Application instruction:
Prospan – the vegetable antibechic medicine of expectorant, mucolytic and bronkhospazmolitichesky action reducing viscosity of a phlegm and promoting its otkhozhdeniye contains a complex of biologically active agents.
Structure of 100 ml of drops for intake and inhalations:
Structure of 100 ml of syrup:
Prospan is recommended to use as a natural expectorant at therapy of chronic and acute inflammations of the respiratory tracts which are followed by cough with the hardly separated phlegm.
The general contraindication for Prospan is individual hypersensitivity to his components. It is not recommended to use drug at pregnancy and during breastfeeding owing to insufficiency of data on safety of its use during this period.
Do not accept syrup Prospan at glyukozo-galaktozny malabsorption, intolerance of fructose, deficit of invertase/isomaltase.
It is obligatory to shake up a bottle before the use!
Duration of a course of therapy is defined by complexity of a disease, the minimum course – 1 week.
For the purpose of fixing of therapeutic effect after disappearance of symptoms 2-3 more days are recommended to continue treatment.
In case of lack of improvement of a state it is necessary to see a doctor.
Drops (intake)
Drops accept inside to food, small children should dilute them with a small amount of water.
The recommended dosing mode:
Drops it (is inhalation)
It is possible to carry out inhalations with use of drops Prospan all standard nebulizers (devices and devices for spraying without heating). To prevent side effects of irritation because of contents in alcohol drops, for performing inhalations medicine should be diluted with drinking water of room temperature in a proportion 1:2.
For performing inhalation 20-25 cap. drug and 1 tablespoon of water to fill in in the nebulizer where solution is sprayed on dispersion particles which should be inhaled by means of a tube or a mask; it is necessary to repeat the procedure 3-5 times a day.
Syrup is accepted inside, the required dose of drug is measured by means of a special glass.
The recommended dosing mode:
Against the background of Prospan's use hypersensitivity reactions are possible.
Very seldom, owing to the content in sorbitol syrup, its use can give laxative effect.
The overdose can come when using the doses of drug considerably exceeding ordered (in 3 and more times) nausea, vomiting, diarrhea can be shown. Therapy of a state – symptomatic; use of means needs to be stopped and to see surely a doctor.
At storage perhaps weak opacification, education in drug of a deposit and little change of taste (do not influence therapeutic effect).
Drops for intake and inhalations do not include sugar, preservatives and dyes.
Drops Prospan contain 47 about. alcohol %, it is equivalent to the following amount of absolute ethyl alcohol:
Syrup Prospan does not contain sugar, alcohol and dyes.
Important information for patients with a diabetes mellitus: in 2,5 ml of syrup 0,963 g of sorbitol – 0,08 grain units (GU) contain.
At treatment by drops Prospan it is necessary to be careful, managing vehicles and being engaged in other potentially dangerous works demanding speed of psychomotor reactions and the increased concentration of attention.
Syrup does not influence concentration of attention and speed of psychomotor reactions.
Prospan it is impossible to apply along with medicines of antibechic action as it will complicate expectoration of the liquefied phlegm.
To store at a temperature not above 25 °C. To protect from children.
Period of validity:
Name of drug
Prospan of a drop фл 20 ml, Karl Engelhard GmbH & Co
396 rub.
Prospan syrup фл 100 ml, Karl Engelhard GmbH & Co
452 rub.
Prospan syrup фл 200 ml, Karl Engelhard GmbH & Co
996 rub.
The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.
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