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Endometrial cancer

Рак эндометрия является лидером по распространенности среди всех онкологических заболеванийEndometrial cancer is the leader in prevalence among all oncological diseases. He takes the 7th place among the reasons of mortality from oncological diseases.

About 100 thousand European women annually develop endometrial cancer, and from year to year this figure increases. Are most subject to this disease of the woman 50 years (90%) are more senior.

Uterus endometrial cancer: stages and risk factors

Most often (approximately in 75% of cases) the diagnosis is made at early stages of a disease as the most common symptom of endometrial cancer of the 1st degree (with involvement in oncological process only of a uterus) are dysfunctional uterine bleedings. In similar cases of 90% of women recover from a disease. Only 25% of the women who developed endometrial cancer are in the premenopauzalny period whereas most of patients are in a menopause.

Are the most common causes of development of endometrial cancer:

  • abortions,
  • adenomatosis,
  • inflammations of bodies of a small pelvis,
  • endometria hyperplasia,
  • hormonal frustration,
  • polyposes,
  • uterus fibromyomas,
  • frequent changes of sexual partners,
  • erosion of a neck of uterus.

In the presence of endometrial cancer symptoms apply the following techniques to diagnosis:

  • test across Papanikolau;
  • biopsy of an endometria or fractional curettage;
  • KT;
  • tsistoskopiya;
  • X-ray analysis;
  • urography;
  • rektoromanoskopiya;
  • limfoangiografiya.

Risk factors for emergence of endometrial cancer of a uterus are:

  • infertility;
  • obesity;
  • late menopause;
  • reception of some medicines (oral contraceptives, Tamoxifenum, estrogen);
  • diabetes mellitus.

According to classification of 2009 of the International federation of gynecologists and obstetricians distinguish the following stages of endometrial cancer:

  • 1 Oncological process is limited by a body of the womb;
  • 1A Invasions in a myometrium are absent or have the size less than in a half of its thickness;
  • 1B Myometrium invasions more than a half of its thickness;
  • 2 The tumor extends to a stroma of a neck of uterus, but is limited to a uterus;
  • 3 The tumor is widespread locally and/or regionally;
  • 3A The tumor sprouted in a serous cover of a uterus, there are metastasises in uterine tubes or ovaries;
  • 3B The tumor extended to a vagina and/or fabrics of a parametrium;
  • 3C1 Pelvic lymph nodes are affected with a tumor;
  • 3C2 Periaortal lymph nodes with or without involvement of lymph nodes of a basin are affected with a tumor;
  • 4 There is a germination of a mucous membrane of a bladder, rectum, and/or the remote innidiation;
  • 4A Germination of a mucous bladder or rectum;
  • 4B The remote metastasises, including an abdominal cavity and inguinal lymph nodes.

Types of cancer therapy of an endometria

На первой стадии рака эндометрия проводят удаление тела, шейки матки и придатков с двух сторонAt the first stage of a disease, as a rule, carry out removal of a body, neck of uterus and appendages from two parties, and an operative measure can be executed by a laparoscopy method. Expediency of a limfadenektomiya causes a set of a controversy today.

During operation of careful audit and a palpation other abdominal organs are exposed and a small pelvis, peritoneal washouts also undertake.

– diabetes, obesity, cardiovascular and other diseases – carry out by the patient with 1-2 stage of endometrial cancer having contraindications to operation remote radiation therapy or brachytherapy.

Cancer therapy of an endometria of heavier patients is discussed on medical consultations individually. Prevention of endometrial cancer consists in appointment to women of the menopausal period of estrogen in a complex with progesterone.

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