Carcinoma of the stomach – a dangerous malignant disease with localization on a mucous membrane of a stomach. He takes 2-3 third place on prevalence among other oncological diseases. A carcinoma of the stomach only malignant new growths of lungs and a breast usually meet more often.
The factors provoking a carcinoma of the stomach are rather various. Here both the wrong food allowance, and an alcohol abuse, and smoking, and an infectious factor, and just combined negative impact of ecology.
Symptoms of a carcinoma of the stomach are diagnosed for aged people more often 50 years are more senior. Annual routine screening inspections are very important for diagnosis of the first signs of a carcinoma of the stomach. Only earlier detection of symptoms of a carcinoma of the stomach and an early treatment gives the most optimistical forecast of a carcinoma of the stomach, up to full healing.
At an early stage of a carcinoma of the stomach the disease does not prove in any way therefore its detection is possible only during planned professional survey. As a rule, in an office to the gastroenterologist patients come already with certain complaints to health and explicit symptoms of a carcinoma of the stomach or other pathology of a digestive tract.
The first signs of a carcinoma of the stomach which are a little expressed and unsystematic. The patient quite often takes them for an exacerbation of other chronic disease or a seasonal indisposition. At worst at the first signs of a carcinoma of the stomach – discomfort or pain "in the pit of the stomach" - the patient within several months self-medicates folk remedies. Though this time is decisive for achievement of the best result in cancer therapy of a stomach.
With growth of a tumor the aching pain on a hungry stomach is added to other signs of a carcinoma of the stomach. Various drugs for decrease in acidity help to facilitate for short time a condition of the patient therefore patients quite often take the first signs of a carcinoma of the stomach for gastritis or the beginning of a peptic ulcer.
Frequent symptoms of a carcinoma of the stomach are also the loss of appetite and loss of weight. Patients can show selectivity in food, revolt to certain products, for example, to meat or milk. At a late stage of a carcinoma of the stomach the disease can be shown by vomiting of dark color and a liquid chair of a dark color. These symptoms of a carcinoma of the stomach testify to internal bleeding therefore the patient needs urgent hospitalization.
At localization of a tumor in an upper part of body a sign of a carcinoma of the stomach is the complicated swallowing. At total damage of a stomach a tumor and metastasises of a wall of a stomach become low-elastic, and the patient is quickly sated, feels constant weight in a stomach. At this stage of a disease carry to signs of a carcinoma of the stomach also the exhaustion caused by system vomiting and impassability of a stomach, yellowness of integuments, increase in a stomach (ascites) and consolidation of lymph nodes.
In classification of stages of a carcinoma of the stomach several signs are applied: a cellular texture of a tumor, type of its growth, a form, the size and prevalence of metastasises in a human body. Exact definition of a stage of a carcinoma of the stomach allows to appoint adequate therapy of a disease and most objectively to make the forecast.
The diagnosis a zero stage of a carcinoma of the stomach is established quite seldom. At it the malignant tumor has the minimum sizes and is located in blankets of a mucous membrane of a stomach. 1-4 stages of a carcinoma of the stomach are characterized by deeper germination of a tumor in walls of body and distribution of metastasises to the nearby and remote lymph nodes and bodies. The best forecast of a carcinoma of the stomach with permanent treatment in 90% of cases is observed at the first stage of a carcinoma of the stomach.
The probability of full healing or remission of a disease depends not only on a stage of a carcinoma of the stomach, but also on his form. Undifferentiated forms of a tumor are considered as the most aggressive. They are characterized by the high growth rate, bystry innidiation and, respectively, the worst forecast. The high-differentiated tumors are distinguished by the slowed-down growth and small expressiveness of innidiation.
In early diagnosis of a carcinoma of the stomach blood test on specific onkomarker of CA 19-19, and also CA 72-4 is applied. The precancerous condition of the patient with precursory symptoms of a carcinoma of the stomach can also be found during endoscopy using markers dyes.
At later stages of a carcinoma of the stomach a biopsy with further studying of the taken-away material, the X-ray analysis, a computer tomography, a magnetic and resonant tomography, and also laparoscopic diagnosis are in addition used.
Cancer therapy of a stomach is based on 3 main methods: surgical, chemotherapeutic and beam. Radicalism of the performed operation depends on a stage of a carcinoma of the stomach. Surgical cancer therapy of a stomach is not carried out only at nonresectable tumors and existence of the multiple complications caused by extensive innidiation. In that case to the patient the presurgical, so-called not adjuvant chemotherapy is appointed. After achievement by a tumor of the resectable sizes of the patient goes for surgical cancer therapy of a stomach.
At operational cancer therapy of a stomach various types of resections are applied: subtotal proximal or digistalny with removal ¾ parts of a stomach with a fatty tissue and lymph nodes or a gastrectomy with full removal of a stomach and adjacent sites of intestines and gullet. Palliative cancer therapy of a stomach at nonresectable tumors is intended to improve temporarily a condition of the patient and to eliminate impassability of a food path.
Cancer therapy of a stomach at a postoperative stage is supplemented by chemotherapy. It is even applied to prevention of a recurrence of a disease if tumoral weight was removed completely. At extensive innidiation of a carcinoma of the stomach and damage of lymph nodes the chemotherapy significantly reduces the speed of development of a disease, destroying the majority of cells of tumoral fabric.
Beam radiation at cancer therapy of a stomach is applied seldom in connection with a low performance of a method at this type of a tumor and a large number of complications.
Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.
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