of upper bosoms of a nose and throat, and also gets directly in cells. The virus of a parainfluenza has ability to completely destroy epitalialny cells with further development of inflammatory process and manifestation of all-toxic symptoms (fatigue, a headache, fervescence, a loss of appetite).

In process of progressing of a parainfluenza the immune system of the person continues to be weakened. It leads to activation of own pathogenic microflora and emergence of consecutive infections. The parainfluenza which treatment was carried out correctly develops immunity, however, it short. Antibodies quickly lose the protective qualities and therefore the child can be ill a parainfluenza two and more times a year. However, even insignificant immunity prevents development of severe forms of a disease that is especially important in a case with children at whom the organism cannot show worthy resistance to various diseases.

Parainfluenza symptoms

The incubation interval of a disease proceeds about a week. After that at the patient acute symptoms of a parainfluenza are shown:

  • fervescence (reaches a maximum for 2-3 days of a disease);
  • nose congestion;
  • indisposition, weakness;
  • headaches;
  • loss of appetite;
  • bystry fatigue.

General condition of patients satisfactory. At symptoms of a parainfluenza of intoxication are usually expressed poorly therefore to the forefront there are defeats of an epithelium of upper respiratory tracts which form the basis for the correct diagnosis. Patients are disturbed: dry, hoarse cough, feeling of a congestion of a nose, a sadneniye in a throat, hoarseness of a voice. Besides, the parainfluenza causes puffiness of almonds and reddening of a mucous membrane of a throat in children.

Distinguish an easy, medium-weight and heavy parainfluenza. The last meets extremely seldom, but leads to numerous complications: to pneumonia, quinsy, sinusitis, thorax pains, defeats to TsNS, stenosis, Croup syndrome. The child becomes uneasy, he observes a tsianotichnost of finger-tips and the expressed tachycardia. The heavy parainfluenza which treatment began too late can pass into the most dangerous phase – asphyxia at which skin turns pale, body temperature strongly decreases and serious trouble breathing are observed. During this period urgent resuscitation actions are necessary, otherwise the patient can die.

The parainfluenza at children, aged till 1 year, has oligosymptomatic character. At the same time up to 6 months the child possesses the congenital immunity received from mother therefore is ill seldom and without complications. After half a year the kid becomes susceptible to a parainfluenza and its complications, including the Croup syndrome.

Treatment of a parainfluenza

Таблетки для рационального лечения парагриппа у детей

At treatment of a parainfluenza it is necessary to provide a bed rest, rest, plentiful drink and constant control behind their health. For treatment of a parainfluenza antiviral means are used (циклоферон, arbidol, виферон). For decrease in temperature febrifugal drugs are recommended. It is reasonable to use antibacterial agents at accession of consecutive infections. Patients with serious complications, for example, with the Croup syndrome, are subject to hospitalization where specialized medical care will be provided to them.

You remember also what to self-medicate very dangerously. The parainfluenza at children can lead to serious consequences therefore the child needs to be shown to the doctor who will choose the safest drugs and will watch change of a condition of the kid.

Prevention of a parainfluenza

Any specific actions of prevention of a parainfluenza do not exist. Parents have to isolate the sick child from healthy children, air rooms, regularly carry out wet cleaning. At contacts with a sick parainfluenza it is desirable to use a gauze bandage, and furniture and other household objects in its room to process by means of disinfecting solutions.

Whether you know that:

In our intestines are born, millions of bacteria live and die. They can be seen only at strong increase, but if they gathered, then would be located in a usual coffee cup.