Main > Drugs> Nightshade


The nightshade concerns to family of the Nightshade family. Is on sale in drugstores under the name "Nightshade Stalks". This plant represents the curling forb which from below is odrevesnevayushchy, and from above – grassy. A stalk the bush branching, on it has next leaves which have at the basis 2 blades ovoid or a core of a form, pointed at the ends. A nightshade blooming period – from June to September. The plant meets mostly in hedges or bushes, and also on the shaded and crude places.

Use of a nightshade

Паслен красныйIt is carried to dangerous bushes because of special characteristics of a nightshade therefore he demands very much care. Specialists claim that it is impossible to self-medicate medicines with the maintenance of this plant at all. The main active ingredients in a nightshade are saponins, tannins, steroidalkaloida and glikozidny bitterness.

Because of properties the nightshade is used quite seldom. Also it is considered that this plant is not rather effective. However, the official medicine of Germany nevertheless recommends use of ointments on the basis of a nightshade at chronic eczema, psoriasis and neurodermatitis.

Traditional medicine has a great number of adherents of this plant. But, It should be noted that all curative properties of a nightshade come down only to improvement of a metabolism though tea from it can be accepted also at dropsy, bronchitis, rheumatism, eczema, asthma and mass of other skin diseases.

Red nightshade

It is a long-term forb which has a drevesneyushchy stalk. Leaves at it large, have the serdtsevinny basis and the oblong and ovoid form. The fruit of a plant is a berry of bright red color. The grass is widespread in Northern Mongolia, on the Himalayas and in Siberia.

The red nightshade contains a small amount of glycoalkaloids of a solangin and a solatsein from which at hydrolysis the bitter glycoside and alkaloid solanine is chipped off. These substances also are useful as on action are close to tannins, ascorbic acid, carbohydrates and other substances.

In traditional medicine plant draws which are considered as very good cure for rheumatism, skin diseases, diseases of respiratory tracts, disbolism and a huge number of diseases of skin are used. Broth of berries of a red nightshade is recommended at epileptic seizures and a headache.

The German and Bulgarian nonconventional medicine assumes the use of drugs of a nightshade at an inflammation of a middle ear, catarrhal diseases, neuralgia, cystitis, rheumatic pains, eczemas, rashes, irregular periods, bronchial asthma.

In high doses or at prolonged use drugs of a nightshade red can cause poisoning.

Black nightshade

This bitter annual plant which has the branchy stalk sometimes reaching 90 cm in length. Leaves at a grass almost triangular, petiolar and ovoid. Flowers which are in umbrella-shaped inflorescences, – small white color.

Fruits of a nightshade black have green color and is burning - acid taste. When maturing berry blacken, than and the name of a plant is caused. The nightshade in the Far East and is widespread in Siberia, and it grows about roads, on kitchen gardens and at ditches.

Chemical composition of a black nightshade is studied quite poorly, but it is noted that it contains carotinoids, organic acids, tannins, glycoalkaloids and sugar.

It is considered that drugs from a black nightshade expand blood vessels, lower blood pressure, affect a nervous system at first excitingly, and after depressing. Drugs with a nightshade at treatment of a hypertension are recommended.

Traditional medicine of a large number of the countries recommends to use a plant in a boiled look at a headache in the form of poultices which put to temples or to a forehead. Infusions of a grass are applied as antiseptic, laxative and a helminthicide.Паслен черный

Infusion of flowers of a nightshade is considered quite good expectorant and diuretic, and here infusion of a grass is good calming and an anesthetic. Berries are eaten in the raw to improve sight.

At a spastic lock, bladder spasms, nervous attacks, epilepsy, neurosises, a headache drugs of a plant are used in Western Europe.


Though nightshade berries also are edible, at the long use they can cause a diarrhea. For this reason before use it is necessary to consult to the specialist. Also reception of a large amount of drugs of a nightshade can lead to an alalia or overexcitation.

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