Main > Food stuffs> Peach


Peach tree – the plant relating to a subgenus Almonds, families Pink. A fruit of a peach tree of spherical shape, velvety to the touch, with a groove on the one hand. A peach stone furrowed and wrinkled, with pointwise located dimples. Taste of fruit juicy, saturated, fragrant.


For certain the homeland of a peach is unknown. Today the culture successfully gets divorced in Southern Europe, Asia and the warm regions of America. Best of all the peach fructifies in the same climatic conditions, as grapes.

Distinguish two types of peaches: an ordinary peach (trimmed) and smooth (nectarine).

Advantage of peaches

Peach – the most valuable product in a food allowance of the person considered by a delicacy. Pulp of mature fruit has pleasant velvety taste and aroma, it is caused by presence at fruits of ethers of acetic, ant, caprylic and valerian acids - however, properties of a peach are not limited to one of this: fruits are recommended for the use to the children, people weakened after a disease, and also patients, having heartburn and tendency to locks.

Fruits of a peach use both in fresh, and in the processed look, for preparation of jam, compotes, juice or dried fruits.

Peaches improve digestion of food, strengthening secretory activity of digestive tract, render preventive effect of diseases of kidneys, rheumatism, gout, a gall bladder, liver, cardiovascular system. High content of potassium in a peach allows to apply in success this fruit at disturbances of a cordial rhythm.

The advantage of a peach is obvious: mature fruit contains 83% of water, 15% of sugar, the apple, wine, lemon, chlorogenic, cinchonic acids painting nitrogenous and aromatic substances, and also vitamins (C, In, provitamin A) and microelements (potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, copper, manganese).

There is enough in pulp and P-active agents which content depends on a fruit grade - most of all vitamin P, the peach causing antioxidant properties contains in the Armenian fruits.

High content of magnesium in peaches favorably influences mentality of the person, softening influence of a stress on its nervous system. Presence at fruits of a peach tree of iron promotes the prevention of developing of anemia.

Medicinal property also leaves and stones of a peach have. Broth from peach leaves, for example, possesses soft laxative action, preventing the increased gas generation in intestines. Besides, this means relieves headaches, pains at a bladder inflammation at men, eliminates rheumatism symptoms.

The fresh peach leaves mixed with the crude crude potatoes help to get rid of an anthrax, abscesses, psoriasis and shingles.

Stones of a peach have special value: they contain the B17 vitamin known for the anticarcinogenic action, and bitter almond oil.

Персиковый сок

Caloric content of peaches

Caloric content of a peach is rather low – it makes 45 kcal / 100 of its edible part that allows to call this fruit dietary.


At the expense of the high content of sugars the people having obesity or a diabetes mellitus are not recommended to use fresh and, especially, dried fruits of a peach. Also allergic persons should not abuse fruits of a peach tree.

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