Main > Drugs> Platyphyllinum


Платифиллин раствор

Platyphyllinum – the pharmacological drug from group of m-holinoblokatorov having spasmolytic and weak sedative effect.

Structure and form of release

According to the instruction Platyphyllinum is issued in ampoules in the form of solution for parenteral administration. In 1 ampoule of 1 ml of 0,2% of drug (2 mg of Platyphyllinum and water for injections).

Externally Platyphyllinum represents inodorous colourless transparent liquid.

This drug on 10 ampoules in a cardboard pack is produced, the application instruction, an ampoule knife or the scarificator is also attached. If in packaging of an ampoule with points or rings for opening, then the ampoule knife does not invest.

Pharmacological action of Platyphyllinum

According to the instruction Platyphyllinum is a blocker of m-holinoretseptorov and has spasmolytic effect concerning smooth muscles of a digestive tract and bronchial tubes, and also has weak sedative (soothing) effect. This drug reduces secretion bronchial, salivary, the lacrimal and sweat glands. Besides, Platyphyllinum is capable to expand a pupil and to cause moderate paralysis of accommodation. This drug can increase intraocular pressure.

Indications to use

Indications to Platyphyllinum are the following states:

  • spastic pains of the alimentary system (hepatic colic, intestines dyskinesia, dyskinesia of biliary tract);
  • complex treatment of a peptic ulcer of a stomach and duodenum;
  • renal colic;
  • bronchospasm at patients with diseases of respiratory system (as an auxiliary component of treatment).

Contraindications to use of Platyphyllinum

This drug has quite wide contraindications therefore its use without appointment of the doctor is inadmissible. Platyphyllinum is contraindicated for use at the following states:

  • hypersensitivity to Platyphyllinum;
  • closed-angle glaucoma;
  • the expressed atherosclerosis, chronic heart failure of the II-III degree;
  • disturbances of a heart rhythm, tachycardia;
  • benign hyperplasia of a prostate;
  • symptoms of a renal/liver failure;
  • phrenic hernia with the phenomena a reflux esophagitis;
  • intestines atony;
  • gastrointestinal bleeding;
  • ulcer colitis;
  • advanced and senile age.

It is necessary to weigh carefully indications to Platyphyllinum during pregnancy and a lactation, at coronary heart disease, a mitral stenosis, arterial hypertension, a thyrotoxicosis, diseases of the alimentary system with the impassability phenomena (a stenosis of peloric department of a stomach, a gullet achalasia, etc.), the increased body temperature, age 40 years are more senior (there is a risk of not diagnosed glaucoma). Also with care it is necessary to use this drug at patients with nonspecific ulcer colitis, a myasthenia, an ischuria in the anamnesis, chronic diseases of lungs, a Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and at patients of early children's age.

Route of administration and doses

Платифиллин ампулы

According to the instruction Patifillin it is possible to enter subcutaneously, intramusculary.

For stopping of the acute abdominal pains caused by hepatic or renal colic and also at a peptic ulcer, 2-3 times a day are recommended to administer the drug subcutaneously in a dose of 1-2 ml (2-4 mg). The course of treatment can make up to 10 days. The maximum daily dose for the adult – 30 mg (15 ml of drug), a single dose should not exceed 10 mg (5 ml).

Platyphyllinum is applied to children in the following dosages:

  • till 1 year – a single dose of 0,035 mg/kg, maximum daily – 0,07 mg/kg;
  • 1-5 years – a single dose of 0,03 mg/kg, maximum daily 0,06 mg/kg;
  • 6-10 years – a single dose of 0,025 mg/kg, maximum daily 0,05 mg/kg;
  • 11-14 years – 0,02 mg/kg, the maximum daily dose for this age makes 0,04 mg/kg.

Side effect of Platyphyllinum

According to the instruction Platyphyllinum can cause such side reactions as: dryness in a mouth, a lowering of arterial pressure, tachycardia (increase of heart rate), dizziness, a headache, spasms, an ischuria, a lung atelectasis. According to reviews Platyphyllinum seldom causes side effects in patients of young age, generally side reactions can arise at elderly patients with heavy somatic pathology.


At overdose of Platyphyllinum paralytic impassability of intestines can develop, arise an acute ischuria (at patients with a prostate hyperplasia), accommodation paralysis, increase in intraocular pressure, dryness mucous a mouth, swallowing disturbance, a mydriasis (a mydriasis up to disappearance of an iris of the eye), a tremor, spasms, fervescence, excitement/oppression of a nervous system, dysfunction of a respiratory center, suppression of activity of a vasomotor center.

Treatment of overdose comes down to use of an artificial diuresis, introduction of holinostimulyator and antikholinesterazny drugs. At fervescence febrifugal drugs, wet rubdowns are recommended. At excitement administration intravenously of sodium thiopental solution is shown to the patient. At a mydriasis it is necessary to dig eye drops of physostigmine, Pilocarpinum, Phosphacolum.

Interaction of Platyphyllinum with other medicines

It is known that use of Platyphyllinum with phenobarbital, magnesium sulfate and etaminaly chloride strengthens their sleeping pill and sedative action.

Simultaneous use with other m-holinoblokatorami, a haloperidol, fenotiaziny, MAO inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants and some antihistaminic drugs strengthens risk of emergence of side reactions.

Antikholinesterazny drugs are antagonists of Platyphyllinum.

It is known that morphine in combination with this drug strengthens the oppressing action on warmly - vascular system.

Analgetics, sedative drugs together with Platyphyllinum increase its spasmolytic effect.

At vascular spasms it is good to use Platyphyllinum in combination with hypotensive and sedative drugs.

Special instructions

During treatment by Platyphyllinum, according to reviews it is necessary, to refrain from driving of motor transport and other work requiring special attention.

Whether you know that:

Average life expectancy of lefthanders is less, than right-handed persons.