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Breast cancer

The breast cancer is the most widespread type of malignant tumors at women. Рак молочной железы - наиболее частый вид злокачественной опухоли у женщин

Cancer cases of a mammary gland make about 10% of all female population.

Are most subject to formation of a tumor of the woman 40 years are more senior, in extremely exceptional cases men develop a breast cancer.

Reasons and risk factors of developing of a breast cancer

Because of svy wide circulation, the breast cancer is studied much more than other oncological diseases. In spite of the fact that the proximate cause of developing of a breast cancer is unknown, the factors promoting a disease are rather accurately defined. Treat such factors:

  • Beginning of periods of earlier twelve-year age;
  • Lack of pregnancy and childbirth;
  • Approach of the first pregnancy is aged more senior than thirty years;
  • Existence of the interrupted pregnancies in the anamnesis;
  • Early interruption of a lactation after the delivery, or absence that;
  • Approach of a menopause is later than fifty years;
  • Presence of close relatives with oncological diseases;
  • Earlier postponed oncological disease;
  • Endocrine disturbances in an organism;
  • Disease - a fibrous and cystous mastopathy;
  • Long reception of hormonal contraceptives, and also gormonozamestitelny therapy during a climax;
  • The previous injury of a mammary gland;
  • Food with high content of carcinogenic substances (greasy, fried, smoked food, fast food);
  • The age is more senior than 40 years.

Each of the listed factors does not lead to a disease of a breast cancer, but increases risk of developing of a disease, especially at a combination of several stated above factors.

Symptoms of a breast cancer

The problem of a breast cancer, as well as many other types of cancer, consists that disease symptoms often become explicit only at a stage of the developed tumor. Early stages of a breast cancer often proceed asymptomatically. The most precursory symptom of a breast cancer is:

1) Emergence single or several chondroid consolidations, from several millimeters, to several centimeters in the diameter;

2) Change of the site of skin of one of mammary glands, skin can take a characteristic form of an orange crust, or to be involved;

3) In certain cases there are allocations from a nipple which are not connected with a lactation usually happen rusty and bloody or reddish color;

4) The nipple is flattened and pulled in, the affected mammary gland can increase, or on the contrary, will decrease in a size.

At symptoms of a breast cancer morbidity is not characteristic of a usual form, the pain syndrome develops only in a disease end-stage. At a mastitopodobny form symptoms of a breast cancer are similar to mastitis: the mammary gland reddens, swells, becomes painful.

Bol is expressed also at a rozhistopodobny form of a disease at which there are sites of reddening which are sharply limited from usual skin, gland swells, body temperature increases and the general state worsens.

Mastitopodobny and erysipelatous form of a breast cancer meet much less often than typical cancer, their danger consists that symptoms of a breast cancer in this case are characteristic not of a tumor, and of acute inflammatory process that can mislead.

One more of disease forms – a cancer en cuirasse of a mammary gland. Formation of dense infiltrate therefore the mammary gland becomes hilly and firm, similar to an armor which in certain cases covers all thorax is characteristic of it.

Also cancer of a papilla of the breast, or Pedzhet's cancer, the most rare form of a tumor meets. Symptoms of a breast cancer in this case are limited to damage of a nipple, signs are similar to eczema or psoriasis, the scales characteristic of psoriasis, or a crust against the background of reddening, characteristic of the becoming wet eczema can appear. At symptoms of a breast cancer of manifestation a nipple areola does not go beyond, the tumor can extend to both mammary glands.

The breast cancer metastasizes in axillary lymph nodes, a sign of emergence of metastasises is consolidation and increase in lymph nodes in sizes. On circulatory ways the tumor can metastasize in a brain, lungs and a liver.

Diagnosis of a breast cancer

The main diagnostic method of a breast cancer is mammography – X-ray inspection of mammary glands in different projections. As the additional method is applied by ultrasonography. The final diagnosis of a breast cancer is made on the basis of a biopsy – a laboratory research of the small piece of a tumor taken by means of a puncture or scraping (at superficial forms of a disease).

For identification of possible metastasises carry out MRT (magnetic and resonant tomography), iit a research of lungs, a liver and brain by means of methods of medical visualization. For identification of bone metastasises carry out a stsintigrafiya.

Cancer therapy of a mammary gland

Cancer therapy of a mammary gland complex for what the surgical oncotomy, therapy by cytostatics and radiation of regional lymph nodes is carried out. An indispensable condition, except for end-stages, is operation of removal of a breast cancer.

There is a classical option of cancer therapy of a mammary gland which is considered as the standard at this disease - a radical mastectomy. At this method the mammary gland and all axillary lymph nodes on the party of defeat completely is removed.

Лечение рака молочной железы лучевой терапиейNow in connection with advanced diagnostic methods even more often at early stages of a disease resort to the sparing, organ-preserving operation of a breast cancer. Before it conduct a careful research of a sentry lymph node – the first to which the lymph from a tumor comes. If there are no metastasises in a sentry lymph node, then they are not with probability of 98% at all. At cancer therapy of a mammary gland in that case carry out removal of the tumor plus several centimeters of surrounding healthy fabric, supplementing a surgical method with chemotherapy and radiation, as well as at a radical mastectomy.

On end-stages operation of a breast cancer is inefficient, and can be applied only as means of relief of sufferings. The main methods of cancer therapy of a mammary gland in this case are the chemotherapy and radiation, it is not about treatment, and about extension of life.

Forecast of a breast cancer

Five-year survival in that case when the tumor is found at an early stage, before emergence of clinical symptoms of a breast cancer, makes over 98%. At a stage of the developed clinical picture, at use of the complex treatment including a radical mastectomy, radiation of lymph nodes and chemotherapy – five-year survival about 60%. In the presence of the remote metastasises the forecast of a breast cancer adverse.

Whether you know that:

In the aspiration to pull out the patient, doctors often go too far. So, for example, a certain Charles Janszen during the period from 1954 to 1994 endured more than 900 operations on removal of new growths.