The psychiatrist – the specialist with scientific outlook and special medical preparation. It gives help to patients with mental disorders, disturbances of the personality and behavior.
Special medical preparation grants the right to the psychiatrist to carry out diagnosis, treatment, examinations, to take measures for rehabilitation and prevention of mental disturbances of various origin. The psychiatrist has the right to advise and treat mentally patients and mentally healthy patients, and also to define degree of their capacity and mental health. The doctor cannot conduct examination without written consent of the patient. It has to cipher the diagnosis and document all observations. If the psychiatrist considers the patient dangerous to people around, then he has full authority to hospitalize him compulsorily. The psychiatrist has the right to treat and observe patients in the conditions of a hospital. The children's psychiatrist has to be able to find approach to any child.
The term of training of the doctor of this specialty makes seven-eight years. Six years are the share of a higher educational institution and one-two years - on receiving specialization.
This profession demands serious awareness in various fields of knowledge. The modern psychiatrist has to know clinical manifestations of psychiatric frustration, specifics of neurologic and somatic manifestations at this or that mental disease, and also to own the main methods of psychotherapy.
Can only be the psychiatrist erudite in the field of philosophy, theology and psychology of people. The doctor of this specialty has to have high spiritual and moral qualities.
The psychiatrist treats depressive frustration, mental diseases in a chronic form, bipolar diseases (alternation of depressions and manias), alarming states, phobias, persistence, neurotic frustration. This doctor and behavior disorders (psychopathies, difficult character), sexual frustration, specific disturbances of mentality at advanced age, effects of a craniocereberal injury treats.
It is necessary to register in reception of the psychiatrist at a depression, frequent self-accusations, sleep disorders, appetite change, disturbance of perception, increased fatigue at usual intellectual or exercise stresses, in the presence of thoughts of suicide, helplessness, and also at hobby for drugs or alcohol.
Primary conversation of the doctor with the patient continues about one and a half hours. The psychiatrist on reception attentively listens to complaints of the patient, watches his behavior, studies feelings, conducts all necessary researches. Questions of the psychiatrist are directed to examination and specification of the diagnosis. The psychiatrist can ask the interesting questions also to the immediate family of the patient. For confirmation and specification of the preliminary diagnosis the doctor usually appoints additional methods of a research. Most often the doctor appoints biochemical, hormonal and neurophysiological researches, and also a research vascular, digestive and other systems of an organism. The analysis of cerebrospinal fluid, a tomography is in some cases appointed.
On the basis of results of inspection the psychiatrist establishes the diagnosis and appoints treatment. In treatment the doctor can use elements of existential therapy, behavioural therapy, and also eriksonovsky hypnosis and psychoanalysis.
The children's psychiatrist – the specialist in the field of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental disturbances at teenagers and children. The children's psychiatrist is engaged in correction of the hidden and manifest deviations in behavior and development, various forms of psychiatric frustration at teenagers and children. The psychiatrist it is necessary to address for consultation if at the child phobias, neurosises, bulimia, nervous anorexia are observed.
Consultation of the children's psychiatrist is usually held in the presence of parents.
On consultation of the psychiatrist it is possible to reveal knacks of the child and to estimate his personality.
Answers of the child to the psychiatrist's questions sometimes help the doctor to make the decision on delivery of the direction in specialized school or kindergarten, on release from school examinations, on transfer of the child into individual training.
The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.
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