Main > Diseases> Psychopathy


Short characteristic of a psychopathy

Больной ребенок психопатиейThe psychopathy is a frustration of the personality which is characterized by rejection of social norms, the increased aggression, impulsiveness, inability to create the attachments.

The psychopathy is shown by inadequacy of emotional experiences of the person, often he has a tendency to persuasive and to depressions.

Diagnosis of a psychopathy

The psychopathy, or personal frustration, attracts attention in the discrepancy of his behavior which is shown at the person with  the social norms existing in society.

The psychopathy in the presence is diagnosed for the patient of three and more points from the following criteria:

  • Indifference, often heartless to feelings of other people.
  • Irresponsibility, neglect to social norms, rules and duties.
  • Inability to build and support relationship with people.
  • Lack of ability to maintain the arising failures, the strengthened fight for execution of the requirements and desires, perhaps, with manifestation of signs of aggression, even including violence.
  • Lack of sense of guilt, inability to analyze the life experience and to derive benefit from it, especially from the received punishments.
  • Constant conflictness with society which arises because of the expressed tendency in charge of all of surrounding people, plausibly justifying the behavior.

When diagnosing, except the general criteria, symptoms of a psychopathy can be shown by the next moments in behavior of the person:

- disrespect of laws, their disturbance leading to arrests;

- a frequent lie, hypocrisy, deception of people around for obtaining personal benefit;

- inability of planning, impulsiveness;

- strong irritability, the aggression which is shown in frequent fights;

- lack of feeling of safety for and surrounding people, excessive riskiness;

- irresponsibility, inability to maintain an intense rhythm of work, to fulfill financial obligations;

- causing moral or physical harm to other people without sense of guilt in an effect, theft, etc.

Types of psychopathies

The following types of psychopathies are in practice allocated:

1. Asthenic type when the acrimony and a bystry exhaustion is observed.

2. Excitable type when there are fits of anger, inadequacy of emotional reactions.

3. Hysterical type when the impressionability, an egocentrism and suggestibility is inherent to the person.

4. Paranoiac – with manifestation of suspiciousness, a high self-assessment, tendency to imposing over the valuable ideas.

Types of psychopathies at each person are defined individually, proceeding from his behavior.

Psychopathy. Reasons of its emergence

The psychopathy arises at maldevelopment of strong-willed and emotional traits of character of the person. There is an opinion that the psychopathy is not a disease, and is caused by the certain pathology of character caused:

- inborn inferiority of a nervous system;

- birth trauma, head injury;

- hereditary factors, alcoholism of parents;

- serious illnesses in the early childhood;

- encephalitis.

The psychopathy of the personality can be caused by injuries, moral and household to conditions and adverse to environment conditions in general.

The psychopathy of the personality develops at the wrong education of children. Such education is divided into four options:

1. Hyper guardianship when parents pay special attention to the child, constantly impose it the opinion, do not allow it to show independence.

2. Hypoguardianship when parents, on the contrary, show insufficient attention to the child, are not engaged in his education.

3. "An idol of a family" when in a family flatter the child, carry out all his whims, constantly protect, do not accustom to work.

4. "Cinderella", when  the child does not receive caress from parents, he is beaten, scoff at him, opposed to other children.

Treatment of a psychopathy

The psychopathy not always needs treatment.

Лечение психопатии

In its prevention major importance is given to measures of social influence: to education in a family, at school, to social adaptation, the correct employment which has to correspond to I.Q. and a mental warehouse of the personality.

The diagnosed psychopathy of the personality demands treatment at which   methods of psychotherapeutic influence are applied: explanatory psychotherapy, hypnosis, autogenic training, family psychotherapy.

At drug treatment of a psychopathy psychotropic drugs, but very individually and taking into account personal features and psychopathological reactions are appointed.

To persons with symptoms of a psychopathy of emotional instability antidepressants, hysterical reaction — small doses of neuroleptics (Triphtazinum, aminazine), conditions of malignancy, aggression register — neuroleptics (a haloperidol, Tisercinum), with obviously expressed deviations in behavior well work сонапакс and neuleptil.

The psychopathy with heavy asthenic reactions demands purpose of stimulators (Sydnocarbum) or natural drugs such as ginseng, wolfberry, Chinese magnolia vine, элеутерококк, левзея, etc.

It is necessary to understand that a psychopathy – not a reason for self-treatment!  Only the psychiatrist has to be engaged in selection of any drugs, doses and ways of their use!

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