
The pedicure is the whole complex of procedures for care of nails and skin of feet. The pedicure includes:Педикюр - комплексный уход за ногтями и кожей ног

  • Removal of a cuticle;
  • Processing and the prevention of the grown nails;
  • Giving of a form to nails;
  • Coloring of nails;
  • Helotomy;
  • Peeling of upper layers of the keratosic skin;
  • Massage by a foot;
  • The nutritious, softening and moistening masks for skin a foot.

The pedicure not only gives to legs a beautiful and well-groomed look. If to combine it with such procedures as a paraffinotherapy, a glinolecheniye, рефлексомассаж, then it is possible to achieve clear medical effect, improvement of health and mood. According to reviews the pedicure will always be beautiful if to update it at least 2 – 3 times a month.

Pedicure in beauty shop

In the conditions of beauty shop quite often specialists offer carrying out a hardware pedicure. Other its name – a medical pedicure. It at the same time both the recreational, and hygienic procedure for skin of feet and fingers, nails standing.

The technique of a medical pedicure excludes contact of skin of feet with water therefore reduces risk of infection with a fungus of feet to zero. The medical disinfector, and then the special softening means which affects only the died-off epithelium of a corneous layer is applied on skin. Thanks to it there is a removal of a layer of the died-off fabrics, without affection of living cells of epidermis. The hardware pedicure is carried out using various individual grinding nozzles excluding a possibility of cuts and wounds. Cosmetics used at a hardware medical pedicure contains antifungal means thanks to what the additional medical effect is reached.

Hardware pedicure is recommended at a diabetes mellitus and arthritises of joints of feet. Massage of fingers, feet and anklebones is in parallel carried out that reduces heavy feeling in legs and their puffiness.

Such pedicure according to reviews helps to prevent growing of nails. With its help it is possible to get rid of cracks on heels, callosities and natoptyshy including in hard-to-reach spots.

One more kind of a pedicure in salon – a Spa pedicure. It includes a number of procedures for care of skin of feet and nails:

  • Moistening;
  • Clarification;
  • Softening;
  • Massage, including with aromatic oils;
  • Masks and srubs;
  • Careful peeling.

Such pedicure takes a lot of time, but it is compensated by more long effect and mass of pleasant feelings of holding procedures.

Pedicure in house conditions

Very many people prefer to do a pedicure in house conditions. The reasons for that can be much – a lack of time or means, remoteness of salon and others. To make a qualitative pedicure in house conditions, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence and rules of carrying out manipulations.

At first it is necessary to prepare skin of legs for carrying out a pedicure. For this purpose in a basin with hot water fill the grated toilet soap or add shower gel, liquid soap. The baking soda added in a small amount, liquid ammonia or sea salt help to soften skin with a foot.

It is also possible to add to water natural olive oil, lemon juice, infusion of needles or medicative herbs. It is important that skin and nails well steamed out therefore periodically (in process of cooling) it is necessary to add hot water to a basin.

On average about 30 minutes can be necessary for high-quality steaming, this time fluctuates from expressiveness of a hyperkeratosis of feet. To define that skin is ready to further manipulations on carrying out a pedicure, it is possible on skin color – it becomes gently pink and soft to the touch. It is easier for the steamed-out nails to give the desirable form.

Further specialists recommend to rub heels fine-grained pumice or a special peeling for feet. It will help to be exempted from the keratosic layers of epidermis. Semolina with olive oil, the coffee thick or sea salt can become a peeling for carrying out a pedicure in house conditions. After such grinding it is necessary to rinse feet with water, and 20 minutes later to start directly a pedicure.

That nails freely "breathed", a rake remove a cuticle at their basis. The cuticle is a roller from young and thin skin which can sometimes reach the middle of a nail, and it spoils outward. If right after the steaming-out tray it is soft to remove it, then it will grow in the subsequent more slowly. It is quite dangerous to cut off a cuticle around a nail in house conditions – it can lead to an inflammation around a nail.Уход за ногтями ног - педикюр

Further scissors cut off nails, having given them the desirable form. The important rule of a pedicure – nails standing should be cut off only in a straight line. It will prevent growing of edge of a nail into skin around it, and will save from many unpleasant feelings.

Corners of the cut nails straighten with a file. Nails shall reach edge of a finger to protect it from contact with footwear therefore you should not cut off them very shortly.

The final stage of a pedicure is drawing a varnish on nails. To make it it is accurate and not to soil skin around fingers, between them stick pieces of foam rubber or special laying for fingers. According to reviews the pedicure keeps much longer if to put a varnish in three layers. The sequence of drawing is as follows: at first curative base, then a decorative color varnish, and already over it fixer.

Correctly made pedicure – not only decoration of feet, but also a basis for their health and good health.

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